Status: Will You Beat The Blackness?

Love Is Dangerous

Chapter 8.

Jimmys P.O.V

Oh fuck I hate this cold.I don't think it's a cold any more I think im sick now. with something. So I go look it up.
Q: Why do I have a cold for 6 months?

A: Because your either not healthy or you have Whooping Cough.
If you have coughing fits then you do.. Whooping Cough is a sickness that could kill you.. usally found in babies. but its also posible to be found it adults.

To get rid of it. Take a spoonful of your LOCAL honey for 3 weeks and you will be fine!
Well that was easy. I walk over to our kitchen and look in the fridge,I see the usall.But no HONEY. So I look in our cabnet and I see the fucking HONEY.I get out a fucking tablespoon and take it.. Fuck it taste nasty. It taste like Shit. actully it taste like something sticky and Bitter.

"Hey dude. what the fuck are you doing?"Matt asked walking over to me and stares at me funny.
"Oh this..... This is for my sickness see I have the fucking W--"I was cut off by my coughing fit.. after 5 minnutes I finally stoped. "Sorry. Whooping Cough!"I finaly finish my sentence and put back to HONEY.

Brian's P.O.V
I was lying in my bed, my room is black, Band posters, black and white floor, white and black blankets and black lamp and side table. and Thinking about why I hurt Zach yes I have a crazy and good side but thats not a good reason why I should hurt him. He's just so dame sexy.. But im to old for him.. thats what I told myself.. See I had MANY girlfriends before but I never felt a spark but when im with Zach there is one but he wont ever like me again. I always do shit to him but I guess thats how crazy people do it. but if he calls me a fucking pedophile again no more fucking Mr.Nice guy. Because I will change because I love him but not anymore imma torcher his fuckin' ass.

I walk out of my room. Walking on the squeeky floor to the brown basement door. Its all broke and like if you touch the middle you will have slinters.
So I unlock the old door quietly but I cant because the handle is broke so it squeeks.But I still manage to open the and walk in quietly. Im so glad he is sleeping.I walk over to Zach and kiss his head. I feel him move and.....

Matt's P.O.V

I have Johnny in my bed room. I figured that if they are in the same room they will be stronger and help each other out so now Zach is in the basement and Johnnys in my locked closet. its pretty big i mean if he can fit in it but still i wont keep him in a small space its big but not too big.. I walk over to my white closet and unlock it. when I get it opend and he is sleepingé I guess he looks peaceful sleeping so I close and lock it then I go in my bed and shut my Hazel eye's and I think about why I do this.
"No dad please dont please!"I yell as he puts the duct tape over my mouth. Shoves me into the closet with the door a little shut. and he said. "Now son.. This is how you treate people and how you do bad thing or the good thing.. Now watch me!"He says and pointing the lady with duct tape over her mouth and tied to the bed. My dad gets undressed and rips her clothes off then he slams into her... I do nothing just cry.. What I hear is the lady yelling through the duct tape and my dad slams. What I see. my dad and the lady and the lady is bleeding. after awhile he stops and takes out a knife and cuts her. when hes done and she is dead he comes and gets me and beats me.
-end of flashback-
When I open my eyes I have tears..
That what happend to all of us thats why we are like this.

3rd P.O.V
Brian wachted as Zach tossed and turned. He really did not look comfortable so Brian wents up the squeeky stairs,Opend the door. then locked it and went to get a mattress and acouple blankets and pillows..
He walks back down the big stair case and goes to the basement door. Un-locks and opens the door. brings the stuff down and then walks up the stairs and shuts the door. then he places the matress beside Zach and picks him up and puts him on the mattress then puts the blankets and puts a pillow under his head and then walks back to the stairs..
"Come back here!"Zach whispers and Brian does. He sits beside the mattress.. "Why you do this for me?"Zach asks look up at Brian.
"Because you looked cold and uncomfortable."Brian says.Looking into Zach eyes with the little light he had.
"Thank you!"Zach Says and grabs Brian's arm and......

Matt was lying on the couch watching some dame retartd show. It was for kids.See Matt has a kid. and a wife. They dont know that he does this. He loves his family and will never hurt them. Why Matt is watching cartoons is because he is with his son Jamie.
"Daddy.. "Jamie said do his dad is a cute tone.
"Yes baby?"Matt asked kissing the tip of Jamies nose.
"I wobe you"Jamie said. Thats how he says Love see he is only 4..
"And I wobe you too"Matt says hugging Jamie more..

Jimmy was out of the house. he went to walk. He walks in the park and into the woods. on the way there he sees a duck. see Jimmy is not mean he is fucking funny..
"Look at the size of that fucking duck! LOOK AT THAT DUCK! Jesus Christ. Come here your fuckin’ STALLION DUCK! He’s not afraid at all! He’s not afraid at all! He’s not afraid at all! That’s the biggest fuckin’ duck I’ve ever seen in my life.
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Chapter Dedicated to ShrieK6661_ ...
and Thank you ShrieK6661_ for commenting! <3

I hope you all enjoy this chapter