All That We Could Be

Chapter Forty Five

Chapter Forty Five

For the first few days, Fallon had been in shock. She couldn’t understand why she had gotten the axe. Craig had tried to explain to a numb Fallon on the phone, but it hadn’t made any sense to her.

“Fallon, it’s not because you were a dreadful artist. The board went through all the artists, their profiles, their sales, everything. They wanted to make room on the roster for a few new artists and maybe a couple of groups. Since Lonestar doesn’t really have very many bands.” He had explained. “What it came down to was that the sales for your previous albums weren’t able to compare to a few of the other artists. Actually what it came down to was that Phil wasn’t around…he had a lot of influence…they cut you and few others that had Phil standing by their side.” He told her. He too felt the loss that came with Phil’s demise.

“I’m really sorry Fallon. Look at it this way, now you have more time to work on the album…you’ll be able to put out a better one than you thought. Hopefully either you’ll get signed or I’ll figure something out before the New Year. So just keep in touch.” Craig had said to her before ending the call. Fallon had just stood there in shock.

“What was that about?” Cheryl was the first to speak. Fallon couldn’t get the words out. “She’s been dropped from the label.” Christopher said. “What? Is that true?” Cheryl asked Fallon. Fallon nodded. The words had escaped her again. “Why?” Cheryl persisted. Fallon took a moment and found her voice. “My sales record compared to other artists wasn’t as good…they needed space on the roster for new artists and bands…so I got the chop.” She managed to get all the words out. “I’m so sorry Fallon.” Cheryl said, she reached to give Fallon a hug, but Fallon turned away. “I need a minute.” She left them both standing in confusion.

Fallon headed for her library. It was away from everything. When she opened the door she found her library shaded from the sun. It was dark, but there was enough light to see where everything was. She didn’t bother to turn on the lights, the darkness suited her mood.

She sat on the bean bag…leaning into it. How could this have happened? Fallon had always been paranoid at the beginning. She had just started to relax and now she had been axed. Four albums and many singles later…she was done. She had just released the single from her upcoming album…how would she release the album now? It was like driving along a road that had a sign to lead somewhere and suddenly winding up at a dead end.

Fallon put her head in her hands. Things would be fine. The house would be fine. She had managed to take care of that problem last year. She had enough saved. Her tuition had been paid, her books had been bought, and she would be alright. Everything would be alright…she hoped.

Fallon resolutely settled onto releasing this album. I don’t care if I have to do it on my own…- She thought determinedly. How would she fund it? It was then that the answer hit her. Phil!...- She remembered. All those months ago…when she and Christopher had gone to the lawyers…they had told her. He had made sure that if ever she needed, there would be funds available to her to move forward with her career.

Her heart lightened at the thought. She wasn’t completely alone after all. Phil had taken care of her yet again. All of a sudden she felt the urge to rush up to her room and see what the letter held in store for her future.

She got up in a hurry and went to open the door. As she opened it she found a bewildered looking Christopher about to knock. “Are you okay?” He asked her in concern. Fallon didn’t have to think of an answer. “I’m fine.” She said quickly, rushing up the stairs to her room. Once she was in she locked the door. She didn’t need any one to pry.

Going into her closet she found the letter…exactly where she had left it. Taking a deep breath to prepare herself; Fallon opened the letter. She sat down in her closet before unfolding the paper. She slowly unfolded it and started to read:

‘Hey there kiddo,

I know if you’re reading this…it means I’m long gone. Knowing you…very long gone. ‘

Fallon smiled at this. He had understood her instinct to run very well.

‘Fallon, you already know how hard it is to make it in the music industry. I know what your music means to you. I also know what your education means to you.

That’s the first thing I noticed about you, Fallon. As much as you wanted to make music, you knew that there was always the possibility that it wouldn’t work out the way you wanted. So you decided to take the chance but also make sure you weren’t blindsided by it all; and you went and got an education.

For that Fallon, I’m proud of you. I’ve been lucky enough to work with you on your music…but I wanted to make sure that you’re dreams never got quashed by these money grubbing people up in the board.

So far we’ve been lucky to keep you…you have Craig and I in your corner. I’m not sure how long that can last. But I do know that if the time comes and you need help, I will be there for you. That’s why I am gifting you with fifteen thousand dollars to put towards releasing your music. I want you to write your songs and release them. Use this money well and do what you can, even if it means starting your own record label and signing a few artists.

The next part of my gift is for your education. I hope that you don’t let anything get in the way of achieving your goal. So I have placed ten thousand dollars for you in separate account. This will take care of all your needs education wise. Reach for the stars and don’t let anyone stop you. I know you think it’ll take longer, but if you really want to get a doctorate, Fallon; you should go and get it.

We both know music careers end, but an education will last you forever.

Anyway, kiddo; I know you love the track very much…so you and Christopher will share it. Remember, running away from your feelings doesn’t mean they won’t catch up to you. Sometimes they just wait until they can hit you hard.

Take care of yourself. Know that I loved working with you, and that you’ve made me proud.

Much love,

Fallon’s throat choked up. She couldn’t believe how kind Phil had been. He had given her a small fortune of her own. He had made sure that she would never have to worry about her musical career.

