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A Lack of Color


I almost had completely forgotten why I was sitting in at The Box, until Charity and some cute boy sat down with her. They exchanged looks, and shot each other a goofy smile. Charity was cramming in every detail of his physique. She stared intently, delving into little details like the rusty brown color of his hair, and the perfectly aligned white smile. Why would I be third wheeling to Charity? It wasn't my cup of tea. It wasn't me to just leave Kayla with Nia for no valid reason.

Then we locked eyes; light oceanic blues swirling peacefully around a black island. For a moment in time, I was completely mesmerized. I followed Charity's lead and indulged my eyes into the fabulous eye candy sitting across from me. Unlike the other boy, his hair was a much darker shade of brown, it was almost black. His eyes were lined by a halo of brilliant dark lashes. There was hardly a smile on his face but a self satisfied smirk sat firmly on his enticing lips.

"Well, little lady do you have a name?" He spoke, gentle soft words. The smirk remained his his voice.

"Oh yeah, I'm Amelia," I said nervously. I had forgotten my manners around boys, especially attractive boys. He definitely topped the list, and this was the first time we were meeting.

"Nice to meet you Amelia," The other boy said, still unnamed. He smiled with his eyes, and then returned his attention to my blonde best friend. It was short lived before his hazel eyes refocused on me. "I forgot to mention my name. I'm Alesander, but please, just Alex."

Charity also directed her attention on me, she was glistening happily. Glowing with such radiance that I wanted to just absorb her joy. I wanted to share that happiness with her.

"I'm his brother, Kaspian," Blue eyes said to me before taking a sip at his coffee. I finally took notice to my own beverage sitting in front of me.

As the rest of the evening went on we chattered, and got to know each other. Rather the three of us talked, while Kaspian hung out on the sidelines, being as reserved as possible.


Bella walked over to our table, and tapped it gently with her feather topped pen. Our constant rambling was like a rapid decrescendo. Bella was extremely good looking for an almost forty year old woman. She could still pass off being at least a dozen years younger than she actually was. Her hair was carelessly put up into a messy bun. Strands of hair hung out, and against her oval shaped face. She smiled a broken smile, and sighed gently.

"It's almost closing time kids," She said, and pointed to the analog clock. Sure enough the hands were reaching towards nine at night. I had stayed out a lot longer than a few hours like I had originally hoped for. It didn't matter right now though. For a long time in the past year and a half I was having a genuinely wonderful time. No lies, no deceptions, no mind games that kept stringing em along.

"Right, we were just on our way out," Alex said, standing abruptly, and pushing his chair in. He handed Bella a twenty dollar tip, and helped not only Charity out of her chair but me as well. Kaspian still remained quiet and gave off a cynical vibe. There was something boiling underneath that cool exterior. I just had a hunch.

A cool breeze caressed our bare skin, and faces once we stepped outside. I shivered and automatically regretted not bringing a coat. Charity took this as an opportunity to snuggle up close to Alex who looked a little surprised but went with it. I hoped he was as nice of a guy as he appeared to be. I didn't want him to just be putting up an act to get down Charity's pants. I rubbed my hands against my arms, hoping to get warmth from friction.

"Cold much?" Kaspian let go of a dry laugh. I shot him a deadly glare. I was in fact very cold, but it was the price I had to pay for wearing a cute strapless top.

"Do you want my coat?" Alex offered. I looked at Charity for approval since she'd already claimed him. She smiled gently at me. After all, it'd only give him more of a reason to hold her tighter.

"Are you sure you don't mind?" I tried saying the words audibly through chattering teeth.

"I'm sure this pretty girl doesn't want her friend to get a cold," he also referred back to Charity's approval.

"Of course not," Charity said, gleaming. She really liked him and it only this early in the dating game. I wondered how they're relationship would progress. If it even did, but it already seemed like the seed had been planted. I just had to hope it would sprout and then flourish.

