Let Me Break This Awkward Silence



“Shit! I am going to be so late!” I gasped, hurriedly tying up my scuffed green converse, my fingers fumbling over the laces. I had deep brown eyes and dark brown hair just past my shoulders, which had seemed to been growing of its own accord. I tucked my bangs behind my ear, and of course they immediately fell back to cover my eye again.

I grabbed my black Jacket and hurtled through into the kitchen, almost tripping over Molly, one of my dogs on the way.

“Argghh!!” I yelled as I collided with the sharp point of the table, while trying to avoid tripping over the unsuspecting dog, who was now looking at me with big, innocent eyes, her tail wagging.

I dodged round her, skidding to a halt at the bottom of the stairs.

“MUM!” I yelled frantically, “Where is the CD that was on my desk?!”
“What CD?” she called back.
“Only the CD that has all of the newest songs we have recorded on it!!”
“Oh. Well how would I know? You can’t expect me to know! Why should I know?”
“Mum!! This is IMPORTANT!”

I was setting off for band practise, late as per usual, and missing something vital, also as per usual.

Suddenly Jack came flying into me. It seemed like everyone wanted to knock me over this morning!

“Polllyyyy! Where’s your misfits CD? All I could find was this!” whined my 16 year old brother, brandishing the CD I had spent the past 20 minutes looking for.

“Jack! never ever touch that again!” I breathed in relief and annoyance, reaching out to take it from him.
He snatched his hand away smugly.
“Not until you tell me where-”
“GIVE IT TO ME!” I yelled, hurtling myself in the direction of the CD in his withdrawn hand.

Even though I was 2 years older than him, he was annoyingly taller than me. However, we both knew who had the power in situations like these, and he yelped and threw the CD at me. I desperately scrambled in the air for it, trying to catch it before it landed, while Rufus, my 12 year old brother stood in the doorway watching me with fascination.

Honestly, as much as I love my family, sometimes I dream about moving out I really do. I am 18 years old!

I grabbed my bag, and stuffed the CD into it. Tripping over the rips in my old Jeans, I raced out of the door, accidentally slamming it behind me. I hurried through the misty chill of the air and along the old worn out path.

Checking my watch and swearing constantly as I ran to Band Practise (or “civilisation” as I thought of it as) was beginning to become quite a habit of mine.

Finally I reached the old, un-inhabited building which belonged to Charlotte’s aunt, Katie (but who kindly let us use it for band practise), and jammed my key into the lock.

“Open dammit, open!” I breathed, twisting the key around and around in the door, willing it to open.

I finally burst into the room emit to loud cheers from the others.
“Polly! You decided to turn up in the end then?” smirked Kyo, from where she was sitting on one of the cheap black stools, strumming her guitar. She had short jet black hair and hazel eyes, framed by thick black glasses.

I blushed.
“Lost the CD!” I mumbled.
“What?!” gasped Hannah, her long, wavy, strawberry blonde hair falling into her grey green eyes as she spun around.
“No, no I found it again!” I quickly assured them, and they all relaxed slightly.

“Sooo....we actually gonna do this thing?” Charlotte looked questioningly round at us all, impatiently brushing her long black hair out of her face, and pushing her glasses further up her nose.

“Nope we still gotta wait for Jazz” Hannah reminded her, tuning in on her guitar.
At that very moment Jazz herself crashed through the door, hugging her base to herself like it was her only child.

“Well now we’re all here!” chipped in Kyo, as Jazz rushed to sit down (good to know at least someone was later than me).

We had been playing together in our band, Mental Ecstasy, for about a year now, and last night had been our first real gig. No more infamous rock-outs in the bar, this was an official thrash with a crazy audience, and we had loved every minute of it. Now, as we huddled together in the drafty room, about to begin practise, there was a slight sense of excitement in the air. Brian, our manager, would be ringing us any minute. For once, this was something big...