Can't Let Go

Tara Strikes Yet Again

Michael's POV:

"Move it or I'm leaving without you." She did this on moving day, now she is going to make us late for tour.

"Sorry, Mikey." She kisses me.

"You're forgiven, Jazz."

"Mikey, what are we working on?" She had been "training" me to not give in when a girl kisses me, even if it's my fiance.

"Sorry, Jazz. I'm workin on it."

"I know you are. And you're getting better. Hey, at least it's this habit and not drugs or something."

"Let's go get on that bus now."

"Okay, Mikey." We are the last two on there, so we get the crappy bunks.

"This is what you get, baby gurl."

"I've learned now and it'll be different next time." She walks in front and takes the least crappy bunk. This will be a great 2 and half months.

"Did you guys book hotel rooms?" Lyssa is leaning over her bunk.

"You bet we did."

"Cool. You girls sleep here." Zach jokes.

"Mikey." Jasmine stares me down.

"Sorry, babe." I can't stand these bunks.

"Cam?" Autumn tries to break him down.

"Zach?" Lyssa does pouty lips and he kisses her.

"No." We say in unison. The girls go to pout, then start whispering. They are definatly planning something. I walk over there after about an hour and they stop talking.

"Whatcha girls talking about?"

"Throwing a party, trashing the bus."

"Autumn!" Jasmine and Lyssa yell at her.

"Sorry, I mean, uh, planning our weddings." So they want revenge on us. I'll let them believe they can get it.

"Well, have fun with your "wedding" plans. See you girls later, we have soundcheck."

"Dude, what are they doing?" Zach asks as soon as I walk in the door.

"Planning revenge for us making them sleep on the bus."

"What do you think they wanna do?"

"No idea, Cam." I don't know how girls think all the time.

"Maybe they're gonna rip our clothes up."

"Really, Zach? They aren't monsters, they're just girls."

"Angry girls."

"Good point." That is pretty close to a monster. In fact, it's actually a lot worse.

"Speaking of angry girls, have you heard from Tara? Last I remember, she was threatining your lives."

"She's been out of sight."


"Thanks, Cam. I feel so much safer now." Autumn and Lyssa come in.

"Where's Jazz?" They turn around. Well that's never a good sign.

"She was right behind us!" I hear a scream and sprint. Jasmine is on the ground, bleeding and unconscious. Tara is running down the street. I have to help Jasmine and this is the best way.

"Tara!" She turns and I snap a picture. Hardcore proof, I also hit record. I know this girl.

"She'll die and you'll feel the pain I did!" Then I call for an ambulance to help her. The others come running out. Autumn and Lyssa are crying.

"We should have put her in front of us. I'm so sorry, Mikey."

"Autumn, this isn't your fault. We hadn't heard from her. None of us. Thought that." I can't speak because the tears are threating. Zach and Cameron put their hands on my shoulder. "I have to go. I'll be back for the show. Zach, take this." I throw him my phone.

"Why do I want this?"

"Look at pictures, listen to the recording. Call the cops." The ambulance doors shut and I hold Jasmine's hand. "Please wake up, baby gurl." The tears drop and she opens her eyes.

"Hey, Mikey." She sounds so weak, which only makes me cry harder.

"Jasmine! Oh you poor thing." I want to hug her, but I don't want to hurt her.

"Tara." She starts to say.

"Miss, please don't speak."

"I know it was Tara, Jasmine. She won't get away with this. Zach's already calling the cops. Her daddy can't buy her out of this." She smiles and squeezes my hand. Her way of thanking me.

"I love you."

"I love you, too, Jazz."

"Miss, don't talk."

"She'll talk if she wants to." I say, defending her.

"Fine." I think he is tired of us, but I don't care.

"You'll make it out of this just fine, baby gurl. They'll check you out, I'll tell you it'll be okay, play the show, meet fans, then come back here to get you. I'm sure Autumn and Lyssa will stay with you. I'm sorry I have to leave you."

"Fans." She cuts off.


"Fans need you." I push her hair back. She still has zero strength.

"Maybe you shouldn't speak right now." They check her out, the other 4 meet us there, and say all she has is a concussion. She shouldn't sleep for 48 hours.

"That's not a problem. Can we keep her on a sugar high to keep her up?"

"As long as she doesn't sleep."

"Nice!" Lyssa and Autumn are crazy girls, but they are good friends. Maybe living next to them won't be so terrible. They can keep her company when needed.

"Bye, Jasmine. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Take your time babe. Don't cut out on the fans."

"What if I'm not back before 2 this morning to get you?"

"Autumn and Lyssa are here. Fans, then me." Now that she is starting to get stronger, she is fighting back. I can tell she is getting tired though.

"Okay, if you insist."

"I do."

"Save those words for later."

"Mikey." We kiss and I leave.
