Status: New story

Open Your Eyes


Scared. Petrified. Horrified.

There was no words to describe how I felt. Ever since James sent me those texts, I had been laying low. Presley didn't need to be paraded around the busy streets of London with me and/or the lads, only to get our pictures taken by the paparazzi. 

If we needed something, I asked one of the boys or Gemma to go get it for us. I never liked to be left alone in the flat when it was just Presley and me. An excuse was made and I asked one of the guys to hang out. When they were too busy being popstars and whatnot, I got through it. Presley and I stayed in our bedroom with the door locked and the blinds closed. Every window was locked along with the front door and every set of blinds were closed. We watched the telly in there and played with her toys. 

"You'll be fine, yeah?" Gemma questioned. She hitched her purse over her shoulders and gripped the handle of her suitcase. I gulped, but nodded nonetheless. "We'll be fine. Go have fun with your boyfriend," I replied, willing my voice not to shake. 

She grinned great big and gave me a quick hug. "Great! If you need anything, call the boys. Their numbers are on the fridge if you don't already have them. I'll be back in two weeks. See ya later, Len! Bye, pretty girl!"

"Bye Gem."

"Bye GemGem!" We watched her climb in the car as her boyfriend put her bags in the boot of the car. Once they drove off and were out of sight, I scooped Presley up in my arms and hurried inside. 

"Go play with your toys, love. Mummy has to do something," I instructed. She nodded and padded across the hardwood floor of the living room to the corner that held all her toys. While she played with her blocks, I got started on locking everything. The front door was locked and deadbolted, the security system was turned on, the windows were shut and locked, and the blinds were closed and the curtains were pulled shut. 

"Mummy, me want Daddy," Presley whined. Oh dear god. No. Please don't. Please don't start this. "Daddy's gone, baby. Daddy was bad and had to go to time out for a while," I replied quickly. 

She pouted, but kept playing with her toys. If only her daddy really was gone. If only he really was in time out. My phone rang making me jump. I looked at the caller id and it came up unknown, so I didn't answer it, instead rejecting it. The screen went black, only to light up with a text. 

This whole ignoring me shit is getting pretty fucking old. 

James. Of course it was him. My heart started pounding and my mind went into overdrive. I instantly picked up my phone and dialed Harry's number. By the time he answered, I had tears in my eyes. 

"'ello?" He answered.

"Harry," I spoke. "Can y-you c-come over?" Way to go Lennon. Cry while talking on the phone to him. Just great. 

"What's wrong? Are you and Pres okay?"

"No. I'm scared." 

"I'll be there in a minute." And with that said, he hung up. I sat on the couch with my knees to my chest and my arms wrapped around my legs. I don't know how long I sat like that before someone started knocking on the door and jiggling the knob.

I jumped, my heart racing and tears springing to my eyes. Presley's wide eyes went from the door, to me, then back to the door. 

"Lenna, open the door. It's me, Harry." That made me rush to the door and unlock it. As soon as it was open, I launched myself at him. "Woah, Lenna, what's wrong?" 

I just shook my head as tears fell from my eyes. "James," I managed to get out. At that name leaving my mouth, he gripped me tighter and moved us away from the still open door. 

"Who's James?" A voice asked from the hall. Lifting my head up, I saw a blurry Liam standing there. "Get in here and I'll tell you," Harry spoke. "Make sure to lock that door good, yeah?" 


It was bad enough that I had to tell Harry, but all of them? I felt like some weak person who couldn't stand up for themselves. Actually telling people the story, telling them how I failed to protect myself and my daughter, made it all that more real. Telling it over and over again, was quickly breaking me down. Telling people I didn't know from Adam... that was the most nerve-racking. 

The lads didn't take it well; mainly Harry and Liam. Then they made me tell Simon. I had to tell Simon fucking Cowell my sob story. I kept waiting for him to cut me off and say I needed to grow up or something along those lines. Then Simon made me tell 1D's security team. Then they assigned me and Presley our own bodyguards. We had our own bodyguards. Talk about feeling like a celebrity. 

