All That We Could Be

Chapter Three

Two weeks had passed. Fallon had been busy doing radio promotion for her single and was busy setting up small promotional club performances. She had enough work waiting for her at home because of her school. With the upcoming week full of the club performances; Fallon decided to get a start on her work since she had nothing to do on this Friday night. As she sat in her room trying to finish some questions from her Chemistry text book, Fallon thought over the last week.

Daniel had called a few days after they had met. He had asked her to meet him at the café. Fallon was still at awe that Daniel had actually called her. The two of them had been getting along fine, just like the first time. Although they mainly chatted about books that they had read and about soccer. Fallon had found out that Daniel’s biggest passion was the game. Although most of the male population here had an addiction to soccer, Daniel talked about it differently. Fallon loved watching the game, but listening to Daniel talk about it was something else. His passion just brought his words alive.

Even though Daniel was still avoiding talking about his work just like Fallon, the two of them were going to be meeting up tomorrow night at Cheryl’s club. Cheryl had also asked Craig to book one of Fallon’s performances at her club. He had listened to Cheryl’s request. Unfortunately the performance was tomorrow. The same day that Fallon would be meeting Daniel.

Fallon wasn’t really looking forward to revealing this part about her. She still didn’t know what Daniel’s job was, and she was feeling apprehension when it came to revealing hers. Although he could have a valid reason for not telling her yet. What if he didn’t like the whole pop star act? Or maybe he didn’t like her music…Fallon’s imagination was starting to go AWOL on her. The only comfort was that Fallon would be seeing him after the performance…meaning she didn’t have to explain to him before…meaning she had a better chance of not screwing up.

Fallon still hadn’t introduced Cheryl to Daniel. Tomorrow seemed like a great time to give him a heads up on all the things he didn’t know about…or the people she had told him about but not introduced to him. It feels weird to be worrying about all this at this point, Fallon thought, I mean we’re not exactly going out or exclusive…and it’s only been two weeks. For Fallon this was a first. She never had gone out on many dates. She mainly kept to herself and her work.
Fallon had always believed in the concept of true love. The fairy tales and novels she read…didn’t put her off. She believed that one day she would find someone. Naïve…some would say. Cheryl had scoffed at the idea. But Fallon wouldn’t budge. None of the guys she had gone on dates with…which in itself was rare…had ever given her the feeling that she wanted them in her life…at all. They were all very nice…just they weren’t for her. Even though it was really early with Daniel…she still couldn’t help but feel totally smitten with him. She looked forward to seeing him…instead of dreading it.

This is crazy- She thought. Fallon was hoping she wouldn’t go spilling her guts to Daniel anytime soon. That would probably scare him away…-Fallon thought. Before she could think any more the door opened and in came Cheryl. She was exhausted. So Fallon hurried to get some food to her.

It was five minutes before Fallon would be hitting the stage. Lively! was filled to the brim. The turnout was amazing considering who was performing. Fallon had peeked through the curtains…and sure enough Daniel was standing a few rows away from the stage. How’d he get so close to the stage…- Fallon wondered. At once she knew who had done this...Cheryl! - She thought. Fallon had of course told Cheryl all about Daniel. It’s like I have turrets- Fallon thought to herself. Fallon had always found herself blurting things out, sometimes it was things that would have been better left unsaid. Luckily it was mostly in front of Cheryl…and now sometimes Daniel caught her off guard.

Tonight Fallon was lucky to be performing her single only. There were a few other bands that had booked time slots after her. That was a relief. She would free for the rest of the night after a few minutes of work.

She heard the announcer introduce her. She was nervous. It was a few seconds before the curtains moved away from her. Exposing her to the audience. Its show time…- Fallon thought, as she smiled at the onlookers…and as the music started Fallon relaxed. The words came to her. So Fallon sang, taking hold of her audience.

