Can't Let Go


Jasmine's POV:

"Thank you for doing this, Jasmine."

"Sure, Alex." I have to pretend to enjoy this a little.

"No, really. I wanted to get to know you better, but I thought you hated me."

"What? No! Well, kind of. You're trying too hard to be my mom and you aren't. You never will be."

"I know, and I don't want to be. I want to be your mom, but not your mom." I am so lost.

"Can you explain that?"

"Sorry, Jasmine. I want to be your mom, your stepmom, not Holly, your real mom."

"Ya know what, Alex, I would like that." I came here ready to tell her off and hate her, but she is actually pretty cool. For nearing old. I mean, she is fifteen years older than me.

"That makes me so happy, Jasmine."

"Please you're marrying my dad, call me Jazz." She starts to tear up.

"Oh, Jazz. This is the best day. I came here expecting you to yell at me."

"I came here planning to yell." She walks over and hugs me so I hug back. Maybe I can get along with her.

"Just know you can come to me with anything."

"Thanks, Alex. Mom."

"Goodbye, Jazz. I will see you later. Oh, why I have you here, will you be one of my bridesmaids?"

"I would love to be."

"Your father will be so happy." My father? She did not just say that.

"Did he put you up to this?" I knew she wasn't this cool.

"What? Of course not! He was just hoping we could get along." Okay, maybe she is. I really need to stop judging this poor woman.

"Oh. Okay. Sorry, I kinda have trust issues right now." She sits back down.

"Because of Michael?"

"You know about Mikey?"

"Your friends are very loud and opinionated." I smile a little.

"That sounds like them." She laughs and takes my hands.

"Everything will be fine. You and Mikey are getting married now. There's obviously a part of you that still trusts him. And always did."

"Yeah, there is. The year we were together was amazing. Then we took a break, but now we're amazing again."

"I'm happy for you."

"I'm happy for you and my dad, Alex. Really I am."

"Thank you, Jazz. Now I really have to go. I will see you later." I now have to tell Mikey he was right and that isn't going to be easy.

"Hey, Mikey."

"Jazz! How'd it go?"

"Youwereright." I mumble under my breath.

"I'm sorry. I didn't hear that?" I can hear the teasing in his voice.

"You wereright."

"Not getting that last part. I was what?"

"Mikey! Don't make me say it."

"Come on. This may be the only time I hear it."

"Right, Mikey! You were right! The afternoon wasn't bad and now we're pretty close."

"See, Jazz. And you doubted me." Didn't I have reason to?

"Mikey, you're a guy. Guys aren't supposed to be right."

"Oh Jazz."

"Wanna come over? I'm almost home now."

"Sure! I'll meet you there. Bye my love." He is so sweet. I have been waiting about 10 minutes when he calls me.

"Mikey, where are you?"

"I was in a small wreck. It's fine." Poor Mikey! He loves his car, almost more than he loves me. Almost.

"Are you sure you're okay? I'll come meet you and wait with you."

"You don't have to do that, Jazz. I'm really fi...." He stops talking, but the line isn't dead.

"Mikey, are you there? Mikey? Mikey! Answer me! Michael!" I have no idea what to do. I can't talk to him and I have no clue where he is. What if he is passed out? My phone rings a few minutes after. "Mikey?"

"Is this Jasmine?"

"Yes. Where's Michael? Is he alright?"

"He's on his way to the hospital."

"What happened to him? Is Mikey gonna die?" I am about to sob but I can't yet.

"We don't know. It wasn't that bad of a crash. Go on to the hospital and they can tell you more." The person, I'm assuming it was an officer, hangs up. Then I let myself sob.
