Status: Writing writing writing...

Home Could Be Anywhere When I Am Holding You.

Chapter 10;

Dan was dragging me through London. He had some serious business meeting with the BBC people and he wanted me to come with him and Phil. We got to the studio where Dan was carted away from me, leaving me alone in the reception. I sighed and sat on the chair, pulling out my phone and scrolling through twitter, tumblr and facebook. There was rarely anything interesting on facebook, just people complaining about their lives. I sighed as I sat there, swinging my legs backwards and forwards, waiting.
“Can I get you anything?” The secretary asked me.
“No, thanks,” I smiled. “I hate waiting.” I laughed quietly, looking at the floor.
“Let me know if you need anything! They shouldn’t be too long.” She smiled and went back to bashing on her keyboard, typing furiously, scowling at the screen.
I sat there and texted Charlie. I hadn’t spoken to her for a while.
‘Hey girl, what’s going on?’
‘Ooh, it’s you. Nothing much, you with lover boy?’
‘Indeed, how’s stuff back home? Anything happen?’
‘Eh, David’s acting weird, idk, I think he’s just stressed about work and stuff. Nothing really’s happening, how’s Dan?’
‘Dan’s good,’ I blushed slightly as I typed. ‘He’s got a meeting with the BBC, so I’m waiting around for him, and people are trying to talk to me. I don’t like it.’
‘You really need to get over this social awkwardness. You’re dating literally the hottest guy ever. Babe, it’ll go soon. I promise.’
‘And this is why you’re my best friend. I love you.’
‘Ew, you lesbian. Get away. I love you too.’
‘I’m sorry I just can’t control myself. You’re too hot for me.’
‘I know. Come back soon yeah? And we’ll go out.’
‘I’m back on Wednesday so I’ll see you Thursday night?’
‘Of course sweetcheeks. See you then!’
I locked my phone and went back to swinging my legs.


2 hours later Dan, Phil and I were on our way back to the flat, and I’d managed to fall asleep in the reception back in the BBC, so I was sluggish. I was leaning into Dan to keep myself upright.
“Tired?” Dan whispered into my ear, kissing the side of my head.
“Mmm, don’t let me fall asleep again.” I breathed, my eyelids drooping slightly.
“I won’t.” He kissed the side of my head again, his arm wrapping around my waist, my head resting against his chest as we stood on the crowded tube.
I heard Dan and Phil talking as I desperately tried to stay awake, and eventually we got off the tube and walked the few meters back to the flat. We got in and Dan led me straight to the couch where he sat and pulled me onto his lap, my head under his chin, and him tracing patterns onto my spine.
Dan woke me a few hours later.
“I’m sorry, I’m always falling asleep.”
“You obviously need it. I don’t mind though.” He kissed my forehead and hugged me closer.
We sat there for a while before we decided to cook dinner. I followed Dan into the kitchen and sat on the countertop rubbing my tired eyes as he cooked. He had his back turned to me and all I could look at was his ass. It’s not my fault! His jeans were falling down and my attention was drawn. I sat there and Dan poured us both a glass of wine, us both knowing that wine is the only thing that can get us both drunk very quickly. He put the dinner in the oven and came and stood in between my legs, his arms wrapped around my waist and kissing my lips softly at first, then the kiss deepening to the point where I thought we’d have to go elsewhere. His tongue traced my lips wanting access which I granted, our tongues in a battle for dominance. I don’t think I’d ever get tired of kissing him. The timer went off and he pulled away, kissing me once last time, smirking, before turning to the oven. I rolled my eyes and smacked his ass as he bent to get the food out. He spun around with the dish in hand, nearly dropping it over me, his eyebrow raised and the smirk still in place.
“Playing games, are we?” He asked me.
“You know I’ll win though.”
“Unfortunately, I do.”
I laughed and followed him back to the lounge where Phil was sat with a glass of wine on Skype to someone. I raised an eyebrow and sat on the sofa.
“Hey, do you wanna talk to Hannah?” He suddenly asked whoever he was talking to. He looked up and I walked over to the computer, and saw myself staring at my sister.
“Lou?” I asked, confused.
“Hey sis. You alright?”
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“Nothing… I just wanted to talk to Phil… so…”
“Why didn’t you call me?”
“I dunno, I thought you’d be busy… so I asked Phil if we could talk.”
“Sweetie, I’m never too busy. Just call me, okay?”
“I will, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be baby. So how’s your week been so far?”
“It’s been pretty good. I kinda miss you.”
“I miss you too. I’ll be home soon. Okay?”
“Okay. I gotta go.”
“Okay baby girl. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The call disconnected and I stared at the screen for a minute before excusing myself and going to Dan’s room, hiding my face and crying.
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it's here now
crazy busy. update again... possibly tomorrow/thursday?