Status: new type of story! starting up... c:

I Found You


Personally, I think my wardrobe is too extravagant. Coming from a princess, it might seem odd to hear, yet it's true. I own racks of dresses and gowns and blouses and skirts, that are all just packed into my walk-in closet attached to my room. Not to mention my shoes. Although I didn't even have the privilege to choose half of them, I own shelves of elegant heels, flats, and wedges. When I look at all of my clothes, I think that they're just too much for me.

"Princess Lacey, you must not wear that peach dress to the banquet tonight. You've already worn that to the garden party last year." My maid, Clarissa, informed me before delicately grabbing the hanger of the dress and running it back into my closet.

It's taken us about a half hour to determine what I would be wearing to my ceremonial banquet, exactly a month before I become betrothed to my partner. Of course, I'd have to be born a princess of the country where there had to be a picture-perfect relationship ruling it. I could never live up to my parents' standards of marriage anyway. They were literally the prime example of a thriving relationship that helped lead the entire country. Me, I could barely figure out an outfit on my own.

"Clare, can you just tell me what I can't wear out of my closet? That would make things a lot easier that guessing what I can." I complained, running a hand through my long dark hair. Placing a hand on my hip, I began to chew on the corner of my bottom lip. This has always been a nervous habit of mine.

"Lacey, I know you can pick a smarter choice. Just think of a color and take a gown out of that section." Clarissa spoke with a tired attitude back. "Your closet was just reorganized and a new shipment of clothes came in last week. I'll go find you a pair of shoes to wear." Then she disappeared back into the closet in front of me, heading to the shoe shelves.

Sighing loudly to myself, I didn't know what to do. Being a princess, an icon for the other teen and young girls of Alethia, it was also a necessity to keep up with the latest fashion royalty could wear. If it was up to me, I'd be in jean shorts and a tank top every day. But again, I have to follow the rules.

Shifting my eyes from sections of colors, I came across the greens and blues. Reaching forward, I slid the hangers on the rack over to dig for a mint green low-high dress. It had an open weaving backside, with a deep neckline. I hadn't seen it before, so I assumed it was okay to think about wearing.

"Hey, Clare, what about this dress?" I alerted her, keeping my eyes on the sheer drape on the top layer as I turned it around by the hanger. Lifting my attention to her, I had my eyebrows raised high with curiosity as to what she would say. Clarissa's face was approving, a small smile drawing onto her lips.

"Oh that's perfect. I love the color, and it was one of the newest ones in the spring line. Ferloux's favorite." She set the pair of heels in her hand down on the white couch beside us, to reach forward and move the dress and myself to one of the long mirrors on the wall. Jean Ferloux was one of the greatest designers in the small continent. He was also Clarissa's favorite one.

"Go ahead and try that on. I'm going to pick out wedges for that gorgeous color." She proposed in a high-pitched excitement before scurrying over to examine my shoes once again. If Clarissa was already getting overly excited about finding a dress, how will the rest of the eventful night end up?


"Introducing, the Princess of Alethia, Lacette Marina Berleno." The Cardinal announced to the banquet as it began. As the ballroom was hushed, I took a deep breath before straightening my shoulders and stepping out from around the corner of the large two-way winding staircase. The audience began to applaud as cameras flashed from below me.

I hoped my smile was white enough. I hoped my hair was wavy enough. I hoped my dress wasn't too sheer. Yet, that's why I had Clarissa. She made sure everything went smoothly for my pre-banquet preparation. That girl was more like a close cousin to me, than just a maid and assistant.

Stepping down onto the marble-ground, I turned my attention to the side where my parents were standing. Moving to them, they both pulled me into a hug individually. I just hoped they wouldn't flatten out the curls Clarissa worked so hard on.

"I love you, beautiful girl. We'll announce everything tonight, and then we'll get things sorted out together soon." My mother whispered into my ear in the warm embrace she gave me. My father had merely hugged me and placed a kiss upon my cheek. I had nodded with a half-smile to her, then proceeded to stand by Clarissa and the Cardinal, as my father began to speak.

The king just informed everyone about how tonight was the one-month mark to my birthday where I'd be choosing my spouse to rule to kingdom with in the next generation. We had talked about this day several times before, and it's funny how it's happening now. The large ballroom was filled with wealthy heirs and other royalty and blood-lines. About a quarter of the population was young men around my age, heirs or Dukes or Princes that would be in the 'competition' to be my partner.

For the next hour, I went around the room shaking hands, being kissed on the back of the hand, greeting, and having small talk with every different family I saw. The typical banquet or party routine. Of course it bored me after a half hour, but being the main girl of the evening had its special roles.

Most of the time I tried to find Clarissa, although she was helping my mother with the appetizers and decorations. So instead, I tried to make the most out of having semi-attractive guys here for me. Although they were enormously cocky and spoiled, they did know how to charm a princess.

"So, Princess Lacey, any thoughts about who you'll be choosing in a month? Because I think this is how the future is going to look like." Duke Carson Bryant said to me with certain sly and flirty tone to his voice as he slid his arm around my shoulder. Blushing to myself and letting out a cute laugh, I looked up to the dirty-blonde, strongly-cologne-smelling, boy that was smirking at me.

"A-hem." A deep voice coughed conspicuously, causing both of us to look forward. It was my father, here to ruin another moment once again. Carson's arm immediately retracted back to his side, before the shocked look upon his face softened as he bowed slightly to my father.

With crossed arms, my dad had an eyebrow cocked before letting out a half-chuckle, and gesturing for me to follow him away. As I was stepping forward, I looked back to Carson with an apoligetic smile upon my face.

"So, Lace. Getting comfortable with the kingdom's suitors I see?" He spoke with a small smile on his lips, keeping his gaze forward. Tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, I smiled at passing guests and turned to look to him while I let my shoulders shrug down.

"Dad, come on. It's not like I've chosen any guy yet. I barely know any guys' names." I lied. He and I both knew I had to learn all of the young royalties' names when I was 10 years old for the famous Anniversary Ball the king and queen threw each year. We stopped by the elevated stage-area where the thrones were located, below the grand staircases.

"I just want you to know, Angel, that you need to make a very wise choice. This is the man you'll be married to for the rest of you life. Because you know how crucial the reputation of Alethia's king and queen is. One month, 31 days... that's all you have to make the decision." He lectured with a nod at the end.

Sighing, I nodded back and raised an eyebrow in annoyance. "Of course, I know dad. Everything relies on my choice now. Got it." I replied, waving my hand around for emphasis on how dramatic the whole situation was. After laughing at me for a second, he kissed my forehead and went on to mingle with the guests once more.

I merely stepped back up onto the platform and sunk into my throne besides the other pair for my parents. Propping my elbow up and placing my fist under my chin, I gazed across the room to examine the banquet for me. For my 1-month mark until becoming married to one of the guys in the kingdom I don't even know.

This is going to be a long ride, but sure-as-hell short 31 days until I chose my soul mate to lead the kingdom with me.
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Hi hello guys! This is a pretty crazy, different plot I was going with here. I usually don't write fantasy like this here, but I've decided to do just that!

Comment, subscribe, recommend! New chapter coming soon <3

Love you all c:
~ Rain