Can't Let Go

Tara Strikes Again

Jasmine's POV:

I run into the hospital, still sobbing.

"Where is Michael Martinez? Is he alright?"

"Calm down, sweetie. He's awake." I let out my breath. The nurse looks at me, then leaves.

"Can I see him?" I ask another nurse.

"He's being examined."


"So a doctor will come get you when it is safe for visitors. He just finished being questioned, so it may be a while." At least he is okay. I'm sure the wreck wasn't his fault. He's never been a good driver, but he's safe.

"Ms. Fowler?" I jump up.

"Is he okay?"

"Yes, he's fine."

"So why did he pass out?"

"We figure it was the stress and the shock. He's car is pretty badly damaged." Poor Melinda. I still can't believe he named his car.

"Can it be fixed?"

"Oh yes." They take me back to see him.

"Hey, Mikey."

"I knew you'd be here, Jazz."

"Of course. You're my fiance and I love you. Mikey, it's you and me."

"You and me, Jazz."

"I'm so glad you're okay."

"I'm glad Melinda's okay."

"You would be. Sometimes I think you love that car more than you love me." I am joking, but he isn't.

"Not at all, Jasmine. I love you more than anything."

"More than Tara?"

"Way beyond more than Tara."

"Good." The police come in and say the other driver had fled the scene, but they just caught her.

"It was a her? I could have sworn it was a guy. Just the way he, she, drove when leaving. So she's the one that caused this?"


"Well, who is it? I need insurance info." Mikey starts to stand, then realizes he is in a hospital gown.

"I'll let you get dressed and then we'll talk." The officer starts to leave.

"I'll be right back, Mikey." I walk out with the officer.

"So, who hurt my fiance?"

"Her name is Tara Londer." Of course it was her. That girl just can't leave us alone. Dang homewrecker.

"Wait, isn't she in prison?"

"I'm back." If there wasn't a cop, I'd have slapped her so hard. Mikey runs out.

"You're what?" He is so mad.

"Back." She flashes a smile. "I was on such good behavior they let me out. The sentence was a year at most, not least."

"You were in there a week, but now you're going back. Right?" I look at the officer.

"Mr. Martinez isn't hurt, so no, she's not. Her insurance will pay for their cars and then that's it."

"Isn't she on parole or something?"

"Her daddy's a very rich man." He bends down and whispers, then walks away.

"It's true. We're loaded."

"Shut up, Tara. You could have killed Mikey!"

"That's the point and I won't give up. One of you will die. Bye." She just threatened us? Oh hell nah!

"Mikey? I don't wanna lose you."

"You won't. She's jealous."

"A jealous girl is worse than World War III Michael."

"I'll protect you."

"Mikey, this is really bad."

"It will be fine. If she tries anything, her daddy can't save her. Attempted murder can't be paid off." I don't trust him. Our lives, our future, is being threatened here. Doesn't he get that?

"Okay Mikey."
