Status: Rating might go up

Matters of the Heart

Erratic Heartbeat


The sound of her heartbeat raced inside her chest. Her cautious gaze kept a firm eye on the man across the room from her.

She didn't want to startle or upset him in any way.

When he started to move towards her table, her feet quickly stepped out of the way. The physicist didn't notice as he continued his work. A large lump developed in her throat as her heart rate increased.


Fear consumed her mind; how can she focus on her task when she knew this man can go on a rampage at any given moment?

Chewing on her lower lip, her hands shook when she poured the substance into a beaker.


The poor woman screamed, dropping the rest of the substance, letting it spill across the counter. "I-I-I'm s-s-s-s-sorry. I'll clean it up." She stuttered. Addison realized shew as forty feet away from the doctor.

When did she move?

Watching the emotions exude off of Bruce's face, he noticed she didn't make a move to clean the mess. Addison noticed, trying as hard as she could to move, but fear struck her body.

Tears started to prick her eyes as she muttered, "I'm so sorry."

Without a second thought, her body complied to running in the opposite direction.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thought it would be different to have someone actually afraid of him instead of accepting him and loving him right away.