Status: Writing writing writing...

Home Could Be Anywhere When I Am Holding You.

Chapter 13;

After our shower rendezvous, we joined Charlie and Phil back in the lounge, both of our faces pink and our eyes wide.
“Have fun?” Charlie smirked.
“Yes.” I looked at the floor.
“Sounded like it.” She laughed.
My mouth hit the floor and I blushed furiously, turning around to hide my face in Dan’s chest. He chuckled lightly and hugged me tightly, moving us both toward the sofa. He sat in the corner seat, pulling me onto him, my face pressed against his shoulder.
“Did you have fun?” I asked snidely.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She answered innocently.
“Don’t bullshit me, love. I’m talking about with the lovely Phillip here.”
“You saw that!?” She shouted and I nodded. “Oh shit. Uh yeah, I did.” She looked at Phil and blushed.
I laughed, “Sweetie, get over it.”
She groaned and buried her face in her hands. I kissed Dan’s chin, and his arms tightened around my waist. All 4 of us sat there watching some trashy audition show, which all of us groaned at how painful half of them were.


The next morning, I kicked Dan out of… “our” bedroom, and Charlie and I were laying on the bed with face packs on and reading girly magazines.
“Jesus, it’s been ages since we’ve done this.”
“I know,” I sighed. “I miss you, you know? I’m here so much now, I don’t really see you.”
“I’ve been thinking…”
“Moving. To London. And I was wondering if you’d move here with me?”
“WHAT?!” I shot up, staring at her.
“I need a break, and I thought seeing as you’re here all the time, we could both get jobs here, well you could transfer, and then we could both be here and start new? I know how much you wanna get away from Nathan.”
“He texted me the other day.” I mumbled to the bed.
“HE WHAT?!” It was her turn to shoot up.
“He wanted to get together… you know. The usual.”
“You need to stop letting him into your life, sweetie. He’s not good for you. He’s not good for anyone.”
“I know. Doesn’t matter anymore. Seeing as we’re moving.” I smirked.
“WHAT!?” She laughed. “ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS?”
“Of course! I don’t see the point it me wasting fuel every time I want to see Dan. It’ll make life easier for me too. I have to bring Louise with me though. She can’t stay there on her own.”
“I know,” she looked sad again. “She’s coming too.”
“Flat hunting tomorrow?” I asked.
She perked up again as she nodded her head.
I heard a knock on the door followed by a feeble, “Hannah?”
“Yes Daniel?” I called, knowing it was him.
“Can I come in?”
“Hannah, I really need to come in.”
“Urgh, fine. Give me a minute.” I said as I scrubbed the face pack off my skin. I walked over to the door and flung it open to reveal a crying Dan.
“Is it true?”
“Is what true, baby?”
“THAT YOU CHEATED ON ME ALREADY?!” He screamed, more tears rolling down his cheeks.
“You actually think that I would do that to you?” I started crying. “Wow, Dan. I thought you had more faith in me than that. And just so you know, no I didn’t. I think you should leave me alone for a while.”
I slammed the door, walking over to the bed, flinging myself over it, sobbing into the pillows. Charlie rubbed my back soothingly, trying to calm me down. My phone vibrated.
‘That’s what you get for ignoring me, bitch.’
“Oh fucking hell.”
“What?” Charlie asked, worried.
“I know who it was…”
I nodded. I stood up from the bed and went to Phil’s room, where I knew Dan was. He was lying in the same position I was a few minutes ago. I looked at Phil, who nodded and walked over to me. He pushed me back into the hallway and closed the door, leaving Dan sobbing into the pillow. All I wanted to do was run in there and look after him.
“I don’t know why he thinks it’s true.”
“My fucking ex. That’s who started this whole bullshit. I’m so mad at him.”
“Sort him out?” He pointed to the closed door and I nodded. I hugged Phil and went through the door.
“Dan?” He froze. “Dan, baby? Baby, please look at me?” He slowly lifted his head off the pillow, turning to meet my eyes with his tear filled ones. “No, no tears. I know who started this, and you have to believe me, it’s not true. It was Nathan who told you somehow, wasn’t it?” He nodded, wiping tears off his face. “He’s the guy who used me. Don’t ever even think that I would ever cheat on you. Daniel, baby, you mean so much to me. I love you. I couldn’t cheat on you even if I tried. I love you so much, okay baby?”
“I love you too.” He said, his voice hoarse. He kissed me softly and pulled me into his chest.
“You fucking better.” I laughed.
“Does this mean we have hot angsty make up sex now?”
“DAN!” I shouted, outraged. “No it does not!”
“Damn.” He bit his lip lightly.
I kissed him once more before he engulfed me in his arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
I literally have no idea where I'm going with this. *sigh*
Sorry it's taken me so long to update, I went to Final Night of Sin (You Me At Six) which was bloody awesome.
But yes, i don't know where I'm going with this. I'll figure it out.