Tears Don't Fall, They Crash Around Me

Chapter 7

About a six days had passed since i said goodbye to Matt, i still wore his hoodie to remind me of him. My eyes were red raw from crying day and night. Sarah walked into my room, she pulled me up from my bed "honey you really need to snap out of this, you are really worrying me and i have to go back to work today."

Sarah forced me into the shower and then refused to leave until she had watched me eat a bowl a cereal. She left for work and i was alone again. I really didn't like being around anyone these days. The last proper conversation i had was with Matt, and with that the tears escaped from my eyes once again. I lay on the sofa staring out watching as the rain thundered on the window. Soon i had drifted off to sleep.

I awoke to hear a knock at the front door. I wasn't expecting any visitors and it was only just after 3 so Sarah wasn't supposed to be back until later. I dragged my body to the front door to find the famililar tall figure standing infront of me. His long black hair dripping wet and his familiar blue eyes looked at me through the rain.