Let Me Break This Awkward Silence




I stared at the guy who I would be not only be touring with, but sharing a Bus with.
I mean, come on!
What was Brian thinking of?
How was I meant to change?!

I gulped.
Well. It couldn’t be that bad could it?

‘Gerard’ stared at me.
“So...dude...you’re telling me I’m gonna be sharing a bus with cute-when-she’s-angry kid?” Gerard said to Brian, eyeing me up and down with raised eyebrows.

“My name is Polly” I said through gritted teeth, “And I don’t want to share a bus with you any more than you do!”

“Yeah...join the club sugar...” he smirked at me.
“Polly! There’s nothing sugary about me right now!” I warned him wearily.

I looked away and realised the whole of my band were staring at us with bemused eyes.

“Break it up you two! I am NOT having you arguing like this for the whole of the tour...Jesus...It’s hard enough to bear you lot already!” He winked at us

“Heeyyy!! That’s not funny!” Kyo put in, along with similar protests from the others.
“Live with it!” Brian laughed at us.

“Is that my manager’s voice I hear?” laughed a voice from outside the tour bus.
In walked another four guys.

The dude who had spoken had black hair over one of his black rimmed eyes. He had a lip ring and was wearing ripped jeans and a tight black tee.

“Sup” he grinned, “I’m Frank...Frank Iero, and these are my band mates, Bob...” a tall, broad shouldered man with blond hair nodded, “...Mikey...” the guy next to him with glasses and a beanie over his brown hair waved, “...Ray...” The man with the coolest fro in the world smiled at us all, “And it looks like you’ve already met Gerard!”

Gerard winked at me and I pointedly ignored him.

“And...so...who are you guys...?” Frank asked, suddenly noticing a blushing Jazz in the corner of the bus.

“I’m Jazz...” she smiled, looking at him with her bright blue eyes.

“Jazz...that’s a lovely name you have there...” Frank murmured, walking over to her slowly as she shuffled over so there was room for him to sit on her bunk.

She smiled up at him as he conveniently leant right over her so that he was almost embracing her to reach for his luggage that he had left in the corner of the room.

“Woah there Frank! Easy does it!” Brian warned, causing Frank to straighten up and glare at him.

“Well anyway, ignore my rather eager friend there” Mikey laughed, “What are the rest of you called?”

“Awww shut up Mikey!” Frank grinned, “I can’t help it if she has nice eyes!”

“I’m Hannah!” grinned Hannah, brushing her hair out of her eyes and smiling at Mikey happily.

“Kyo!” said Kyo in a sing-song voice
“And I’m Lottie!!” trilled my pretty black haired friend from her bunk.

I was about to say my own name but I was silenced and Gerard said it for me.
“Polly” he said smirking, and grabbed me by the waist and held me in front of the others.

“Get off!” I yelped.
I may be small, but I especially hate it when idiots take advantage of it and pick me up...

“What you gonna do?” he laughed for the second time.

I was beginning to seriously dislike this guy...why did he always make fun of me?
“Just let go of me.” I muttered.
He looked at me curiously now that there was no tone in my voice, but did not let go of my waist, and still my feet didn’t touch the floor.

Everyone seemed to be watching us in surprise.

“Dude, you gonna put that girl down or not?” questioned Bob, eyebrows raised.

Gerard gently placed me down again, and stared at the floor with his hands in his pockets.

“Thanks!” I said sarcastically.
He looked up at me, and I suddenly noticed how nice his eyes were...hazel with flecks of brown in them.
“Sorry.” He said quietly.
Shocked by this sudden attitude, I simply shrugged at him.
He seemed to suddenly regain himself.
“You’re pretty light, angel...you get mistaken for a fourth grader much?” He said quickly, the familiar smirk back on his face.
“POLLY!” I snapped.