Status: Enjoy....(evil laugh)

Immortal Child


Rosalie Dawson had her whole life planned out. Everything was pretty much set when she was born; she’d go to school, college, get a great job, get married, have kids, die feeling complete. Her parents were beyond proud and never thought she’d do anything wrong. But Rosalie is human so she’s bound to make some unfathomable decisions; this decision however, no one expected.

Her parents didn’t even know about it until one day her mom barged into her room, once again forgetting to knock. She was dismayed to find her fifteen year old daughter rubbing her six months pregnant stomach. It was much too late to abort so her parents tried endlessly to persuade her to go with the next option: putting the baby up for adoption. Rosalie refused, knowing very well her child wasn’t an ordinary being.

Her parents couldn’t understand why their daughter wanted to be a mother so badly. They couldn’t even wrap their minds around the fact that she had sex. Tired of fighting and feeling as though they were pushing her farther away from them they decided to just go with it and see how far it would go. Then one day they heard Rosie scream.

She was in the bathroom, apparently fresh out of the shower, and clutching her bulging stomach. At her feet was a liquid her mother hadn’t seen since giving birth to Rosie. The baby was coming fast. They helped get her to her room and onto her bed. After hours of enduring Rosie’s screaming, and begging her to push the baby’s head was finally out. “You’re almost done Rosie, just one more push and it’ll be over.” Her mother told her. Rosie got a couple of breaths and heaved with all her strength. A high pitched cry filled the room. “It’s a girl,” Announced her father who now held the small infant in his hands.

He cut the cord, wrapped it in a towel and handed it to Rosie who was smiling weakly. “Hello Clear” She whispered. “I’m your mommy. I’m sorry daddy couldn’t be here but I promise you he’ll meet you someday and he’ll love you forever.”

Just then her father notices she’s bleeding profusely. “Oh God… Vera call 911 now!” One look at the blood and Rosie’s mother was out of the room and on the phone.

“I love you baby” Rosie whispered to her daughter before closing her eyes.

“Oh no…” He knelt down beside her. “ROSIE STAY WITH ME BABY!” Her mother came in then and said an ambulance was on the way. “SHE’S NOT BREATHING VERA!”

Her mother raced over to her. “ROSIE WAKE UP! BABY PLEASE WAKE UP!” She cried.

The ambulance arrived a few minutes later but it was too late. Rosalie was dead. All that was left was an infant girl.

“Do you know the name of the child by any chance?” An EMT asked as he filled out paperwork on the young girl.

“C-Clear… Clear Evergrey.” Vera answered still broken from the tragic events following the birth of her granddaughter, whose name will be forever impossible to forget.

How do I know? Well… Clear Evergrey is and always will be me.
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This popped into my head a while ago but I haven't been able to post it, until now....