Tears Don't Fall, They Crash Around Me

Chapter 10

Me and Matt walked hand in hand along the street. It was Matt's first day back at the studio and he said he needed to show me something. We walked into the studio and what i guessed was the manager greeted us. "Your early today Matt." he said with a deep voice.
"Yeah i want to show Alex something first."
" Ah Is this the famous Alexis?"
"Yes it is." Matt smiled.
"Well thanks for bringing him back here. I'm glad he's seen sense in coming back to record here." He laughed. "Isn't she too beautiful for you Matt?" I couldn't help but blush and smile. Matt laughed with the man "I think that everyday, i am very lucky." he smiled at me.

We entered a small room, with a glass window that showed the area where the band recorded. Matt sat me down on the black leather sofa. "There is only one good thing that came out of our time apart Alex." he said sitting beside me grabbing a guitar.
"Yeah what's that?" i asked confused. Matt smiled and started to strum a beautful melody on his guitar, and started to sing the most beautiful song. "Farewell i'll miss you, i'm sick of these goodbyes..." he sang. I could feel tears forming in my eyes as i listened to the beautiful, meaningful lyrics. "I miss you." he sang the final line of the song. He looked at me and smiled "Well?"
"Matt that was beautiful." i said tears escaping from my eyes. "I love you so much." i sighed, now moving so i was sitting on his lap. "I love you too sweetheart." he said planting a kiss on my lips.

Just then the guys walked in, "What do we have here then?" Moose laughed.
"Shut it!" Matt said now greeting his friends. Padge sat beside me on the leather sofa, when Matt was talking to Jay and Moose. Padge turned to me "You make him happy you know." he smiled at me. I nodded. "No, seriously i have known Matt a long time, i have never seen him as happy as when he is around you."
I looked over to Matt laughing and joking with his friends. I couldn't help but smile. "Thanks, Padge." i smiled at him giving him a hug.