The Adventures of Mikey and Mr. Panda


Mikey was angry at Mr. Panda for dying on him. He was only pretending to be dead to play a joke!

"He just can't take a joke," Mikey thought.

Mikey soon forgot about the whole thing when he saw a Starbucks.

"YAY!" He screamed and ran across the road full of moving cars, waving his arms around. Some random people on the street stared at him. Finally he was at Starbucks.

"YAY!" He squealed. He walked in. To his extreme joy, all the workers were unicorns!

"YAY!" He squealed. Then he ordered a frapuccino.

"YAY!" He squealed. So he sat in a booth with his loverly frapuccino. Mikey loved coffee, so he drank 327,545,890 frappuccinos. It was a new record! Then he had a huge caffeine-high. So he bounced around town asking strangers random questions.

"Hey lady what's 3,940,398,589,450,389 devided by 34?" He asked an elderly woman crossing the street. The elderly woman got out her calculator but before she could finish the math problem, the light had turned green and she got hit by a car.
Mikey smiled and walked off to the park.

At the park, some kids were playing in a sand box.

"Hey kids, did you know that worms crawl around in the sand and if they bite you you'll die on the spot?" Mikey said with a smile. "It's true, my grandpa died that way." He reassured them. The kids screamed and ran away crying.
Mikey smiled and headed off to the Home Depot.

"Hey, do you know how much wood I would need to build a box that would hold 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 and a half bananas?" He asked an employee. The employee stared at him for a moment.

"Um, yeah well.." He thought for a moment. "Here's a calculator, kiddo." He gave Mikey a calculator and ran away.

"THAT'S BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE!" Mikey reminded him. Then he walked out of the store.