Status: Finished 3 Day project :)

All I Want Is You

Ch. 8

♫♪Wrapping gifts without you babe
Is like mid-December and there's no cold
I can't do this on my own
I've changed my ways♪♫

A couple days later I had to go buy presents for my family. Some for my dad, mom, Jazzy, Jaxo, grandparents, cousins well you know the usual. It was a long day.

As soon as I got home I tried to wrap them. I failed a couple times here and there. But I managed to pull through. I was finally down to my last gift. I seriously do not know how woman do this. It hurts. So much cutting and tapping.

I remember doing this with Y/N. She taught me how to wrap gifts.

“…you just fold it this way…then you tape it here…and then you’re done.” “I think I’ve got it down.” I said trying to wrap an empty box. I was done within 5 minutes. “Okay I’m done what do you think?” I asked holding it up. “It’s…it’s…ummm…adorable.” she held back her laughter “Look I even put a bow on it, that’s cool right?” I asked “You did good for your first gift.” “My first one, you mean there’s going to be more!?” I asked in shock “Yep…but I think I can do it alone.” she took the box from my hand “Thank god that was difficult, what would I do without you?”

I lay down by the tree as I reminisced the memory and fell asleep then and there.

The next morning I did my usual routine. Only this time I had tape on my face. It was December 20th. Five days til Christmas day. Y/N was gone for almost 3 weeks. I pray to god every night she would come back.

The next day passed by quickly as did the next one. Yet Y/N still didn’t come home yet. I was getting worried.

♫♪Keep running back and forth again
I'm here to stay♪♫

At this point December 23rd I chose to go to Y/N’s sister’s house. I remembered what my mom said. “I know it’s hard but you have to learn to deal with these situations honey.” I soon found myself driving back home.

On my way I stopped by Starbucks and bought a warm drink. I threw it away, got back in my car and drove home.

I lay in bed and thought about how tomorrow would turn out. It was going to be the 24th Christmas Eve. I fell asleep earlier this time. I had to get everything prepared for my family’s arrival tomorrow.

It took a while before I could fall asleep. I finally drifted away at 10 pm. But woke up at 2 in the morning because I felt a sudden chill. I got up and got an extra blanket from my closet. The aroma of Y/N’s clothing filling the air as I opened the door and walked in. I jumped back on the bed landing in the middle covering myself with the new blanket. Now I could sleep.

My alarm woke me up the following morning. The bright light from outside finding it’s way in my room through the curtains.

My mom came by the house at 11:30 am to help me set everything up.

“Honey, why don’t you go wash up.” she suggested “I took a shower yesterday morning, I’m too lazy, plus I’m already 18 mom.” I plopped on the couch. “Justin, it’s not like I’m telling you to take out the trash or anything, go…now.” she pointed towards the staircase. I got up and headed towards the staircase. “Wear something nice too.”

I took my time picking my clothes out. It’s not like Y/N’s coming over. I got in the shower letting the warm water run down my back. I started singing Down on Bended Knee by Boyz II Men. A group my mom loved. They came on my tour for My World 2.0. They were amazing. It was a great experience, and an honor to work with them. I was so into the song I got soap in my eye and dropped some on the floor and slipped. Way to start Christmas Eve Justin. Luckily the soap got out of my eye and I got back up.

I got put of the shower and got dressed. I met my mom downstairs and to my luck everyone else had arrived.

I hope they didn’t hear me singing.

1:23 PM

“Hey grandma, grandpa.” I greeted them with a hug “Hey darling how have you been?” asked my grandma “Great how about you two?” I asked facing my grandparents “We’ve been doing great we just miss our little boy.” answered my grandfather “I miss you guys too.”

“Hey Jazzy!” I grabbed my little sister in the air “How’s my princess doing?” “Good, you Bieber?” “I’m doing fine, so you excited?” I asked setting her down “Yes!” “Alright well you go play.” I spoke

“Hey dad, hey Jaxo.” I greeted everyone else. I missed being surrounded by my family. I hardly ever get to see them now a days.

After what seemed like 20 minutes I realized my mother wasn’t here.

“Grandma?” “Yes sweetie?” she answered “Where’s my mom?” I asked “Oh she went to go pick something up.” “Alright thanks.” I spoke “Anytime sweetie.”

