Let Me Break This Awkward Silence

Chapter 8

Chapter 8


I awoke on the excruciatingly early hour of exactly 2:00 in the morning to the sound of giggling. Or rather…to the sound of Jazz hyperventilating.
I sat up groggily, rubbing sleep out of my black, rimmed eyes, therefore increasing the oh so alluring look of a stunned panda on cocaine.
Oh the joys of natural beauty!

“Wha…what’s so…so-“ I broke off at this point, yawning dramatically, to finish my sentence a few seconds later.
“…So funny?

“POLLU!” Jazz yelled, extremely enthusiastically, and wearing what looked like half the contents of the local sweetshop covered her drainpipe clad legs.
I grinned at the use of my pet name, and climbed up to sit next to her and Frankie, both sitting with dopey eyes and bed head hair on his bunk.

“Pollu, Pollu, Polluuu!” Frank laughed hysterically – finding my name so incredibly pleasing that he had the need to repeat it several times.

“Look what Frankie bought!!” Jazz shrieked, throwing up her hands and sending a shower of candy to settle all around us like a sheen of sugar coloured rain.

“Coffee and skittles and smarties and m’nems and lots and lots and lots of CANDDYYYY!!” Frankie squealed in a way that was just too high pitched for my poor sensitive ears to deal with, let alone at this time of night.

“Oh God…” I groaned, wondering how the hell the rest of the coach had managed to stay asleep through these two and their twittering.
“We wanted alchyhol, but Brian, he says “NO ALCHYHOL!” and so he locked the doors allllll up so we not get it.” Jazz said mournfully.

The both of them wore expressions of such grief, heads bowed, looking so distraught at the prospect of no beer, I found myself trying very hard not to laugh out loud.
I tried the door, and – sure enough – Brian had locked it, evidently knowing the effect of alcohol on our fellow band mates…

Brian himself though, was snoring at the front of the parked vehicle, obviously blissfully unaware of the huge bag of candy and instant coffee that Frankie had managed to stash inside his luggage.

I surveyed the two high as hell people in front of me with great amusement, as Jazz threw skittles at Frankie, who was unsuccessfully trying to catch them in his open mouth, tongue lolling and giving him the look on an oversized puppy.

Well, I thought shrugging my shoulders. You know what they say…if you can’t beat them, join them!

“So,” I asked conversationally, whilst popping a smartie onto my waiting tongue, “where’s the coffee anyway?”

“Well we couldn’t be bothered to go through the whole making it thing, so we just ate it how it was!” Jazz informed me seriously.
“You’re telling me” I began, raising my eyebrows, “that you ate it straight from the packet. On it’s own?
“Yup!” Jazz beamed.
“Yuppety, yuppety, yup!” Frankie joined in happily.
“That’s disgusting!” I said, laughing despite myself.
“YUMMY!” Chorused the two of them together.

“Hey! Do you know what we need?” giggled Frankie innocently.
“Oh and what’s that then?” I asked, humouring him.

“MUSIC!” Frank grinned, delirious with happiness as he darted out of bed and towards the stereo before I could stop him.

The sound of extremely loud rock music may be head-thrashingly awesome in some situations, but I guess 4:00 in the morning in a coach full of sleeping people just wasn’t one of those situations.

“Turn it off! FRANKIE TURN THAT THING OFF BEFORE I SERIOUSLY HURT YOU!” yelled Bob, as Kyo rolled off her (luckily, at a low height) bunk with a loud thud with fright, and Lottie covered her ears and threw a pillow at Jazz.

Frankie, hyper as he was, laughed and started dancing crazily in the middle of all the chaos.

Jazz jumped down to join him and he picked her up, staggering slightly due to his size (though that could have just been because of the huge amount of candy he’d had), and twirled her around, yelling as loud as he could along to the words.

Brian, jabbed at the off button wildly, and we were left with a deeply relieving silence.

“About bloody time!” he growled, and slumped back onto his bunk, falling instantly asleep once more.

Frankie and Jazz however, were still in a world of their own.

“I’m going to kiss you now. Is that okay?” Frankie asked her earnestly.
Jazz thought hard.
“Okay then!” she beamed, evidently having thought deep and hard about this gesture of…uhh…friendship

“GET A ROOM!!” Yelled Gerard, throwing half of his bedding at them.

Something told me it was going to be a long, long time before something called “sleep” was possible…