Status: In Progress (Mainly has to be written up on PC)

The Love Of The Music Industry

I'm Sorry It wasn't My Fault


Rocka: So Robyn, what's it like having your band as one of the youngest rock bands around?

Robyn: It's amazing! It can be stressfull at times, I mean I'm sixteen for heaven's sake. Shouldn't Charlotte [Grainger, Vocals] be front woman?

Rocka: So new album and you've just turned sixteen how do you feel and how is recording going?

Robyn: Being sixteen doesn't phase me, age is just a number. Mental age is a fact and that isn't very high in my case [laugh] Recording is fine and dandy the girls are reaking havock as always. Leah [Holder, Drums] is smashing things up and laying down awesome beats, Charlotte hs had a bad throat, Loz [Lauren Matthews, Bass] is always playing around and I've broken three guitars since we started last year or so.

Rocka: So when is the album expected?

Robyn: In November hopefully.

The band Criminal Distruction made history when they hit the "big time" with front woman Robyn Holley and several of the group only being fourteen when it happened and they got pulled into the spotlight. Only Charlotte Grainger was a year older.
Never heard of them? Well do! When people heard Blood Sweat And Tears the girls flew straight to most wanted in the charts.
In 2009 they won best new band, In 2010 they are up for most aticipated band and Album
Now almost two years later the GIRLS are back in town and ready to rock your world.
The girls are sighned with Warner Bros with teh likes of Avenged Sevenfold, D.R.U.G.S and Disturbed.
Jason "Fritzbourgen" Mickels, who has been the bands manager since the begining and is a friend of a band members mother. We interviewed him so you lucky lot could get an insight into the band as they are really.

Rocka: Good afternoon Jason, how are the girls to you?

Jason: Well Robyn is stressed and always up writting if Craig [Jenson, From Creator To Creation] hadn't split with her i dont think we'd have the album we do. Everyone's stressed understandebly and on top of that they're trying to go through college too.

Rocka: Really? Robyn made recording sound easy.

Jason: Not! [Laugh]

Rocka: For those who have never heard of the band until this interview, what is the role of each girl and also who are they when they're just five girls from Wales?

Jason: Charlotte sings, Robyn screams and plays guitar, Leah plays Drums and Lauren plays Bass. Friend wise, Charlotte is the practical motherly one who can be hyper too, Robyn's the advice giver and the one they go to when they need to talk but put her and Charlotte togetehr good luck trying to calm them down. Lauren's the paranoid moany one and Leah well let's just say Leah is Leah.

Rocka: Current fans are eager to know how you got the nick-name Fritzy?

Jason: Long story short they were all hyper and decided they were calling me Fritzy for the day and it just stuck.

Rocka: Are you like their dad figure?

Jason: You could say that but when they were younger one mum used to be on tour with them now they're older and Chrlotte's responsible they're allowed on their own now but occationally one mum will be there.


It passes Robyn's 17th, Charlotte's 18th and Lauren's 17th, the day after the release of the album FOREVER AWAY


I opened my eyes to a very bright day in our modern looking house that we brought and shared. At that instent my head felt like it was going to explode. I was sprawled out on my side of the double bed in just my underwear, my quilt sideways covering my legs.
I put my hand on my head and squeezed trying to stop the pain. I glanced at my alarm clock, it read 11:35 Sat 15 Nov, a week after Lauren's birthday.
I crawled out of the bed and put my dressing gown on. Something moved in my bed. It pulled the covers over its self, blonde wavey hair sticking out the top. Charlotte, my bands lead singer.
Okay, either we had one hell of a night last night or she got lonely because her lover, Jack was away on holiday. I'm pretty sure he came home last night to surprise her. I shrugged I knew nothing had happened betweenn us. I strolled down stairs where Leah's mum Michelle was on the phone at our table with cerials and pre made toast infront of her. As i walked into the kitchen she hung up.
"Morning Robyn."
I waved and sat opposite her and put my head on the table. "You okay Robyn?" she asked concerned
"No Michelle, to be honest i think I'm hung over, even thoughI didn't drink much last night. You don't by any chance know why Charlotte is in my bed do you?"
"No, Jack came home last night and he deffinatly came here. You were all pretty drunk last night, she probably got mixed up which room she was going to.But yeah everyone was recked apart from Leah."
"How though? I only drank a pint of cider and a WKD."
"Well, Charlotte was sneaking Vodka into your drinks." I scowled
"She knows i hate vodka,"
"Where's Leah?"
"Upstairs with Cal, Charls in my bed, so i guess Jack is in hers, Loz is with Lewis."
"So are you the only single?" She asked solomnly

I picked my head up off the table and grabbed myself two slices of toast while she made us tea.
"So?" she asked. I nodded in responce to her last question. "What happened between you and Craig?"
I shot her a look that read YOU DIDN'T KNOW?!
"Leah said after you ran off crying when he walked in."
THAT I did remember he strolled in with a new girl after nearly a year and he said he'd always try and get me back.

