Revenge by Animal

Jane's Point of View

The sun was shining bright and early this morning. I quickly washed up and put on my white sundress. I rushed to the car and sped my way to the zoo. Going to the zoo everyday always kept me in a light and airy mood. I loved animals, and I worked as a veterinarian there. Part of my job was to also make sure none of the animals were too sad and depressed. I also fed most of the animals since we were low on employees and I was the most attached to the animals. We tried to set up the best possible way for each animal to live while still trying to maintain the naturalness of the animals’ habitats.

I saw the zoo’s parking lot in sight, and wasting no time, I parked in an employee’s only parking space. I noticed a couple of police cars in the lot. I wondered what happened. I casually strolled inside and immediately saw what the big deal was. The gift shop had been broken in too. I made my way rapidly to the gift shop and asked the cashier what happened.

“How should I know? Came back this morning and saw the shop like this,” he answered disdainfully.

I looked over one of the policeman’s shoulders and saw that he was watching the surveillance. I observed it along with him. What I saw truly shocked me. A bird, an endangered one at that, busted into the shop’s windows and took off with a shirt. Well, this was a job for the police, I decided. I had no intention of getting further involved and walked towards the part of the zoo with most of the water animals.

I fed the crocs and alligators fresh fish that was caught. I fed the water fowl fresh fish also. Next, I moved on to the otters. They were all still asleep, as usual, and that’s when I noticed something out of the ordinary, an otter sleeping on a couple of clothes with a zoo shirt nearby. I then noticed that there usually are 3 otters not 4. The otters took a liking to me, and I guess so did all of the animals since I’ve been feeding them for the past 5 years. I unlocked the glass door that leads me inside the exhibit and slowly, carefully, made my way to the sleeping otter separated by all the others.

He suddenly woke up, saw me inching my way towards him, and flopped into the water. “Why’d you take the shirt?” I asked, thinking that I’m crazy for talking to an animal. I didn’t really expect an answer, who ever does while speaking to an animal.

“I needed clothes,” a man’s voice replied. The otter then went underwater. Normally I would have taken off at the sound of his voice but there was something about the way he said it. He said it in a way that made it sound sad, and from that moment on, I was determined to make him happier, whatever he was.