"Guys, can you please leave me alone so I can get dressed?"

"Fine," Harry stated. "But if you aren't done in five minutes, I'm coming back in here." He shook his hair out and nudged Liam. "Come on, Liam."

Liam reluctantly left, softly shutting the door behind him. I got dressed with sixty seconds left, so I went to use the loo. Halfway through, Harry barged in the room. "Lennon? It's been five minutes and two seconds!"

With a roll of my eyes, I said, "I'm taking a piss!" 

"Oh, okay." I heard him move to leave, so I shouted at him again. "Hey! Get some clothes for Presley and get her dressed, yeah?" 

"Does it matter what she wears?" Of course not. She's a toddler and anything she wears is going to get dirty, so no, it doesn't matter what she wears. "No," I replied. Once I got done, I washed my hands, ran a brush through my hair and pinned the sides back with bobbypins, then made my way out to the living room. 

In there, Harry was trying to get a dress over Presley's head while Liam held her still, but she kept moving her head all over the place. Me having been in their place many times, chuckled to myself then put on my face. "Presley Anne, you better let Harry get you dressed or I'm taking Raffi the giraffe away from you for a week."

She instantly quit squirming and let him dress her. It didn't even take him ten minutes. The leggings were what slowed him down. Him and Liam finally managed to get them on her. Harry held the wasitband of them while Liam stuck his hands up the leg holes and pulled her feet out while Harry pulled them up. It was quite comical. 

"Get your workout in for the day?" I asked with a smirk. While Presley went back to playing with her toys, they both plopped down on the either side of me on the couch. Harry narrowed his eyes at me. "You did that on purpose," he spoke. "You knew it was a like a bloody workout getting her dressed!"

I nodded with a chuckle. "What you get for being up my arse 24/7."

"We're doing it to make sure you and Presley are okay," Liam spoke up. I nodded. "And I appreciate it, but sometimes you have to back off and let me do my thing. Presley loves the attention, so continue on with smothering her. I love you guys, but I need my space." 

Harry threw his arm around me and pulled me into him. "We're just worried about you. We don't want you getting hurt, Lenna," he said softly. 

I settled for a small smile and a quiet 'thanks'. That was all that was needed at the moment.


"So what shall we do?" 

I shrugged. Presley was down for a nap and Harry was out getting new phone and number. Which left Liam and I by ourselves. It wasn't awkward, it was just... I don't know. It was like he knew something about me that I didn't. He was keeping something from me. My nosy self wanted to ask, but I didn't. Instead, I struck up a conversation with him. 

"I'm pretty sure I have a lingering headache from the club the other night." I chuckled. He grinned and rubbed a hand over his buzzed head. "Same here. I normally don't drink that much."

"It's crazy, because I should be immune to hangovers by now," I said. He raised his eyebrows. "Why's that?"

"James used to take me to parties in California and he made me drink," I explained. "It was always the hard stuff." I talked about it like it was nothing. Which it really wasn't now. I wouldn't get back with him, so I didn't need to make a big deal about it. Liam however, didn't look so happy about it. Not sure why though. 

"Don't get your knickers in a twist over it," I joked. His brown eyes met mine in a hard stare. "How can I not? He was forcing you to drink, Lennon. That isn't right." 

I shrugged. "Yeah, but it doesn't matter now."

He was quiet so I turned my attention to the telly and got sucked into an old episode of Friends. I felt safe with Liam and the others being here for me and keeping me and my daughter safe, but there was still that little voice in the back of my head saying that James would find me and hurt me. It left me on edge all the time. 

"Move in with me." Wide eyed, I stared at Liam, shocked. "Come again?" 

"Move in with me," he repeated. 

"W-...Why? I'm fine here with Gem," I replied. 

He shook his head. "I know, I just want you closer to one of us guys at all times. Gem would understand."

"But what about Harry? I could move in with him." 

"Him and Louis don't have extra rooms. I do." 

I thought about it for a while, before answering. "Okay. I'll move in with you."
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Hope y'all are having a good summer so far!