Status: Writing writing writing...

Home Could Be Anywhere When I Am Holding You.

Chapter 6;

Dan and I were going out for lunch today. Well he wanted to take me. I got so nervous around other people, I was far too socially awkward for this.
I was sat in mine and Louise’s room. Well the guest bedroom, technically. Louise was finding me something decent to wear, while I was curling my hair. I sighed as I couldn’t get one piece of hair to go right.
“Fucking hell.” I whined.
“It’s just not going right!”
“Relax,” she took the straightners out of my hand. “Just chill out. I got it. You’re gonna look great.”
“Thanks sis.” I smiled gratefully at her.
“It’s the least I could do.”
Finally, after getting dressed, finally getting that one section of hair to go right, and putting on make-up, I was ready. I huffed out a breath and left the bedroom, going to the lounge where Dan was waiting. I walked in and his eyes widened, his mouth going into a wide grin.
“You look beautiful.” He told me, kissing me gently.
“You don’t look too bad yourself.” I told him, kissing him again.
He held out his hand, and I placed mine into his, and he pulled me out the door.
“Uhhh… where are we going?” I asked him.
“Do you wanna drive?”
I nodded and unlocked the car, walking over to it before getting in the driver’s seat. I felt comfortable driving. I shoved my iPhone into the speaker and gave it to Dan to choose something to listen to. He put the volume on low so we could still talk over the top of the music, well more like he could direct me. We pulled up outside a small Italian restaurant. I smiled to myself before I opened my car door. I didn’t like the whole thing where the guy has to open the door for you, when he drives you everywhere. No, I like my independence. We walked into the restaurant and the waiter directed us to a small booth, where Dan sat opposite me. I rested my hands on the table, looking at him. He reached over to take one of my hands. I flinched and moved them away.
“I’m not one of those stupidly romantic people; sorry.”
He laughed slightly, “Don’t worry about it. Is this whole thing too cheesy?”
“No. It’s nice. In fact it’s the only proper date I’ve ever been on.”
“Really?” He raised his eyebrows at me.
“Yeah… my past relationships aren’t exactly the best.” I wrung my hands.
He nodded but didn’t continue the conversation.


Back at the apartment, I changed into Dan’s clothes and shoved my hair into a ponytail before joining Dan in the lounge. I sat next to him on the sofa, my head tucked under his chin.
“Where are Phil and Louise?” I asked him.
“Phil took her out for dinner,” He played with small strands of my hair. “Why do you dye your hair?” He asked curiously.
“I needed change, so… this was the first thing I could think of.”
His hand moved and rested on my back, his fingers tracing patterns onto my clothed skin. I could feel the light movements through the shirt. I buried my face in his chest. I sighed happily. I felt his lips press to the side of my head and I turned in his arms so I was looking up at him, my head now resting on his legs. We stared at each other for a few seconds before his head moved closer to mine. My hands went to his neck, my head moving up slowly to meet his, our lips pressed together, his lips parted slightly, his tongue running across my lips wanting entrance to my mouth. He tasted sweet, like candy or something. It matched him. I heard the door open and jumped away from Dan, resting my head back on his shoulder, and he went back to tracing patterns on my spine. Phil walked in the room, followed slowly by Louise.
“Hey.” We both said, looking at them.
“Thanks Phil. Do you want any money for that?” I asked him.
“No, it’s fine,” he laughed. “We had fun.”
“You sure?”
Louise came and sat next to me on the sofa, I turned around so I was leaning against Dan, but looking at her.
“Hey.” She smiled.
“You okay?”
“Mmm, I kind of don’t want to go home tomorrow.”
“We kind of have to.” I opened my arms, and she snuggled into me, resting her head on my chest.
“Do you feel left out Phil?” Louise asked him.
He nodded, pouting jokingly. Louise moved closer to me on the sofa, and Phil sat next to her, leaning his head against her arm. This was literally the perfect day.


I woke up the next morning in Dan’s arms. I sighed happily.
I could get used to this, I thought.
He started stroking my hair, signaling he was awake. I looked up at him. He was staring at the ceiling, smiling. He looked down at me, before giving me the softest kiss ever.
“Hi.” He breathed.
“Hi.” I bit my lip, hiding my smile.
Suddenly, he launched himself at me, making me lay flat on my back, with him hovering over me, kissing my shoulder.
“You should know better than to bite your lip.” He practically growled.
“Dan! Stop it!” I laughed. “We have to get up!”
“Never!” He pulled the covers over us more, so we were laying there, completely covered.
He kissed the tip of my nose before kissing my lips softly. I sighed happily, and he rested his head on my chest. I stroked his hair gently and he nuzzled his face closer into my body. I loved just laying here with him. There was a knock on the door followed by Phil’s voice.
“Hannah, Louise is looking for you.”
“Thanks Phil!” I shouted back. I looked back at Dan. “We really have to get up now.”
He groaned before pulling himself off me and getting out of the bed. I sighed and then sat up, wrapping the covers around me. I stood up, pulling them with me before opening my arms and pulling Dan into me.
“Do you have to go home?” He asked me, kissing the top of my head.
“Yeah. I actually have to work.” I sighed.
“You’re coming back soon though?”
“Of course.” I smiled up at him and he pressed his lips to mine once again.
He let go of me and made his way to the kitchen, with me following close behind. I sat on the counter while he made drinks again before he pulled me into a hug and kissing me over and over again. He stopped and rested his forehead against mine.
“I don’t want you to go.”
“Daniel. Stop being mushy. Go play Xbox or something and get your manliness back.”
“I’ve never heard anyone say anything like that before.”
“Shut up.” I laughed and hit him playfully.


A few hours later, Louise and I were about to leave the apartment.
“Know how to get home?” He asked me.
“Yes, I have a sat nav and stuff.”
“Text me when you’re home.”
“I will. I’ll see you later.”
“See you later.”
He kissed me softly, and once more before shutting my car door. I turned to wave at Phil, who waved back. I sighed before starting the car and plugging in my music. I waved once more at the two boys and then set off. Louise turned down the music.
“Do you like him a lot?”
“More than Nathan?”
“A hell of a lot more than Nathan.”
“Good. You deserve to be happy.”
And then the music was loud again, leaving me to the road and my thoughts.
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I'm sorry I'm sucking at updating.
Thank you for reading/subscribing!