Let Me Break This Awkward Silence




The tour bus hurtled across the dirty streets of New Jersey, with the Misfits blaring out from the speakers, as we drew nearer to Hannah’s House.

“Awww come on Brian!! What reason?” Lottie moaned.
“Yeah!! What’s the big Surprise?” I asked non-plussed.
But Brian only smiled smugly and continued to drive along the street like a madman on...well...skittles!

So instead we were forced to retreat to the back of the bus to share our own suspicions.

“I don’t know...” Kyo shrugged, “maybe it has to be big so that Brian can use it to store weapons of mass destruction which he is planning to take over the world with...” she finished triumphantly, causing us to laugh.

“But that’s impossible!” Jazz nodded, “I’m the ruler of the world!!”
“No, I am!” Kyo corrected her.
“You’re wrong! It’s me!”
“Is not!”
“Is too!”
“Is n-”
But Kyo’s words were cut short by a yell from me
“Shut it you two!!! I’m the ruler of the world...”
Kyo stuck her tongue out at me while Lottie laughed.
“Well I’m the ruler of the pies anyway...” Jazz muttered.
Lottie looked at her and burst out laughing.
“Forgotten to take your pills Jazz?”

After a few more minutes we arrived at Hannah’s house. The door was wrenched open, and we all tumbled out in a giggling heap. We were all high on something far better than drugs....tour!!
Being small, I managed to slip around everyone to get to the door first, knocking very triumphantly...and loudly.

I was greeted by a rather overwhelmed looking Hannah’s mum, who looked rather shocked by the whole situation.
“Goodness there’s a lot of you girls...” She said wearily, before screeching “HANNAH!” up the stairs.

“COMING!” Hannah yelled back, followed by the Ker-KLUNK, ker-KLUNK...the sound of which can only mean I wasn’t the only one to have the bright Idea of pulling my suitcase all the way down the stairs, and seriously damaging it in the process...

“GUYS!” she shouted, running to hug us all.

“Hannah! Really! Do you have to wear so much make-up?!” Hannah’s Mother frowned sternly.

“Yes Mum, actually” Hannah rolled her eyes.

Finally, persuaded by the fact that Hannah didn’t have time to take off all her eyeliner, Her mother finally subsided, letting Hannah out into freedom.

Pulling her into the bus, we all eagerly awaited the “Reason”

“No can do girls....we gotta go somewhere a leetle important first...Brian winked.
“What?!” Jazz gasped.
“But you said...” I began
“I lied!” Brian grinned. “Buckle Up!” and with that we began to speed towards some unknown destination.

After what seemed like hours, we arrived at a Starbucks.
“This is the big reason? A Starbucks?!” I said, frowning confusedly.

The lack of sleep last night and this morning was really starting to take it’s toll, and I felt like I was going to fall asleep right there and then, despite all the excitement...so maybe a coffee wouldn’t be such a bad idea...

“You’ll see” smiled Brian, “I said I’d meet them here”
“Meet who?”

But Brian just shook his head, and so one by one we clambered off outside.

We all queued up for our drinks. I got stuck behind a large group of giggling girls, and so by the time I had got my coffee, everyone seemed to already be on the Bus. Holding my coffee dejectedly, I finally found myself making my way towards the Tour Bus.

Suddenly, A figure walked right into me, causing me to spill my coffee all over myself.
“Hey!” I cried, no longer in the best of moods.
“Sorry” muttered the figure. I looked at the guy. He had long black messy hair and a pale back face. I looked away from his hazel eyes and frowned.
“I was gonna drink that” I said moodily.
“You don’t say...” smirked the guy.
I couldn’t deal with this...the guy knocks boiling coffee all over me...and then he takes the mick?

I glared at him and opened my mouth to say something, but was cut short.
“I said sorry!”
“Well sorry Isn’t going to buy another coffee is it?” I half-snarled at the stranger.
He stood closer to me and looked down at the top of my head purposefully.
“What you gonna do...kid?”

I couldn’t be bothered to argue, so I just barged past him towards the tour Bus. To my surprise he followed me in.

I looked at Brian, expecting him to tell this stranger to get out, but instead he smiled at me.
“Ah Polly! I see you’ve met Gerard from My Chemical Romance! He and his Bandmates will be sharing the Bus with us...”
My jaw dropped.