Status: Will You Beat The Blackness?

Love Is Dangerous


When I got home I was thinking of tho`s creepy dudes.....
"Driggggg"the alarm clock went.
"Noooo stop it you stupid clock I do not wanna get up"I said and through my pillow at it....
it fell over and stoped ringing..I got up,got dressed,went down stairs and my parents were still in bed...
Good..I put my shoes on and walk out the door.....
5 mintues after.....
I get to Zacky`s house and he is waiting outside for me...
`Dude you take forever I was about to leave without you dude"Zee said..
"Sorry I did not get up in time.."I say.
"its kool"He said...He sounds different,not like he is sick or anything it sounds like he is scared or mad at something.....
"Hey Zee,"I say.
"Yeah Jay?"He asks
"Is everything alright with you,,You sound sc--"He cut me off.
"Why would you ask everythin'is cool dude"He said...
`No your not`I say in my head "are you sure"I say
"Why dont you belive me serious dude everything is kool"He says fustrated.
"Okay you think what you think and I think what I think and its that something is bothering you because your acting different,If you need to tell me anthing im here dude"I say..He stops and says..
"Dude for the 100 time in fine.nothin' is bothin' me and I will tell you stuff when I want to tell you something alright'"He yells
"Alrigh' dude"I say and walk off without him.......
I am pissed off at him.....
When I get to school I see thoughs 3 guys from yesturday....They dont come near me..but when Zack comes they go over to him and im wondering what the hell are they talking about.....
I just ignore them and walk inside the school and I dont turn around to see if Zack is still there I just go straight to my locker....
__75 min__
Zack has not been here for 75 minutes I know he was here bc we were walkin' together and then we got into a fight..
I go look outside and he is not there either...Where the fuck could he be..?? I decide to call him....and then text him but he does not awnser and then I see a bag I go near it and its Zacks and the 3 men are not there and then it hits me.........They took ZACK!!!
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Okay so 2nd chapter what do you think ...Sorry I had to do that but it might get better...