Can't Let Go

Like Father, Like Son

Michael's POV:

Truth is, I am terrified of Tara. I have no idea what she is capable of, but I have to be strong for Jasmine.

"Let's get you home."

"Hey, Mikey, your mom said you could move out if you were engaged. Right?"

"Yeah, baby gurl." I love how she thinks, but sometimes I don't get it. She flashes her hand in my face.

"We're engaged."

"I'll get a relator and we'll look for houses as soon as we can."

"Thank you." She leans her head on me and we walk to her car. I start to drive her home. "Oh no, I'm driving."

"Why, baby gurl?"

"You were just in the hospital. And it's my car. I'm dropping you off at your house."

"Don't I get to visit with you?"

"I'm sure your mom will want to see you." It is kind of weird she didn't show up. I guess she wanted to give me some time alone with Jasmine.

"Where was she?"

"Mikey, you're 23, 24 next month. I don't think she was called."

"Next month, oh man. Baby gurl, in a month and a half, we'll have known each two years."

"Ignore the break, Mikey. We've been dating almost two years."

"It's amazing how quickly time passes."

"Well, waiting for your trial to start took some time."

"Yeah, it did."

"Let's ignore that. We're together again and that's all I care about." She is so sweet. I know she is just trying to forget what I did. She drops me off at home.

"I will see you later, Jazz."

"See ya, Mikey. Oh wait, you're phone."

"Thanks." I go inside.

"Mikey, where were you?" Mom jumps the moment I get inside.

"I was in a wreck. I was at the hospital being checked out." Her anger disappears and she hugs me.

"My baby! Are you okay? What about Jasmine and Melinda?"

"We're all fine, Jazz wasn't with me. Well, not Melinda. The whole bumper fell off and a few other things. Tara's insurance has to cough up some money." The anger is back.

"Tara? She caused this?"

"She hit me then left. She got out of prison on good behavior. No parole either." I can't tell mom that Tara wants to kill me or Jasmine. She would freak out.

"Mikey, that girl is bad news."

"I know that now, mom."

"If only you knew before. I guess we all make mistakes and have to deal with them." I don't want to deal with this mistake. I start crying and mom thinks it was from the wreck.

"Your car will be fine, you're fine. So is Jasmine. No one got hurt Mikey." I don't want to move out. Mom knows exactly what to say and do. I don't have to be strong for her.

"Thanks, mom. It's nice having you to talk with."

"What about Jasmine?"

"I have to be her protector."

"No, you have to be you. I don't think she would mind if you broke down a few times."

"I have to be strong for her."

"No you don't, baby." She holds me in her arms and for a moment, I am 5 again.

"Mom, Jazz and I are gonna look for houses soon."

"That's amazing. I'm glad you two worked everything out. She is the missing part of this family. The girl I always needed to have around."

"She's the girl I need in my life."

"Then I guess it's good she forgave you."

"Do girls usually do that?"

"When they know in their heart it's right. Did you know I was once cheated on." I didn't know about many of her relationships.

"No. Did you forgive him?"

"Yes I did. He was my first boyfriend and I loved him so much. Maybe more than Jasmine loves you. I would have done anything for this boy. I was in high school and he cheated on me. I broke up with him right after and didn't turn back. We graduated and I still couldn't look at him. The thought of him disgusted me."

"Didn't you say you forgave him?" Her story is going nowhere in the right direction.

"I'm getting there. A few years later, after a couple other boyfriends, this guy came back begging for my forgiveness. He had tried before, but I wouldn't listen. I was in my third year of college when I finally talked to him. I mean, he wouldn't give up. That was true love."

"So what happened to this guy?" I want to know why they broke up again. Not to put her through torture, but to know where dad came in. She said she met him her third year of college.

"I married him."

"That story was about dad?"

"Yup." She kisses me and leaves to pick up something for dinner.
