Status: Writing writing writing...

Home Could Be Anywhere When I Am Holding You.

Chapter 15;

Christmas morning was… different. I’d never been with people that actually care. Maggie and Peter were lovely and had accepted me as one of their own. Dan and I were up in his bedroom… our bedroom… feeling fat after eating literally the most food ever.
“Urgh, I feel like a beached whale.” I moaned into his side.
He chuckled and kissed the top of my head, “Shouldn’t of eaten so much.”
“You never told me your mum was a killer cook.”
“I don’t think you’d’ve believed me.”
“Literally the best thing I’ve ever eaten in my life. So worth all this.”
“Then shush!” He laughed.
“Fine, fine. Sleep now.”
I buried myself under the covers, and pushing my body against him.
“It’s like 6 at night.”
“Wake me when your radio show is on. Ok?”
“Okay. Sleep well.”
He kissed my head once more and I fell asleep.


We were back at the flat a few days later; it was New Year’s Eve eve, so Dan, Phil and I were inviting people over for drinks at new year. Louise was coming up, as was Charlie. I hadn’t really met any of Dan’s friends. I was nervous, and Dan could tell.
“You’ll be fine, they’re going to love you. I promise.” He reassured me.
“You know how nervous I get around new people. Remember when I met you?”
“Yes! You were the most socially awkward person I’d ever met,” he pulled my chin up so I was looking into his eyes. “You are also the most beautifully awkward people.”
“You’re so cringey at times.”
“But you love me.”
“Sometimes.” I laughed.
“Sometimes!” He mocked, falsely offended. “Only sometimes!?”
“All of the time.” I murmured as I kissed him.
“Ew, you guys are gross.” Phil commented to himself.
“Just wait till Charlie gets here Phillip.” I winked.
“You’re going to hold that over me forever aren’t you?”
“Of course.”
“Daaaaaann!” Phil whined like a small child. “Your girlfriend’s being mean.”
“Daaaan!” I pouted playfully. “Tell Phillip to be quiet.”
“Now, now children.” He joked, kissing my forehead.
I rested my head on his shoulder as we waited for Charlie and Louise. Luckily we didn’t have to wait long, as an hour later all 5 of us were sat in the living room, talking like they’d been there the whole time.
“I’ve missed you girls.” I told them.
“We missed you too! Louise especially.”
“Hey! She’s my sister you turnip.”
Dan laughed, and I could feel the vibrations from his chest rumbling through my back as I leaned against him.
“Lou, you can’t just call people turnips, even if Dan finds it funny.” I said as I elbowed him in the stomach.
“She is a turnip though.”
“Darling. Shush.”
Louise glared at me as I shook my head.
“So! Who’s looking forward to tomorrow?”
“Finally a new year. It’ll be a good one I think.”
“New start for all of us.” Dan kissed my cheek.
“It’ll be worth it all.”
“Vomit.” Louise muttered.”
“No. You’re so overly cute it makes me want to barf.”
“Thank… you?” I said, not really sure if it was a compliment.
“I’m going to bed. It’s getting late.”
I looked at the clock and it was 2am, “what? I’m going to bed too. I’m so tired.”
“Louise and Charlie, you guys are in the spare room, I hope that’s cool?” Dan told them.
“Fine. Thanks guys.”
I led them down the hall and passed out when my head hit the pillow.
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Sorry this is a bit of a crap chapter, there will be one on Sunday, hopefully it'll be better!