Status: Writing writing writing...

Home Could Be Anywhere When I Am Holding You.


Oh my god it's been forever since i've written, like about a year it must be now?
I am so, so sorry for not writing and thank you for staying subscribed to this story. its just been a crazy busy year (well few months at least)
i'd write a list but it'd be too long and i'm not making excuses i am just a horrible horrible person and i deserve to be shot.
i (hopefully) might start writing again soon, i've just had a massive writers block and have been in bed for the last few weeks feeling sorry for myself and when i'm not doing that i'm working stupid hours.
instead of giving you a chapter tonight, i'm gonna give you a bit of advice; be grateful for what you have.
i was in a car accident last week and i'm honestly lucky to be alive. if anyone was coming the other way, or if i hit one of the road signs while the car was spinning i wouldn't be writing this right now and oh my god i have never been more grateful to be alive. the police came and they said all three of us are lucky to have walked away with no injuries. sidenote: my car is pretty much fine. i have to get the chair replaced and a wheel but other than that everything is fine.
either way, my head is in a bit of a mess right now but once that's gone i hopefully will write again, and i've got my dad and grandfather going into hospital before christmas so it's just a bit mad. when i have the time i will write, i promise you guys.
thank you so so much for sticking with this, and please for your sake, stay safe.