Fallon had made up her mind. She would release the album this year. She would write every song and make sure to work hard. She would come back with a vengeance…She would make Phil proud.

It was a few days before the crowd outside the house had gone away. Fallon had been bombarded with questions every which way she turned. Even on campus people had looked at her when she passed them, whispers followed her.

Thankfully her lab partner could care less. “So you aren’t going to be busy musically for a while?” Michael had asked. “I guess you could say that, but I’m still writing.” She told him, she didn’t want to say too much about her plan. “Well think of it this way…now you have time to learn solid state reactions with me. We’ll be using prep TLC plates. It’ll be sure to help with the research project.” He told her, he had a grin planted on his face.

Fallon leaned away from the lab bench. “Don’t look so smug. I wasn’t going to flake out for the research project.” She told him, he tried to stifle his laughter. “Fallon, how many times over the years have I asked you to do it…and you told me flat out no.” He told her. Fallon didn’t have a come back. “At least this time you’ll be completely submerged in what they call Chemistry!” He told her, changing his voice into that of a presenter. Fallon pushed him slightly, he was laughing. Fallon smiled. “Ominous.” She muttered, as they got back to work.

It was a few days before Fallon realized she would be needing a dress for the masquerade ball. With everything that had been going on she forgotten about the ball. With only two and a half weeks left till Halloween, Cheryl booted Fallon out the door one morning.

“Go visit Ana! She’ll fix you up with a proper ball gown. Go on, you need to go out. Just going to school isn’t going to get me off your case!” Cheryl had said loudly, pushing Fallon out of the door. When Fallon turned to argue, she found the door closing in her face. Fallon was about to knock on the door, but realized she had her keys in hand. Putting her hand down, she tossed her keys in the air and caught them. Fallon decided a trip to Ana’s shop would be in her best interest. It would get her mind off of things.

Fallon headed for the Charger. The roar of the engine put her at ease. It was sunny out. For October, it was quite pleasant. Fallon grabbed her shades from the glove compartment. She drove to Ana’s shop, taking her time.

Fallon was greeted by Ana as she entered the small shop. “I didn’t expect to see you around so soon!” Ana said smiling as Fallon walked up to her. “I kind of needed your expertise.” Fallon told her. “Yea? What do you need me for?” Ana asked with curiosity. “Lively! is having a masquerade ball for Halloween…and so I was kind of hoping you could help me find something suitable to wear.” Fallon told her. “Sure. What did you have in mind?” Ana asked her.

Ana led Fallon to the back room, where they continued to talk about the design of the dress. By the time Fallon left, she had a garment bag over her arm, a pair of shoes in her hand, and small paper bag clutched in one hand.

With the date of the ball coming closer, Fallon kept working on her album and her studies. Popjustice had already posted an article about her being dropped from the label. The title of it being ‘We told you so!’ the whole point of it was the fact that they had predicted her end would come…but they were four albums late.

Cheryl had gotten Christopher and William to agree to come to the ball. She had even convinced them to wear masks. Christopher had been reluctant first but agreed when both Fallon and Cheryl had pushed him.

The day of the ball came and Fallon wasn’t exactly excited. Cheryl had made sure to keep Fallon on a schedule to finish work before Friday, so Fallon didn’t have very many excuses on the day. She went to class, found another bouquet of flowers awaiting her when she returned home, and got dressed for the masquerade ball. She would be changing at the club.

Her dress was in the style of a coronation gown but less layered and puffy. Her sleeves were slit from the shoulder and opened to show a new layer of cloth. The neck was in a v-cut. It was tight from the waist, and for the skirt part it opened into an upside down v showing another colour. The top colour was a deep violet, which opened to show a black material. The embroidery of the clothes was in silver. The mask was in the same violet color, with black feathers around it.

Fallon let her hair down, and did her make up before heading out. She would only need to change once she arrived there. Fallon headed out with her clothes and shoes in hand. Once she arrived she quickly changed in Cheryl’s office.
Cheryl had gotten out earlier; she was dressed in a deep red dress with gold embroidery. Her mask was like Fallon’s but it was red with golden feathers around it.

Fallon was glad there was elastic to hold the mask to her face; she would have dreaded having to hold it the entire night.

Fallon emerged from the office, fully changed. Her hair billowing over her shoulders, Fallon left to find her friends.

“Hey, want to dance?” Fallon turned to face a person in a black suit and mask. “Real original, Chris.” She told him. “I hate having to dress up.” He told her. “It’s Halloween…you have an excuse!” She said. “Yea well, at least I don’t look stupid looking like a knight!” He retorted. “What! William actually dressed up! This I have got to see!” Fallon said, she laughed in amusement.

Fallon walked past Christopher to see William. There was music playing, people were dancing. Fallon walked through the crowed followed by Christopher to get a glimpse of William. She saw him standing by the bar talking to some blonde haired girl dressed as a witch. He looked funny. Fallon caught his eye, he smiled. “Need something?” He asked her. “Nope. Nice outfit.” She told him. He ruffled his cape for her. He looked very convincing as a knight. He had a fake sword on one side. Even the mask went along. She left him talking to the girl.

