Cause she loves her wild-eyed southern boy

Whut the ***!?!

It was a normal day in Georgia well as normal as a day could be here when you live with two men I had just got back in from feeding my dogs when I heard something in the back yard I looked out the their was four people walking towards the house or it looked like they was walking I didn't think anything of it cause the boys have people over all the time until they stated towards my two red-ticks making them start barking like crazy I sat down their feed bucket on the table and walked out the back door
"HEYY!"I yelled out at them but they didn't turn around
"HEY!!"I yelled again walking closer
"HEY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE THIS IS PRIVATE PROPERTY!"as I got closer I noticed something was right about them then all the sudden they lugged at my dogs sinking there teeth into them ripping them apart
"GET OFF THEM"I screamed grabbing a small tree limb hitting one in back it turned around and started at me I screamed making the others turn at me to I was shocked at what I was seeing these people looked something out of a horror movie they were bloody skin was hanging off theirs face and bodies their cloths were ripped and torn starting reaching out trying to grab me as I started screaming
"DARYL"I screamed as I took off across the yard with them fallowing me, he stepped out of the shed next to the smoke house with Merle
"Whut the fuck!?!"Merle said as I reached them looking at the things fallowing me
"They killed Beau and Daisy"I cried in Daryl's arms
"It's ok Clar"He said holding me close
"Daryl we got bigger problems"Merle said grabbing his gun and started shooting at them Daryl grab my arm pulling over to the smoke house opening the door pushing me in
"Stay here"He said closing the door
"DARYL DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!"I screamed beating on the door
"STAY IN THERE CLARA!"He yelled as he walked away
"Daryl please!"I cried sliding down the door pulling me knees to my chest I looked around the smoke house all I seen was old parts here and there was piles of wood some tools too as I heard a nose coming from somewhere in the room I slowly got up seeing a gun on a table across the room I made my way across the room grabbing the gun and turning a round to see a rat running across the floor 'Nice Clara scared of a rat' there was only two windows I had to look out, one on the door and one on the left beside of it I moved myself beside the window to where I couldn't be seen if someone walked by I tried to listen outside but all I hear was guns going off then it just stop I shank to the floor holding the gun close to me I heard foot steps coming close to the door I crawled across the floor to a cabinet opened it the I crawled in and closed the door, your probably think that a chicken hiding instead of fighting but this was new to me I didn't know how to fight then but put me in a field or the woods with a gun against any kind of animal and ill kill it but not those things. I stopped thinking when the door opened 'oh god what if they killed Daryl and Merle like they did Beau and Daisy' I felt a tear roll down my face the foot steps got closer to the cabinet I was gettiing ready to cock to the gun when I heard Daryl call my name I threw open the doors and ran over to him
"Oh my god I thought they killed you"I cried into his arms
"It's ok they didn't get us"He said holding me close
"Was those what I think they were?"I said looking up at him
"Bunch of dead assholes"
"But how?"
"I don't know babe"
"Is Merle ok?"
"Yea' he's ok now lets get in the house before more of em come" He said leading me over to the house
"More?"I said looking around feeling unsafe in my own home as we walked in Daryl started locking the doors and windows as I sat down on the counter looking out the window Daryl walked over to me pushing between my legs wrapping his arms around me
"Nothin's gonna happen to ya I swear to god I will not let anythin' lay a finger on ya do ya hear me nothin'"He said taking my face in his hands
"What if something happens to you"looking into his eyes
"Then Merle will take care of ya"
"I don't want Merle taking care of me! I want it do be you I don't wanna lose you like I lost them"as the tears ran down my face he whipped them away with his thumbs
"I'm ant goin' anywhere as long as I help it"Kissing me on the lips
"Daryl we need to leave the whole towns almost gone we need to get are shit and go!"Merle said running into the house I looked at Daryl then Merle
"Baby go get as much as ya cloths as ya can get in one bag"Daryl said sitting me on my feet then running off threw the house I ran into our room and started packing as much as I could into one big bag as Daryl came in grabbing his crossbow and guns then running back out I grabbed another bag and started packing Daryl's bag I dragged them into the living room Merle grabbed them and took them out to Daryl's truck
"Baby ya ready?"
"What about the house?"
"I'll lock it up and bored up the windows"Merle said to me, Daryl took my hand as we ran out the door and over to his truck
"Hurry up Merle damn it!"Daryl yelled watching his back as he did what told me he would do then ran for his bike as we pulled out I looked back at the house then over at Daryl and he saw me looking at him
"Whut?"He asked I shooter over to him laying my head on his shoulder
"I love you"
"I love you to"
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