Let Me Break This Awkward Silence




I shaded my eyes from the sun light pouring in from my bedroom window, and sat up reluctantly. Only my bed seemed to be bouncing up and down a little more than usual...

“POLLY! Get up already!” Lottie yelled from her sitting position on the end of my bed, shaking the bedpost as hard as she could.

“Wakey Wakeeyyy!” giggled Jazz, bouncing hyperactively up and down on my bed.
“Whaa-? But, I-”

“No buts! WE’RE GOING ON TOUR REMEMBER?!” Lottie yelled.

Suddenly everything that had happened the previous day came flashing back to me with a jolt that made me jump so high of my bed, I managed to knock Jazz down onto the floor with me.

“Ow! Watch it!” she sniggered, rolling back the right way up and pushing away my tottering pile of Kerrang magazines.

I rolled my eyes as they landed all around us in a mess of shiny paper and posters.
“Just think guys...we could be there one day...” I mumbled, stroking the front cover of one of the glossy rock magazines but suddenly recoiling with a yell of over-dramatic pain.

“Ouuucchh! Paper cut!” I said, sucking my finger.

“Come on you guys!” Yelled Kyo from downstairs.
“Oh yeeahhh! We forgot to tell you! We’re going on tour rightnow! Everyone’s ready!” Lottie beamed
“Now?! right now?!” I panicked, standing up and rushing towards my door.
“Uh Polly...” Jazz giggled as my hand was on the handle.
“What?” I turned round questioningly.
“Wanna get dressed first...?”

I looked down at my bright green pyjamas as if I had planned to go out like that.
“Heh, heh...maybe that would be a good idea...!” I said, shooing them out of my room...

10 minutes and a shower later, after applying black and purple Eyeliner in the mirror, I clomped downstairs in my new black doc martins. They had purple roses on them, and were my latest obsessively worn piece of clothing.

Then, suddenly remembering my luggage, I raced back to my room as fast as I could and trudged – not so fast- all the way down again. I wished now, as I lay at a heap at the bottom of the stairs, that I hadn’t thought of pushing my case down instead of carrying it...running all the way after it to catch it before it had hit the bottom had really worn me out!

When I finally met the others downstairs I was greeted with a series of hugs (Mostly from my mum and dad...smothering ones...)

“Come on we’d better go!” Laughed Kyo, who had been side tracked downstairs when my brother had decided she’d love to know the full and entire history of his newest video game.

“But I haven’t told you about Hikari!” My brother whined. “He’s the leader of the game and-”

“Maybe another time!” Kyo quickly put in, looking at her watch dramatically.
“Bye everyone!!” I grinned, so happy I was on top of the world.

Grabbing my friends, I steered them gently but surely out of the house before my family could involve them in any more conversations about...well whatever my family can call a conversation...

“Hey! This is one biiigg tour bus for all of us!” I yelled happily as we made our way down to it. Brian stuck his head out of it and grinned at us.

“Well actually girls theres a reason for that...but we’ll wait till we pick up Hannah shall we?” He laughed.

A reason? How interesting...