“So will you dance with me?” Christopher asked her again. “Okay...I will dance with you…but you should beware…I can’t dance…” Fallon told him. “Then what was that for the music video for ‘Crush’?” Christopher asked her, he grinned. Fallon hadn’t been expecting him to remember that. “Sheer dumb luck?” She told him. “Excuses, excuses. Let’s go.” Christopher said as he led her to the dance floor.

Christopher started to lead her, it was a slow song. Fallon couldn’t recognize which song it was. “How’s the writing going?” Christopher asked her. “It’s going alright…it’s hard to write sometimes though. I’ll get there soon. Craig found someone to help me with the recording of it. So hopefully it’ll be out by December. I just have to work harder.” She told him. She let go of his hand for a second, the feathers were making her itch. She took his hand again.

“What about you, how are you?” She asked him. “I’m good, work is going fine. Everything is starting to calm down since Christmas is coming up in two months.” He told her. They kept talking; Christopher had told her a joke at which she was laughing when he was tapped on the shoulder.

“Do you mind if I cut in for this song?” William asked him. Christopher looked as though he minded very much, but he didn’t say anything as he left Fallon with William. Fallon was surprised that he had gone so quietly, but then she saw him motioning to kick William from behind. Although it was quite childish of him; Fallon tried to keep a straight face, but a laugh escaped. William turned to see behind him, but by then Christopher had walked off smiling.

The song had changed. ‘Somebody’s Me’ by Enrique Iglesias was playing overhead. “Enjoying yourself?” William asked her. “I am.” Fallon told him. “I didn’t know Cheryl was a fan of these things.” William told her. “She loves classic masquerade balls. I think they can be interesting.” She told him. “Did you think I would be here?” He asked her. “To be honest, had you asked me if we were going to be friends and dance together here…after everything…I would have said no…” She told him. “Are you happy with how things turned out?” He asked her.

To Fallon, it seemed he had wanted to ask her that for a long time. “Depends what things we’re talking about.” She told him. “Okay, about us being friends.” He told her. “I am happy about that. It’s nice having you as my friend. I’m glad it worked out.” She told him, it was true that they had worked better as friends compared to what a mess they had gotten into before. William smiled.

The song had changed. Playing on the speakers was ‘Lazy Lovers’ by Theo Tams. “I love this song.” Fallon told William. “It’s catchy.” William agreed. They danced together until the end of the song.

The night was young, Fallon danced with several masked princes, knights, and guys wearing tuxedos. She was happy Cheryl had agreed to play some of the songs Fallon liked. She listened to ‘Till The Pages Fade’ by Lauren Christoff, ‘Beat Again’ by JLS, ‘Broken Strings’ by James Morrison, and ‘Untouchable’ by Girls Aloud, to name a few.

She was with Christopher again; he wouldn’t let her sit for a minute. They were dancing to ‘Fair-Weather-Friend’ another Theo Tams song. The song had ended. Cheryl had spoken over the sound system telling everyone that there were only two songs left before the unmasking. It must have been about fifteen minutes to midnight. Fallon had only eaten a little and drank some VitaminWater. She detested alcohol.

Before the song could start Christopher was tapped again on the shoulder. Fallon saw a guy dressed as a prince. His outfit was regal. He could have convinced Fallon that he was a real prince had this not been a masquerade ball. Fallon couldn’t get a good look at him; his mask completely obscured his face. That is a nice costume…-Fallon thought again. “May I?” The stranger asked Christopher. His voice wasn’t recognizable. Christopher turned to Fallon. “Sure.” She told him.

He held out his gloved hand. Fallon took it. He led her to the middle of the floor. The music had started to play again. It was ‘Strangers Again’ by Luigi Masi. Fallon had adored this song; she had driven Cheryl crazy when it had come out.

The masked prince apparently knew how to dance very well. He twirled her without letting her lose balance. He held her close. Fallon tried to figure out if she knew him. He hadn’t said a word to her since initially asking her to dance.

‘I wasn't looking for nothing, Just some clubbing, I spend the night out in London, ‘till you come in.’

Fallon was intrigued. Her curiosity was starting to get the better of her. She wanted to know who it was. “Do I know you?” She asked him after several moments. He only smiled. They continued to dance. There was something familiar about him.

The song was starting to end. He dipped her, as they danced.

‘Cause when we're done with our song, We've nothing to say, We're strangers again, We're going to have to move on, We'll both walk away as strangers again.’

The prince started to lean in, as if to tell her. Fallon leaned closer to hear what he was going to say. Instead he bent down slightly to kiss her lips. Fallon was caught off guard, but she didn’t break the kiss.

‘Cause when we're done with our song, We've nothing to say, We're strangers again, We're going to have to move on, We'll both walk away as strangers again.’

The song had ended. They parted. Fallon didn’t know what to say. Instead the prince bowed to her, kissed her hand, and walked away.

Fallon stood exactly where he had left her. Who was that?...- Fallon thought. She wouldn’t be able to find out now. The masked prince had left one song before the unmasking. Leaving Fallon extremely disappointed.