Fallon stepped off the stage with a high. It was an adrenaline rush each time. She ran to Cheryl’s office. She had a change of clothes in there. After all she wasn’t going to perform in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt…although she would prefer it. Cheryl made sure that Fallon had something decent for occasions like this. Fallon changed out of her bright teal knee length dress, into some nice black dress pants and a black short sleeve shirt. She changed her heels for a pair of black shoes. She grabbed her jacket, checked for her wallet and key, and then left the office.

Fallon walked through the hall quickly, so that she could find Daniel. At the end of the hall she spotted Cheryl…standing with Daniel. At least now I don’t have to find him – Fallon thought. She didn’t know what to expect from him. Would he react badly…His face was blank. Fallon didn’t have any idea of what she was in for.

“Hey Fallon! So this is Daniel? He’s awesome! He was just telling me about how lucky you are that your job is flexible. I think he’s slightly stunned by the gig…” Cheryl trailed off, as she saw the look on Fallon’s face. Fallon looked uneasy. “So I guess I won’t need to introduce you both to each other…hehe…” Fallon laughed nervously. “Yea I kind of took the liberty of doing that myself, Fallon. Unfortunately I can’t talk to you both all night…I have to look after some of the details that are screaming for attention. I’ll have to say goodnight now…I hope you both have a great night.” Cheryl smiled at Daniel. “Oh and Fallon…go easy on him…I think you should keep him.” Cheryl whispered to Fallon as she passed her, on her way to the office. “Cheryl!” Fallon almost shrieked, horrified, but feeling the blush start to creep on her face. Fallon glanced at Daniel who was slightly smiling, and then swiftly turned…only to find Cheryl disappearing into the shadows of the hall.

Fallon stood beside Daniel awkwardly for a few minutes. Neither of them knew where to begin. “I guess you could call this a flexible job…” At last Daniel had spoken. His voice didn’t sound angry. “It is…and it works around my schedule.” Fallon said carefully. She was staring at her shoes. “And you didn’t tell me because…” Daniel prodded. Fallon looked up. He was smiling. “Well this job isn’t that important…well it is but…and I didn’t want you treating me differently…besides most critics don’t like me…so I just don’t say anything…and its not like you told me your occupation.” Fallon said quickly, hoping he wouldn’t be too upset.

“Okay fair enough, but maybe a little heads up would be nice the next time I come to see you perform.” Daniel said with a laugh. Fallon’s spirit was lifted. He would come…there would be a next time. “Yea of course, I’ll give you the dates.” Fallon promised him. “So you’re still not going to tell me about your work?” She asked hopefully. “Nope, not yet.” Daniel said, mysteriously. “That’s so unfair.” Fallon complained. “I know, but you’ll live.” Daniel said with a smirk.

“So where to next?” Fallon asked him. “Well how about we go grab some food and take a stroll in the park…during this cold winter night. Star gazing.” Daniel said. “Except I think you’re brighter than the other stars we might see tonight.” He said softly. Fallon blushed. “You blush easily, don’t you?” Daniel teased. “Yea…and you are a flatterer…” Retorted Fallon, unable to come up with anything remotely better. “Yes I am…but for you I mean every word.” Daniel said sincerely. Fallon couldn’t help but smile. “Come on let’s go.” Daniel said as he reached for Fallon’s hand.

The two of them had hardly walked out of the building when they were blinded by bright flashes. “Fallon! Fallon!” Came the shouts. “Who is this?” “Fallon are you dating him?” “Fallon what are your thoughts on the recent success of your latest single?” So many voices were shouting at them. Fallon was blinded by the flash bulbs. The appearance of the photographers had shocked her. Her stomach was starting to hurt. She could feel Daniel’s grip on her hand tighten. Somehow Daniel managed to lead her away from the questions and flashing lights. He got her into his car. The two of them left, without any problem.

“I’m guessing this was another reason you didn’t tell me?” Daniel said, rhetorically. “You have no idea…” muttered Fallon. At this Daniel laughed. “What?” Fallon couldn’t understand what was so funny. “I’ll tell you some other time.” Daniel answered. Puzzled, Fallon took his word for it, as they drove through the cold winter night.