Tears Don't Fall, They Crash Around Me

Chapter 11

I sat waiting in the car waiting for any sign of Matt, until i heard my phone ringing "Hey baby. Sorry i will be five minutes, i was caught up in the studio. Sorry." he said apologetically.
"Don't apologise honey, it's fine. I'll just go in and order, what ya fancying?" i said cheerily.
"Eh how about a black coffee and a muffin or something, thanks babe, i'll be five minutes i promise, love you." and he hung up.

As i was standing in the queue waiting for my order, a man in a grey suit stood behind me. He stunk of aftershave and stood tall. His hair was slicked back and he flashed me a smile revealing unaturally white teeth. "You must really like coffee, ordering two." he laughed, did he think he was being funny. I gave him a small smile and hoped that would be the end of it. How i was wrong. "So,what's a beautiful girl like you doing here on your own?" he sleazed.
"I'm not alone i am meeting my boyfriend." i hoped mentioning Matt would mean he would give u and leave me alone. As i spoke i saw him looking me up and down and up again. A shiver ran down my spine, how i hated men like this. The ones who thought they were extremely good looking and no women could refuse them.
"I can't see him, so i'll pretend that he doesn't exist. I mean he can't be better looking then me." he said confidently. This caused a small snigger to escape from my lips. "See you find me funny."
"No i'm laughing at you not with you. Now please just leave me alone, i am not interested." i turned around and waited for my coffee.
"Oh no, i am not giving up that easily, do you know how hot you look in those tight skinny jeans." he said grabbing my arm.
"Yeah i do." Matt said removing the man's grip on my arm.
"So this is your boyfriend." he said. I nodded. " You can't tell me you find him hotter than me now."
"Yeah actually, i do and he is twice the man you will ever be."
"Now please stop harrassing my girlfriend and leave us alone." Matt said sternly.
We got our coffees and headed to a nice table by the window.

Matt sat across from me intertwining our fingers and smiling down at them. "What's so funny?" i asked intrigued.
"Oh nothing. Just that man wont stop staring at us."
"And that's making you smile because?" i asked confused.
"Because, he really wants you, and i have you. I get to wake up next to you. Your mine."
"And don't you forget it." i smiled reaching across the table to plant a kiss on his lips.