Alex handed me his corduroy coat, and I slipped my arms into it. Even with the sleeves too long, and the coat too baggy I was very warm. Kaspian looked a little gruff, and sent his own brother an icy stare. Kaspian didn't exactly come off as a good guy. Actually he had the dark gloom of mysterious bad boy smeared all over him.

"Want me to drive you home?" Kaspian shot the question into the open air. Charity stared at him, and then quickly glanced back over at me. Her green eyes were illuminated by the moonlight, and from there her eye brows wiggled suggestively.

"Me?" It was stupid question I ask, I admit.

"No, my brother," He scoffed, and sent that little devilish smirk my way.

"That would be lovely," Lovely? Out of all words I could have used from my vocabulary, I decided to go with lovely.

"Alright bro, I'm gonna let you two have some alone time," Kaspian said in a smooth, suggestive voice. He was doing the same thing Charity was doing to me. Only nothing was going to happen between us because I swore off boys.


It was one in the morning, and she woke up from an awful nightmare. She was never strong enough to stomach horror movies. They always made her antsy. She jumped, screamed, hid at every sight of suspense. Even hours after the movie had ended, the images and concepts still managed to creep into her thoughts. Her safe place, which was no longer a sanctuary.

When she got scared, she couldn't fall back asleep easily. It was a ritual she had to endure constantly. So she did the only thing I could in times like this. She called up the only person who could reassure her that none of that was real;

On the other line, his phone was ringing. But he didn't bother to answer. He was trying to sort out his own mess of problems, and scary things following after him. He was trying to prevent himself from being trailed. He did everything he could to erased every last trace of him ever being in Blue. It wasn't worth the risk of loving a human girl. She was pointless anyways, just another blood bag. At least that's what he tried to tell himself.

He wanted the ruthless monster he once was back. It was easier that way, instinctual. No ties, no feelings, no sorrows over leaving something behind. He could do anything he wanted to, and the best part was he could get away with it. When he was the monster, he had no worries.

But who is to say that the monster ever left him alone? In truth, it didn't. Ever since he met the girl he'd been fighting to keep it at bay, to change, to show his younger sister Holly he could also be a civil role model. His brother though, was always good with restraint. While his brother easily could leash, contain, and distract the monster, he was left dealing with its fight. He was losing the battle himself. Time pulsed forward while he paced the night away. Thinking.

When the dawn rose, he slipped out of the house and into the streets. The sun didn't burn him any longer, as long as he was under the protection of the moon ring. As quiet as a predator, he made his way into the room of a restlessly sleeping girl.

She awoke. Startled at first, but then she warmed up into a huge smile. She lunged herself at him, forcing him to cradle her in his arms.

"We need to talk," He whispered into her ear. He smoothed out her bed hair, and sat her down on her bed. She was only a little frightened of what he had to say. No boy had ever meant so much to her. She knew deep down that they did need to talk. She was holding her own secret.

"I'm pregnant." The words came blurting out her small mouth before she could stop them. The boy stared at her, unfazed. Nothing was going to stop him from going through with his plans.

The two locked eyes.

"You're going to forget about me. You never knew me, or ever even heard about me. You are with Harper, and you two love each other very much. He is the father of your unborn child. You are going to keep this baby. You are going to forget I even existed." He said the lines flawlessly as if he had been rehearsing them. She nodded, and before she couldn't even blink, he was gone. Out of sight, out of mind.

He then hunted down the boy, Harper, and told him a similar story. Her life could resume to being normal.
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I guess I should have told you this earlier, but if a whole section of writing is italicized its often a memory/flashback/ or just an occurrence that happened in the past. In this instance it is just something that happened in the past. Blasts to the past are often told in THIRD PERSON POV. Also, sorry for the slowly progressing movement in the story, we just have to get through all the background work first. I ensure you that in the next chapter we'll meet our first conflict in the story. Stay tuned. Thanks readers@ :)

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