Status: Will You Beat The Blackness?

Love Is Dangerous

Chapter 9.

Zacks P.O.V

I don't know how I like Brian.
Maybe it's abuse.
Maybe I like pain.

But when he raped me..
It did not feel like rape.

wait what am I thinking..
I just dont know..

I wonder where Johnny is?.

"Johnny?" I say looking around.
"Johnny"I say it alittle louder.
"Johnny?"I yell.
I am really worried now.

I hear someone walking towards the basement.
when the door open's Brian walk's in.

"Hi"He say's quietly.
"Hi" I whisper more to myself then to him.

"How are you?"He asks while laying next to me.
"Fine I guess. How are you?"I ask while rubbing Brian's chest.
"thats good. i'm s--- fine"Brian say's holding the hand that I was rubbing his chest with.
"What were you going to say?"I say Brian looking into his teary eyes.
"Nothing love!"Brian say's kissing my nose.
"Tell me!"I demende pulling away from Brian.
"Nothing to worrie about" Brian says in my ear..
all it took was a look and he told me.
"I'm sore"Brian says rubbing my back kissing my lips.
and I kiss him back.

After 10 minutes of Making out we break apart,
"I love you" He breaths out falling asleep.
'now is my chance'I thought and got up quietly.
Without making a sound I walked up the stairs and opened the unlocked door. looking out seeing the house dark. I shut the door and tip-toed to the door forgeting about Johnny..
Trying to open the door but it was locked. 'fuck' I yelled in my head and looked for key's.

I easily found them on the table. and unlocked the door. But all of a sudden I heard a foot-step!!
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the late update.
I hope you enjoy this.. <3
and I know its short but it had to happen