

Tea had always been her favorite way to calm down. She lifted the warm mug to her nose, inhaling the comforting scent of lemon and honey and allowing her body to relax in the smell. She had a long day ahead of her. At 6:30 on this particular morning, it was just her and her tea, and "Asleep" by The Smiths playing softly in the background. She smiled to herself, the music placing her in the perfect spot: a scenic forest with mild weather, just slightly cold enough for a sweater, on a walk with her tea and the boy she'd been eyeing for the past couple of years.

They had met almost three years ago. In passing, but neither of them could have forgotten that day.

As she walked hurriedly out of the coffee shop, she cursed her choice in shoes. A blister had formed from her new Toms; not a great choice for her first day of work as an assistant at W magazine. She ignored the pain while making her way back to the building. Before she could take another step, a man opened the door out of a building in front of her, causing her to smack into the door, spill coffee on herself, and tumble to the ground.

She sat on the ground, shocked and in pain. Tears welled in her eyes as she muttered to herself about her
wonderful day.

"I'm so terribly sorry!" A British accent said, which caused Jenny to stare at the figure bending down to help her up. "I suppose doors that open outwards shouldn't exist, really."

The man who had been the culprit of her current agony was angelic. His brown hair was coifed perfectly atop his head, matching his chocolate brown eyes full of life. He was considerably taller than her, and quite obviously British. It was almost enough to forget what had just happened. Almost.

"It's fine. I have to go," Jenny mumbled, hurrying on her way. He ran to catch up with her, pulling her arm gently in order to stop her fast walking pace.

"Please, let me buy you coffee to replace the ones I ruined. Do you have a change of clothes? I'm so sorry," He rambled, once he had gotten her to slow down. She huffed, frustrated and reeking of coffee.

"I'm fine," She repeated. "I have somewhere to be."

She didn't mean to snap at him, but she really didn't have any time to replace the coffee. She expected to walk back to the magazine office and be fired on spot. Her foot in the door to the fashion industry was ruined because of this stupid man who wouldn't even let her get back to her execution on time.

With that, he let her go.

She checked her reflection in the mirror before grabbing her bag and heading out the door to work. Today was a big day, so she had dressed up. Feeling good in her favorite Topshop dress, her Doc Marten boots, and her hair behaving just the way she wanted, she walked with her head held high.

When she got back to work, she was relieved to find out that the coffee wasn't all that important. She wasn't fired, and she was to go with her boss to a photoshoot for the magazine. She followed to a random room where the shoot was taking place and saw him.

His laugh rang throughout the room whimsically. She felt a mixture of attraction and hatred for him. She hugged her cardigan tighter to herself, feeling self-conscious about the coffee stains. Who was he and why was he following her around ruining her day?

"Jenny? Hello?" Her boss snapped her out of her trance.

"Sorry, yes?" She said embarrassedly.

"That's Andrew Garfield. He's an actor," She informed her. And one of the reasons my day sucks, she though to herself.

When he finally had a chance to come over to her, she pretended not to notice. He cleared his throat and she looked out, her breath hitching when she met the brown eyes at last. "Hey," He said gently.

"You again," She blurted, not meaning anything by it.

He chuckled. "Yes, I'm Andrew."


And from then on, Jenny and Andrew continued to run into each other. It became routine. It came naturally to her, although unusually, to play hard to get with him. For three whole years, she had him wrapped around her finger. She never let him get too close, because of her fear of getting hurt and her shyness. So, for three years, Andrew tried his best to stick himself wherever she was. He'd hang out with her friends, hoping to get through to her. Luckily, Jenny's best friend was dating an actor whom he knew. He had a way in, but every time he was around, Jenny avoided him.

They had gotten considerably closer in the last year, but Jenny never let her guard down. Andrew wanted nothing more than to tell her how he felt, but he was afraid. Mostly because he had no idea that she felt the exact same way about him.

Jenny finally made her way into the office, a little set off by the lack of activity going on. She glanced at her watch, noticing that she was only early by a few minutes. She went to her office dutifully, putting her bag down and taking a sip of her tea. She sat down in her chair, logging into her computer.

"SURPRISE!" Suddenly, everyone jumped out from hiding places all around the office. Andrew smiled widely at her, as he had hidden somehow in her office. She blushed furiously, hating the attention. Andrew laughed, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. He knew she hated when attention was focused on her, and he was enjoying this.

"Happy birthday, love," He said, his silky voice not letting her see straight.

She got up from her desk, folding her arms at him with a sassy look gracing her features. "I hate you, Andrew."

He smiled at her, stepping around her desk slowly. "Why did you do this?" She asked, beginning her usual defense.

He smirked, his eyebrow raising a bit. He had his answer already prepared, Jenny could tell. "Because I love you."

Butterflies erupted in her stomach as he stepped closer and closer to her until they were nearly touching at the nose. "I fell in love with you the moment I opened the door that you fell into, coffee spilled over you and all. I love every inch of you; everything about you. I'd move mountains for you, Jenny. Let me be your everything."

He lowered his lips to hers, sending them both into complete bliss. He pulled away slowly, searching her eyes. "What are you thinking?"

"How it must feel for you to be part of my worst day ever," She giggled, watching his face fall. "And my best." She said, kissing him softly.

He smirked. "You, my dear, will be the death of me."
♠ ♠ ♠
Jenny this sucks because it didn't go as well as I'd hoped but I hope it makes you feel a bit better. I love you!