Boys Will Be Boys

Coffee shop

Beep! Beep! Beep! Brendon groaned and rolled over to slam a tired hand on the snooze button. He glanced over at the black and grey alarm clock and the numbers read: 7:13 A.M. He slept past his first alarm he had set at 6:30 and now, he was going to be late to his first college class of the day. Brendon reluctantly got out of bed and started towards the small apartment's bathroom.
One look in the little oval mirror told him that there was no way he'd be going anywhere without a shower and a cup of coffee. He undressed himself, turned on the shower water and stepped in.
At first, the water slightly burned his back. However, after a couple seconds, the hot water felt like heaven on earth to his aching neck and shoulders.
He hung his head and let the water plaster his hair to his neck and create a curtain over his eyes. He watched the innocent little droplets of water fall from the shower head to the acrylic floor of the bathtub. After a minute or two of relaxing, he reached out to grab the apple-scented shampoo. He carelessly dumped what seemed like a quarter of the bottle onto his head and massaged his scalp. A small bit of the shampoo ran down his face, frightening him, but it only just missed the corner of his left eye.
Breathing a sigh of relief, he tilted his head back and began to rub his hair clean. In that moment, Brendon's thoughts were entirely focused on coffee. He wouldn't be able to make it through the day without at least a double-shot espresso. He hesitated to turn off the shower water, but told himself that he had to. Usually, that doesn't work. He stepped out of the safety of his warm shower and into the cold, unwelcoming air of the bathroom. He winced as his feet touched the freezing tile floor. He quickly pulled out a towel from the cabinet and threw it onto the floor, stepping onto it gratefully. He grabbed another towel and proceeded to dry off his hair. Brendon pulled on his boxers and noticed a tiny tear where the elastic met the cotton. He shrugged and unlocked the bathroom door. He walked toward his room and inside, he pulled open the plain, white closet door containing his clothing. He browsed through and finally decided on a pair of dark-wash skinny jeans and a black, button up shirt.
"Thank you, come again."
Brendon was in a haze which made him oblivious to the Starbucks cashier attempting to catch his attention.
"Uh, can I help you sir?"
Brendon finally came to his senses and his head snapped up.
"Oh crap, I'm so sorry."
"Don't worry about it. What can I get for you?" The boy asked with a shaky voice.
"Y-yeah. Can I get a Venti Caramel Macchiato?"
"Okay, can I get you anything else today?" He answered with a small grin.
" Uh no that'll be all, thanks." Brendon replied shyly.
"Okay. Your total will be," he pounded on a couple of keys on a calculator, "Three dollars and ninety-two cents."
Brendon sighed and pulled out his wallet, retrieving a slightly crumpled and torn five dollar bill. He looked at the white tile floor of the cafe, ashamed of the condition of his money. The boy smiled politely and looked down at the register, holding out a hand for Brendon to place the bill in. He put the money in the register and took the change. At this time, Brendon noticed the tiny, rectangular name-tag pinned to the white button up shirt. His name was Ryan. Brendon smiled to himself. The name fit him.
"You can go ahead and wait right over there, your order will be up in just a minute."
"Thanks" Brendon said, turning away from the counter and glancing back at the angry line of customers.
Quickly walking over to the pick up counter, he managed to trip over his own feet. Oh god, did Ryan see that? Well, it seemed like it. Brendon turned to see Ryan smirking as he blended his coffee as if he'd almost seen him nearly fall flat on his face. Crap.
He turned five different shades of red as he walked the remaining steps to the counter, much carefully now.
A minute later, Ryan returned with his coffee. Finally. He returned a little smile as he reached out to take the drink from the boy's hands. Their hands touched for a split second, but Ryan didn't seem to notice.
" Thank you, please come again" He said with a huge grin plastered across his face
Oh, I will. Brendon thought to himself as he hurried out the door to catch the bus
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The chapters do get longer