Status: Writing writing writing...

Home Could Be Anywhere When I Am Holding You.

Chapter 17;

“Hannah, what are you doing?” Dan asked me, his mouth at the floor.
“Nobody touches me like that. Ever.” I whispered, horrified.
Carla looked up at me, a terrified expression plastered all over her face. I looked at Dan who bent down next to the girl, making me feel like utter shit. I walked quickly from the room into the bathroom and locked the door. I stared at my reflection for a few seconds before I sighed and dropped to the floor.
“Hannah? It’s Phil.”
“One second,” I murmured as I unlocked the door. “Hi Phil.”
“Are you okay?” I motioned for him to come into the bathroom.
“I got jealous. I didn’t mean to hit her. She went to hit me and I’m not going back to that. I’m sorry, I’m just not.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Phil hugged me. “Don’t feel bad. She does this all the time. You and Dan have only been together a few months, it’s perfectly normal.”
“Yes, but how normal is it to punch your boyfriend’s ex? Particularly one he was with for ages.”
“Just relax, okay? She was about to leave.”
“Knowing Dan he would’ve felt guilty and invited her to stay tonight. If he has; can I sleep in your room?”
“Sure, sure. Just don’t worry about it. Come back out. PJ and Chris are worried about you.”
“Why are they worried? I’m in the freaking bathroom.”
He laughed, “Come on.”
He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and gave me a tight hug and kissed the top of my head, pulling me out the small room. I took a deep breath and went back to Chris and PJ.
“You okay?” Chris whispered to me.
I shrugged, “He’s pissed with me.”
“He’ll get over it. He has a guilty conscience.”
I leaned into Chris and he gave me a hug.


The next morning I woke up on the sofa with Chris by my feet.
“Shit, my head.” I moaned.
“You drank a lot. Head massage?” Chris offered.
I nodded, “Please?”
I rested my head on his lap as he stroked my hair and massaged it softly. I smiled and buried my head into his leg.
“Where’s Dan?” I asked in a small voice.
“He’s… in his room.” He answered hesitantly.
“Is she there?” He didn’t answer. “Chris, what the fuck happened?”
“You told him where to shove it and then had an argument.”
“He’s pissed and he slept with her, right?”
“In all honesty, I don’t know. I hope not.”
“Jesus Christ, what did I do?” I sobbed. “I don’t want to lose him.”
“Talk to him, you turnip.”
I chuckled, “Wait here then.”
I got up from the sofa, groaning as my head pounded more. I walked to the room, my eyes half closed as I felt the wall to Dan’s room. I opened the door and saw Dan laying there mostly naked, with a mostly naked girl next to him.
“What the fuck Dan!?” I screamed, waking them both up.
“NOTHING HAPPENED!” He yelled back.
“Get dressed and explain,” I told him, my eyes dangerous. “And then throw her out.”
I walked out of the room and back to Chris.
“You heard? Well… it was pretty hard not to.”
“You woke up PJ too. He’s gone to make coffee.”
Dan came wandering in, “Kitchen?” He asked.
I nodded and followed him in where PJ was.
“Sorry for waking you.” I told him.
He smiled and patted my shoulder before walking out.
“Explain. Now.”
“You were pretty drunk, and you started shouting at me about how you didn’t want to lose me and you thought I was mad because you punched Carla, nice shot by the way, and then that was it, you passed out. So I talked to her and then I went to bed leaving her in here with PJ and Chris, and then you came in this morning.”
“Still doesn’t explain why she got in your bed.”
“She told me she misses me and she wants me back but I told her I love you.”
“So much drama. And I love you too.”
“You better.”
“I’m sorry.”
He kissed me, “trust me, okay? I’ll never do anything to hurt you.”
I sighed, “what did you mean nice shot?”
“It was a good punch! I just didn’t expect it to come from you. I just had to check if she was okay and then you disappeared.”
“I thought you were mad.”
“How could I be mad!?” He laughed. “Quite possibly the best thing you’ve ever done.”
I laughed quietly, “I love you. So much.”
“I love you too.” He murmured as he kissed me once more.
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't know if I actually like the middle part of this chapter. It makes them both seem really immature and untrusting of each other? I don't know.
2 in a week though as there won't be one Sunday.
Love you all!