Status: I will probably post a chapter every week , if I can.

Paper Airplanes

How I escape

Every day, when Dad goes to work, I escape from this stuffy hospital I always am stuck in. I always feel isolated in that horrible place. I can't do anything, or go anywhere. I keep it a secret from Dad , but I go to see a boy, everyday.I first found him when I escaped to a field, when I was feeling down. I thought there was no meaning in my life , since I never had any friends or could'nt do anything. I had brought scissors I found in a cabinet , in my hospital room. I sat down in the grass and started to touch the blade to my wrist. He yelled at me, saying to stop, and I did. We soon became best friends, and he became the meaning to my life. He kept me going.

When we meet up, we always communicate through our paper airplanes, since we are seperated by a tall fence. He sends a paper airplane, throwing in in the sky , letting the wind carry it to the other side, landing at my feet. I would carefully pick it up,and I start to read it. Immediately a smile tugs at my lips. We wave our goodbyes, promsising to meet up once again like we always do. As I walk home, my chests is filled with warmth. It's the most wonderful feeling, you see.

I walk into my hospital room, quietly sneaking in. The door creaks opens and I freeze. Dad is standing by the door , crossing his arms and tapping his foot, with a worried expression on his face. I quickly stuff the airplane into my pocket, as I walk into the room. Dad's expression untenses and is filled with relief. He hugs me, telling me to go to bed. As I start to crawl into my bed, the airplane falls onto the ground. I desperatly try to reach for it, longing for its feeling again.But, before I can reach it, My dad swiftly grabs it. He unfolds the airplane, reading his words. His facial expression turns into anger.
"what is this?" He says frowning at me.

"I-It's a paper airplane.." I stagger.

He holds up the paper to my face and says "Who wrote this to you?"

"R-ren..." I explain.

For a second I thought I see a expression like he realized something, but then he just Stomps in anger, and grabs the paper with his two hands. He pulls each of the sides causing it to tear in half. I try to reach for the shredded scraps, But he just slaps my hand away. He Crumples up the torn airplane and throws it into the trash can.

"Never do this again!" he says in a furious tone.

I stagger for words , but can't seem to find any. Tears jerk at the corners of my eyes as he storms out of the room. As he leaves I reach for the trash can and grab the crumpled pieces. I slowly put the letter back togeter with tape , and as is finishes, I hold it to my chest. I then open my secret box, and place the letter inside with all the others , and lock it up safely tucking it under my bed.
I crawl back into my bed, and fall into a deep sleep.

The next day as I kiss my father goodbye, I feel anxious. butterflies whirl around in my stomach as I anticipate for the moment when I can see him. When I see his car go off , I hop out of bed. As my legs hit the ground, excruciating pain jolts thorugh both of my legs. I collapse onto the floor feeling hopeless. I start to crawl towards the door, but my strenghth leaves me. I desperatly try to reach the door,then suddenly 2 nurses burst through the door, heliping me get back onto my feet.

"are you ok?" how are you feeling?" They question me as they place me back into my bed.My vision starts to get hazy, and my mind goes blank as I try to answer them. They lay me down, sticking a breathing tube to my face. As they check my temperature, my eyes feel heavy and my eyes start to shut. The darkness fills my eyes and I fall asleep.

This time, I wake up with wires attached to my body and nurses hustled around my bed. My father sighs in relief. I suddenly remember I have to go see him, And I try to get up.I notice my legs won't move even if I try with all my strength. I look at the nurses for an explanation, and all they do is stare at me with pity. My body tenses up, and I realize, If my legs wont move It means I must be paralized. I can't walk anymore.
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Sorry if it's bad :P