Craig was my ex boyfriend, he's nineteen, he has dark brown hair ina side fringed style and layered so he can straiten it over his cheeks. He has stunning blue eyes and kissable lips, teh right side of his lip was peirced, his face heart shaped, cheeks hight but not very pronounced. He's tall at six four, broad shouldered but slender.
He has three tattoos, a blue rose with mum written under it. The chinese symbol for luck on teh back of his neck and a set of stars that circled up his forearm.

I smiled at the memory and a tear crept out and my heart ached.
"I'm sorry I brought him up Robyn. It was strange how all of a sudden he just split with you."
I know i feel like a part of me is missing now."
"Aw hon howabout we forget about him?"
"Good idea."
"What's ther plan for tomorrow?"
"Dunno, we're waiting for Fritz to say."
"It's London that's all i know."

My phone rang in the poket of my dressing gown, I pulled it out before the rediculously loud ringtone woke everyone.
"Hello?" I answered, why hadn't i read teh screen?
"Robyn, Thank God!" his cute sheffeild accent rang through my ears. I went to hang up. "Don't Please." He pleaded
"Because we need to talk."
"Who is it?" Michelle asked
"Speak of the Devil and he shal appear." She nodded.
"Can i come over?" He asked.
"Yeah because you haven't seen Cal for while, don't expect me to be in the near facinity."
"Robyn, I want to talk to you-" I hung up I couldn't take it any longer his voice played too many happy memories.
"Maybe you should give him another chance." Michelle advised.

The girls woke up one by one. Charlotte looking proud of herself for somehow getting into my bed. Loz stayed in bed with Lewis. Leah and Cal look really bad and hung over.
"Cal put something on mun!" Jack Charlotte's very polite and careing boyfriend said because Cal was only in boxer shorts.

Jack was tall and very polite, average weight, broad shouldered. Himk and Charlotte weren't the sort of couple you'd have paired up but they loved each other so it was a match made in heaven.
Cal is a golden brown haired boy of five eleven. He worked out a lot and was the guitarist for Craigs band.

An hour passed and I hjad forgotten about my conversation with Craig. Fritzy appeared in the window talking followed by a boy in Aviators. My heart sped up and my knees whent weak, not weak enough to carry me to teh stairs though.

"Hey girls." Jason called.
"Morning Fritz." we all answered
"Where are the other two?"
"Lauren's still in bed with Lewis don't go up there and Robyn's-"
"Hung over in bed." Leah interrupted Charlotte.
"Hi Cal, Hows it going dude?" Craig asked. His sheffeild accent different from the rest because it was so familiar
"Yeah, i'm great man, what a surprise. How come you made an appearence?"
"Come to have a talk with a certain girl."
"Tough she's hung over oh and Craig i forgot. This is for hurting my best friend." I hear someone hit the floor and Charlotte, Michelle and Cal shout "Leah!" I knew then she'd kicked him where it hurt and i couldn't help but laugh.
Fritz appeared by my hiding spot. "Miss Holley? You want to come and have a civalised talk with your boyfriend?"
"He isn't my boyfriend, I'd rather not."
"Suit yourself."

"Finish Craig!" Cal yelled, he must have been trying to hold Leah back from killing Craig.
"I'm here to tell Robyn, I want her back!" He struggled to get it out.
"Tough you moved on." I yelled
"I'm not! Last night that was my cousin! I've been single for a year nearly and I haven't stopped thinking about you!"
"That's true. Robyn get down here, stop being childish!" My mum yelled, oh now it was a party.
"I have to get her back Sara. She's the girl of my dreams." That hit heart strings no matter how cheesy it was.
"We had this descussion Craig." Fritzy held his hand over his mouth. I stood shocked in the hall way, he couldn't have! I held my hand to my mouth.
"Yes Robyn, he did." My mum threw a copy of "Rockabillity" on our kitchen table. Everyone else stood staring at Jason.
"Robyn. Please come and see me I love you." Craig broke the awkward silence.

I ran out and found Craig sat by our washing machine. I hugged him on my knees. My heart aching, my skin desireing to touch him, my lips longing to kiss him.
"You mean it?" I whispered in his ear.
"Always," He guided my face to his and kissed me passionatly. I was home as every nerve in my body tingled at the slight touch of our lips. "He convinced me it was for the best for you and everyone else. But it hurt a lot. It hurt me everyday."
"Jason: If Craig (Jenson, From Creator To Cration) hadn't split with Robyn. I don't think we'd have the album we do." Leah and Charlotte read out loud together.

My mum slapped Jason. "You do not force anyone to break up for anyone's own good. What you did was selfish! You put my child through so much pain, let alone Craig. He came over crying in the front garden, screaming he wanted Robyn back that he was sorry!"
"I'm sorry everyone." He looked genuinely upset,
"I think it's best you leave right now Jason." Michelle said.
"Thank You Sara." Craig achknowledged.
"It doesn't mean i like you Craig, you love my daughter a lot and she loves you. Don't hurt her again, i understand why you did it. Girls don't be too hard on Jason he was just thinking about the band but in teh most selfish way, See you all soon." She kissed my forehead and left.
♠ ♠ ♠
First Chapter of what was formerly Criminal Destruction.

Hope you enjoyed
