Status: Writing writing writing...

Home Could Be Anywhere When I Am Holding You.

Chapter 4; Playing

Louise was shaking me awake.
“Hannah, are you okay?” Worry filled her voice.
I breathed heavily, “Yeah I think so. Jesus that was terrifying.”
“More nightmares?”
I nodded as I sat up in the middle of the floor. I ran a hand through my sweaty hair whilst my breathing and pulse went down. Louise sat on the floor beside me, rubbing my back in soothing circles the whole time. I smiled at her gratefully. I sighed.
“What time is it?”
“Half 10?”
I heard movement from behind the door, “We should get up.”
She groaned and flopped back on the bed, “do we have to?”
“Yes!” I laughed. “Come on! Get up!” I poked her continuously.
When she finally got up, she looked at me, “What are you wearing?”
“I think it’s Dan’s shirt… and a pair of his joggers. I don’t know. What are you wearing?”
“Phil’s stuff.” She shrugged.
“I’m amazed. Yesterday you were fangirling and barely able to function. What’s happened?”
“Just… you and Dan… you’d be good together. I thought I’d better get used to being around them. They’re only people, after all.”
“What the hell do you mean ‘good together’?”
“You’d make a good couple, let’s face it, you have so many things in common. Music taste, you guys can both play piano, you’re both stupidly weird.”
“Shut up. And he doesn’t know I play yet.”
“Why not?”
“Because I didn’t tell him.”
She frowned at me as I walked out of the room. I went into the bathroom and looked at the state my hair was in. I sighed and combed it through with my fingers before moving my fringe back over my face. I rinsed my mouth out with water and went to the lounge. Dan and Phil were both sat on the sofa with their Macbooks resting on their laps. Dan looked up at me and smiled.
“Hey!” He walked over and hugged me tightly. “You okay?”
“Hi,” I returned his hug, my head resting on his chest, his head resting on the top of mine. “Yeah, I’m good. You?”
“I’m good,” he kissed the top of my head lightly. “Drink?”
“Sure.” I followed him into the kitchen and sat on the counter.
“Please.” I smiled as he leant on the counter next to me. His arm touching mine slightly, I could feel the sparks between us. I breathed in heavily and moved my arm away. He moved closer to me and kissed my cheek softly. I pulled him closer to me and had my chin resting on his shoulder, his on mine, my legs wrapped around his waist and our arms wrapped around each other. I sighed happily into him. We sat there for a few minutes like that.
“Hannah?” I heard Louise’s voice coming closer. We jumped apart and Dan carried on making drinks.
“Yeah?” I said flustered.
“I’m taking a shower, Phil said it was okay. He’s going to the shop. Do you guys need anything?”
I shook my head, “No thanks.” Dan replied, smiling at her.
She walked away and I smiled up at Dan, who had his back turned to me. He turned around and handed me a mug of tea. He rested against the counter next to me, I leant my head against his shoulder.
I wasn’t sure how this was gonna work out.


Dan was filming a video in the lounge and Phil had generously taken Louise out, and I was sat in Dan’s room on his Macbook. I was scrolling through my news feed on Facebook, and through my dash on Tumblr, and finally through Twitter. I sighed nothing interesting was happening. My phone rang, Charlie.
“Hey.” I breathed as I answered.
“Where the hell are you?”
“Where are you?” I asked confused.
“I’m at your house. Your car isn’t here.”
“I’m uh, I’m in London.”
“Yeah.” I sighed.
“I’ll leave you to it. Call me later. Love ya.”
“Love you too.”
I ended it, and flung my iPhone across the bed. I flopped backwards on it, and breathed deeply. I rubbed my temples, stressed.
“You okay?” Dan walked in.
“’M fine.” I mumbled.
He jumped on the bed next to me and pulled me into his chest, “What’s bothering you?”
“I’m confused.”
“You.” I admitted quietly.
“What about me?”
“What are we doing? I barely know you, yet I’m at your house? We’re acting like a couple and it’s just confusing me.”
“Do you want to be a couple?” He asked, looking at me.
“I don’t know…”
“Be honest; do you like me like that?”
“Yes. A hell of a lot.” I barely whispered.
“Good.” He put his forefinger under my chin and pulled my face closer to his, gently pressing his lips to mine, his free hand finding mine, and our fingers entwining. My other hand moved up to his face and my fingers running through his hair. The kiss was perfect, his lips were soft, and mine melted against his. It came to an end and we lay there next to each other, just looking at each other, taking everything about the other in.
“I have to show you something.” I told him, grinning.
“What?” He cocked an eyebrow.
I got off the bed and sat at his piano. I ran my fingers over the keys gently, not pressing down, but getting a feel for it. I sighed, and started playing. It was one of my favorites to play; Coldplay, Fix You. It was one of the first things I’d taught myself to play, and the first one that came to my head. I played and when it finished I turned to look at Dan, who was stood there with his mouth open.
“What?” I asked him.
He walked over to me and kissed me again, more intensely this time, “That was fucking amazing.”
I blushed slightly and looked at the floor, “Thanks.” I kissed him again.
We heard the front door open and jumped apart from each other, and walked to the lounge awkwardly. I sat on the sofa with my phone and his mac, and then he sat at the table editing his video. Phil and Louise walked in shortly after carrying a tray of coffees.
“We bought coffee!” Louise sang. “And a black forest hot chocolate for you.” She told me as she handed me my drink.
“Thanks. And thank you Phil.”
“No problem.” He smiled and sat next to me on the sofa.
I stole a glance at Dan who was smiling at his computer, and his eyes flicked over to me and winked. I blushed slightly and looked at the TV.


Louise rounded on me later, while we were sat in the room.
“What’s going on with you and Dan?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you’re not really talking and every time you look at each other you blush and look at the floor, and he smirks. What’s going on?”
“Nothing! I swear!”
“I’m not! I promise!”
“Whatever. Goodnight.”
“Night sis.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you guys, for reading and subscribing!

I'm going to be totally lazy and not name the chapters after this one...
