Let Me Break This Awkward Silence




“Well now we’re all here!” Kyo grinned round at us all.
I stuck my tongue out at her.
“I told you, I couldn’t find the CD! Infact...Jack had it...”
She raised her eyebrows.
“Shut up” I laughed, “I’m telling the truth”
“Like when you lost it last time?” cut in Jazz.
“That wasn’t me! That was Lottie!”
“It was not!” yelled Lottie from the corner of the room.
“Hey you guys...” began Hannah.
“Was too!”
“Was not!”
“You guys...”
“LET’S PRACTICE ALREADY!” Hannah shouted, so loudly that we all stopped joking around and stared at her our mouths open.

She turned her back to us.

“Hannah...?” I asked.
She made a small noise. Was she crying? Suddenly she span round to face us and burst out into fits of laughter.
“HANNAH!” Kyo yelled, “We thought you were serious!”
“Yeah like I’d be mad at you guys for that!” She giggled.
I sighed...then began to laugh too.
“We better practise though...I mean...we’ve already lost valuable time thanks to Jazz and Polly being late...” winked Lottie.
“Jazz was later than me!” I pouted.

Suddenly the phone trilled loudly, making us all jump.
We all stared at each other. Could it be...? Brian said he would ring us for details on how we did in the gig...I looked at my watch, then back at the phone. At the same time, we all made a leap for the phone. Jazz and I were closest, but she managed to get there first.

Grabbing it, she half yelped into the phone.
We all held our breath.
Jazz flopped down in the chair dejectedly.
“No we do NOT want to invest in triple glazing! Go jump in a lake!” she spoke into the phone. Then she gave the un-seeing person on the other line the finger, and dropped the phone back onto the hook.

“Ah well” I patted her, grinning . “If he doesn’t ring soon then at least we can indulge in the thought of looking into Triple glazing!”
She pushed me, jokingly.

Just as we were about to start on band practice, the phone leapt one more into action. This time I was quicker.

Putting it into my ear, I spoke suspiciously into it.

“Hello, Blackened Rose here, Are you trying to sell us Triple Glazing? Because if you are then you can just-”
“Polly...It’s me... ” Brian’s voice came from the other end, sounding amused.
“Brian!” I yelled, undoubtedly causing him to wince where ever he was, while the others looked on, their eyes wide.
“I have bad news and good news...” He said.
“Bad news...?” I bit my lip.
“Yes, which do you want first?”
“Uh...the bad news I guess...” I gulped, not sure If I wanted to hear this.
“Okay, the bad news is that you only have till tomorrow morning to pack...”

Now I was completely and utterly lost.

“...Pack...?!” I asked, wondering what on earth he was talking about.
“That’s right...and the good news is that the reason you have to pack is because the show you put on had so much good feedback that you’ve been asked to go on tour for 4 weeks in America...” Brian said this so calmly, it took me a minute to take it in.

Then it hit me.

Oh. My. God.

“YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!!” I screamed down the phone.
“Good thing I held it away from my ear then!” Brian laughed, “And No. Do you think I would joke about this?”


“Well...I’m serious!! And the other band I’m managing, My Chemical Romance, will be touring with you”
“I can’t believe it! I just cant believe it!” I said, in hysterics.
“Teenie moment?” he asked.
“I have to tell the others!” I breathed, a huge goofy smile plastered on my face.
“So you’ll do it?”
“What the hell do you think? Of course we’ll DO IT!!” I yelled, and put the phone down.
The others were looking at me like I had gone mad.