Status: Slow updates.


I feel something inside of me,

Rockwell was not only arrogant, obnoxious and annoying, but also extremely rude and vulgar. Every other word that came out of his mouth was a cuss word.

"Pass me my cup-o-piss."
"Fucking move bro."
"Get out of my damn way, I'm crippled like a bitch. Scratch that, like your fucking mom."
"Just shut the fuck up already,."
"No one gives a rats ass."

And every single time he said something, Lorraine's group of friends would give him distasteful looks. One of the guys even remarked on his inappropriate language and asked why he was even here.

"Because I've known Lorraine since we were little babies" he replied, passing her a smile.

I watched this all unfold sitting on the last step of the stairs. Therefore I was literally down stairs like my father had asked, but I also wasn't in the circle of conversation. I was thankful for that actually, no one seemed to pay me any mind. I didn't have to struggle on making conversation, I didn't have to feel completely out of control. I need to be in control.

Everyone complained when Rockwell decided to roll himself right in front of the TV, but he simply said, "It's not like any of you immature shits were even watching it." To which they all just nodded insecurely and Lorraine just turn the device completely off.

Rockwell didn't care that it was obvious neither of her friends really liked him. He just continued to butt into their conversations and relay his own thoughts on the subject. After a while they didn't completely hate him, nor did they completely accept him.

But at one point he became the guru of picking up chicks. All the guys would ask him about advice and personal questions and his responses would get the approval of the girls.

"I'm only good at this because I like dick, and Lorraine tends to talk to me about her female problems" he proclaimed.

Fucking great.

It was a good three hours before I began to get the urge to leave. I had downed three cans of Sprite and ate two mini-chip bags.

Although most probably would have checked out long ago from boredom, I didn't.

If I wasn't watching the conversation going on I was lost in thought, or just examined the hardwood floor, which I had discovered was not one hundred percent genuine. It was those snap on types, that probably had a thin layer of blue foam under it.

Just before my body stood up to address its need to relieve my bladder, Rockwell called out to me.

"Ben," he sang, "can you help me up the stairs?"

And just like that I was put on the spotlight.

Everyone looked at me and I just clenched my jaw. I decided not to give anyone enough time to form nasty thoughts about me and just stood up and swiftly made my way over the Rockwell.

My mind reeled for a second, surprised I was actually even doing this, but of course my body tends to take charge without my approval. Somehow it miraculously manages to lift and then support his weight.

And as I help him up the stairs it finally hits me for a second what I'm actually doing. I hesitate for a moment, because he's just so close and his arms slung over my shoulder and he keeps bumping into me because he's using the wall for support. And he's not paying much attention because his hair keeps touching my face.

I just feel so odd because I haven't been this close to someone in what feels like ages and I barely know him.

I almost miss one of the steps and Rockwell's arm tightens around me and my arm wraps firmly around his waist.

"This is so fucking awkward" he huffs. I just hum in agreement.

Relief rushes through me when he pushed me away because, "I've got this bro."

I just follow behind him as he makes his way down the hall and heads into Lizbeth's and Beatrice's room. The girls just greet him and smile, asking how he's doing. I just stand in the doorway and watch him sit on the bottom bunk. They start talking his ear off and he actually seems genuinely interested. Louie even stumbles in without his DS and sits on Rockwell's lap, just watching them talk.

And I feel something inside of me, and I know it's not a good feeling. But as I stand there and watch Rockwell get along with my younger siblings and see them all smile and life, the feeling just gets worse.

So I close my eyes and walk away. . .feeling upstaged. . . and left out. . . again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you heythere_lily andblanklove for commenting and for the early birthday wishes <3

Ugh Ben, you almost had a little progress, but I'm pretty sure you just took that step back.

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