Status: Writing writing writing...

Home Could Be Anywhere When I Am Holding You.

Chapter 2; Late Night Calls.

I dialed the number.
“Why did you not tell me who you were?” I growled down the phone when he answered.
“I thought you knew? Are you angry?”
“No. Obviously I did not know. And no,” I sighed. “I’m just confused and my sister is freaking out because you and--.”
“Just be calm okay?” He cut me off.
“Daniel, this isn’t funny. What if yours subscribers find out and hate me?”
“That won’t happen. Just don’t worry about it. There is nothing happening between us right now, so there’s no reason for them to freak out. Okay?”
I let out a deep breath. “Okay, sorry for being all aggy, it’s just… it’s not every day you meet an attractive YouTuber, who also gives you his phone number.”
“Well you were interesting, and I liked that.”
“Thanks? I think?”
“Definitely a compliment. Do you find it easier to talk over the phone or something?”
“Yeah, cause I hate having to look at people when I talk to them.”
“Will I see you again?”
“Please?” He whined. It was quite adorable actually.
“I said maybe. I don’t really know what I’m doing.”
“Okay,” he chuckled lightly. “Phil needs me right now, we’re supposed to be filming.”
“Okay well… you have my number now. Text me or something. I might reply.” I laughed.
“I will. Bye, Hannah.”
The phone line went dead and I was left with a grin on my face. I sighed and flopped on my bed, before my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.


I woke up with a start, my phone vibrating somewhere in my bed. I hated being a violent sleeper for this exact reason. I sighed and started searching. I found it and it was Dan’s name illuminating the screen.
“Hello?” I answered my voice thick with sleep.
“Did I wake you?” He asked.
“A little bit, it’s okay, I don’t normally sleep this early.”
“I just wanted to tell you that it was nice meeting you.”
“Dan… you phoned me just to say that?”
“Well… that and it’d be good to see you again. So you are invited to stay at mine and Phil’s apartment this weekend.”
I sighed quietly, “I can’t.”
“Why not?” Curiosity filled his voice, he was sad.
“I actually have a job. This is my weekend in.”
“Well… how about during the week?”
“Are you really this desperate to see me again?” I laughed.
“Uh. Maybe.” His voice went quiet.
“Fine, add me on Skype, and then we’ll see.” I gave him my Skype address, and opened up my laptop.
“Okay, there. Can we… Skype now?”
¬¬“If you want, but we have to be quiet, my parents are asleep, and my sister should be, but she’s never asleep.”
He laughed, “how old is your sister?”
“She’s 14.” I said uncomfortably.
“You don’t like talking about your family?” He picked up on my tone.
“It’s… complicated.” I said eventually.
I opened Skype, and saw the request, I pressed accept, and I heard Dan chuckle on the end of the line. Suddenly, a chat opened and a request came through for video chat. I accepted and his face filled my screen, his phone still at his ear.
“Are we gonna hang up?” I asked him.
The phone went dead, but I heard his voice through the laptop, “Well, it would be pointless staying on the phone and Skyping wouldn’t it?”
“I guess so.”
We stayed on Skype until 3am, asking pointless questions, about favorite bands, foods, drinks, tv shows, films and everything like that. He cleverly avoided the topic of family, knowing it was something I didn’t like talking about, and also cleverly avoided past relationships, which was a bonus, seeing as mine were… interesting to say the least.
I yawned, “Tired?” He asked me.
“A little.” I murmured.
“If you wanna sleep, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, if that’s alright?”
“It’s fine, we have been talking for almost 4 hours.”
“WHAT.” I said loudly. I clamped a hand over my mouth, afraid I’d woken someone.
“Hannah, go to sleep, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Well… later.” He smiled, showing off those adorable dimples.
“Night Daniel.” I smiled, and sighed before the call terminated.
I fell into an easy sleep.


I woke up later, at some point during the afternoon, with a text from Dan;
Good morning beautiful.
If he was always like this, he was a fucking cheese. It still made me smile. I rolled my eyes at Louise, who knew the reason that I was in a good mood, until it was crushed, at least, by my parents.
“I need you to babysit tonight. We’re out.”
“Anything else you need me to do?”
“Cook dinner, clean, and that is about it.”
“How many am I cooking for?” I asked bluntly.
“All of us.”
“Brilliant.” I muttered.
Louise looked at me, “don’t let them get to you.” She murmured, so only I could hear.
I turned on my heel, and went back upstairs, closing my bedroom door behind me. I tied my hair back with a hair tie, and grabbed the few items of clothing that were on the floor and shoved them aside in the wardrobe. I sighed and sat back on the bed and called Dan.
“Dan?” I choked out, my throat closing in on itself.
“What’s wrong?” His voice full of worry.
“Is it okay if I come and see you? I need to get away.”
“Sure, whatever you need.”
“I have to bring my sister though. I’ll explain. Is it cool if I meet you at that Starbucks?”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll see you in about 2 hours then.” I could tell he was smiling.
I ended the call, and quickly washed my hair, before blow-drying my fringe and getting dressed, and finally, putting on some make up. I grabbed my car keys, and went into Louise’s room.
“We’re going out. Come on. I’ll buy you take out for dinner or something.”
“Where are we going?”
“London.” I said simply.
“What about mum and dad?”
“There’s leftovers in the fridge. They can sort themselves out.”
She nodded and followed me down the stairs to my Toyota Yaris. It was my favorite car to drive. I shoved my iPod on, and the first song that came on was ‘Sad’ by Maroon 5.
Matches my mood exactly, I thought.
Louise raised her eyebrows at me, but let it go. I sang along, with her staring at me.
“What?” I asked her, feeling self-conscious as normal.
“You know, you really can sing.”
I blushed, “shut the hell up. We all know I sound like a dying cat.”
“Well, uh, thanks sis.”
The rest of the drive was silent till we pulled up at the car park down the road from the coffee shop.
“Please be normal.”
“I’m not promising anything.” She winked.
I sighed, exasperated. I knew she was joking.
I hoped.