I was getting worried. So I dialed my moms cell.

“Hey mom where are you it’s almost 2.” Concern filled my voice “I’m just going to pick something up real quick I’ll be there shortly.” “Alright bye mom, love you.” “Love you too sweetie.” and I hung up.

♫♪And I don't care, if I don't get anything
All I need is you here right now
And I'm sorry if I hurt you
But I know that all I want is you
This christmas, this christmas, this christmas
All I want is you
This christmas (I'm sorry),
This christmas (if I hurt you),
This christmas (but I know that)♪♫

It was 2:15 when my mom came back.

The rest of the day was going by fast. The snow coming in faster. Not a single person outside.

We all started eating and watching movies. All the adults talking about how they’re doing in one room, the little kids running all around the house, and the teens just hanging out watching movies. I got to bond with all of them again. Every once in a while I would leave up to my room to call Y?N but she wouldn’t answer. I guess she was busy with her family as well. I just wanted her to be here wrapped in my arms.

Around 11:27 pm the little kids were tiring out and falling asleep. No need to speak for the teens. They were long gone asleep. I was the only teen awake at this point. But I soon too fell asleep. Snores from the little one filling the air along with the talking in the other rooms where the adults were.

My mom had woken everyone up at 11:55 pm

“FIVE MINUTES!!” shouted the little ones

I tugged at my mothers arm and pulled her off to the side. “What’s wrong Justin?” she asked “Y/N, she still hasn’t come back, what if she never comes back mom?” I asked tears filling my eyes 11:57pm “don’t worry Justin she will remember it takes time.” she gave rubbed my back 11:59pm

“40 SECONDS!!!” yelled the kids yet again

“Who knows maybe she’ll turn up sooner than you expect.” she turned around and joined in the Christmas count down.


I heard another voice join in it must have been my imagination “2...1...”

I felt two arms wrap around my waist a familiar touch and smell. “Merry Christmas, Justin.”

I turned around and there she was. “Y/N you’re back, when did you get here, I’ve missed you so much.” I grabbed her and spun her around and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “It was a surprise, your mom brought me here, I was going to come back 2 days ago, but then I had a talk with your mom that I come back today and surprise you, she brought me while you fell asleep on the couch, she planned it all out.” My smile taking over my face as soon as every word left her lips. I kissed her longer and more passionate then I ever have.

“Hey love birds, how are you two doing?” I heard my moms voice appear behind me “Great, wait more than great mom, thank you.” I gave her a huge long comfortable hug. “You’re welcome sweetie, I told you she would come back.” she smirked and walked back to where all the little kids were.

We were done with unwrapping our gifts around 12:45.

But there was one more gift I had. I ran to my music room got one of my guitars and ran back to the living room. When I got downstairs I gathered everyone together in the living room.

“Y/N come here, sit here, center and attention.” I lead her to the couch. “I wrote you a song while you were gone, I really missed you, I couldn’t stop thinking about you, which is why you inspired me to write this song.”

I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her all through the song. I finally finished with:

♫♪All I want is you this christmas ♪♫

Cheers coming from all around the room.

“Wow that was amazing.” a smile sneaking on to her face. “Of course it was, you were the inspiration remember.” I said sarcastically I gave her a kiss on the cheek. I didn’t want any PDA around my family.

At 2 am everyone was gone and there was only me and Y/N left in the house.

I was on the balcony looking up at the moon. The cold wind brushing behind my neck. Everyone’s Christmas lights still on.

I felt two arms wrap around me and heard Y/N say “What are you doing out here it’s cold” I turned around hugging her back and said “Just happy.” a smile on my face as I could see my breath in the cold air “So you came out here?” she smiled too “Yes.” I kissed her forehead and she said “I love you.” “I love you too.” replied along with a kiss.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I placed mine on her sides. I held her up bridal style maintaining not to break out kiss. I close the sliding door behind us. I lay her on the bed and continued our kiss. Soon enough it turned into a make-out session. She tugged at the hem of my shirt and I asked “Are you sure?”

Well I guess you know what happens next
♠ ♠ ♠
We have come to a long end.