Can't Let Go

Last Kiss

Michael's POV:

I stand there in shock. I know she still loves me. She has every right to act this way, but I still can't believe it. Is she really saying goodbye this easily? After she just defended me?

"Hey, Mikey." She strides up to me with that same look.

"Go away, Tara. They found me innocent, not you. No thanks to you. Why aren't you in handcuffs yet?" I can't stand the sight of her anymore. How could she say I was with her? So much for love. She was just using me.

"I wanted to say goodbye to you."

"Well you said goodbye. Someone get her out of my sight." The come over and take her to her prison cell. It isn't a very long sentence, a year at most, but I hope she rots there. And in hell, where we both belong. I just want Jasmine back, but I've hurt her too bad. She's the only one who could make me feel better.

"Dude, I don't what you did, but she's bad."

"I know, Zach."

"No, Mikey, she's bad. She won't talk to Autumn or Lyssa." Cameron sits next to me.

"Cam, are you serious?" They come in then, fuming.

"He's serious, Michael. You hurt our friend! I hate your filthy stinking guts!"

"Autumn...." I start to say, but Lyssa interrupts my apology.

"You are the worst kind of jerk there is. If you were dead, I'd spit on your grave." They both spit at my feet. They walk out and I don't blame them.

"Dude." Zach and Cameron shake their heads and run after the girls. I think they are still sorta on my side, but who knows. I don't deserve anyone. I have no idea what to do.

"Jasmine, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." I sit on the bench and cry for a few hours, then pick myself up and head for home. I open the door and almost yell out, but a voice stops me.

"I just love him so much, but he really hurt me. It was a slap in the face. One day I'm the only girl in his world, the next, he's with his ex. I want to go back to him so bad, Mrs. Martinez." Then why didn't she come back everytime I offered?

"Then go back to him."

"I don't know if I could ever trust him."

"Jazz, sweetie, you've been wearing that necklace since he gave it to you." The apology necklace that I grabbed on my way home. How sweet that she never took it off.

"It's all I have of him."

"He gave it to you while he was cheating. He gave you his trust before that." I love my mom. I shut the door and walk in.

"I just don't think I can do it. Please be my second mom right now?"

"Of course, sweetheart. You did nothing wrong. In my opinion, this is right. I know it hurts now, but if you regret it, it's easier to fix." Thanks mom. Encourage our break up even further.

"Hey mom, Jazz." They both look up at me. Jasmine has been crying. She tries to hide it, but I know this girl too well. Does no one get that?

"I should really get going now."

"Jasmine, wait! I'm sorry, okay? I know I can't earn your full trust, but please give me another chance. I love you and it has always been you."

"Then why'd you cheat, Michael?" Mom leaves the room.

"Tara did something to me that I just couldn't resist."

"Yeah she did something to you all right." The anger hides her pain.

"I regret every second I was with her! How many times do I have to tell you that?" Jasmine is almost crying again.

"But you kept going back to her, even after we broke up. Was that not a wake up call?"

"It was until I saw you with Chris. I figured, if you had moved on, I could too. I also thought that Tara and I wouldn't last long."

"Then you started seeing her every night and day."

"Yeah. Then I did that." I am finally seeing it really wasn't something simple like I had thought. I knew she was hurt, but here it is. I'm really listening this time.

"Thank you for being honest with me, Michael. I just don't know how to be something you miss anymore. We have had our last kiss." Last kiss? That was a Taylor Swift song. I know that song, she made me listen to it once.

"I'll never forget you, Jasmine."

"I hope I forget you, Michael. She slams the door shut.

"Jasmine, wait!" I yell after her, but it's too late. She is pulling away from the curb and heading for who knows where. "You still have my sweatshirt."
