Can't Let Go


Jasmine's POV:

Tour is over and now Mikey and I are going to watch Tara get put away. They said there was a chance she'd be found innocent, but Mikey's phone was good evidence. We aren't allowed to go in, they don't want her to get mad and yell or cry.

"They found her guilty. She won't get out for a long time." My lawyer comes out of the courtroom. Mikey kisses me, then cheers.

"This is amazing, baby gurl."

"Yes it is."

"Let's head home. We still have to send out wedding invites." We are getting married in exactly one month.

"Mikey, we're really doing this."

"Are you getting scared?"

"No, I'm happy. After everything we've been through, we're really doing this. I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Jazz."

"Oh shoot, we have to go!"

"What, why? Today's Thursday." How could he forget something so important?

"Tonight is dad and Alex's rehersal dinner!" Their wedding is tomorrow night.

"What time? It's 3 now."

"Then we have 4 hours to get ready and get there."

"Crap!" I take his hand and run.

"Just move." I yell at him. We run in at 6:55.

"Hey, we thought you guys forgot."

"We had Tara's trial today."

"How'd it go?" Dad is still in shock over what happened. Alex is so sweet.

"Let's just say, she won't need a wedding invite. Or a card when Mikey and I celebrate our 20th anniversary."

"That's amazing, Jazz."

"Thanks, Alex." The night was amazing and around 11, Mikey and I go home to finish our invitations.

"This is it, Jazz."

"Put em in the mail, Mikey." He comes back a few seconds later and spins me around.

"We're getting married."

"Yes we are."

"We have one month to back out." Mikey the joker.

"Well, I'm not going to."

"Neither am I."

"Good. I don't know what'd I do without you."

"Baby gurl, you'd be so lost."

"Shut up and go to bed." I turn off all the lights and go upstairs.

"My mom was right." Oh, he did not just say that.

"Right about what?"

"How a wife is supposed to boss you around. I was saying I'd miss her telling me to go to bed and she said that's what a wife does." In a way that's kind of sweet. I think.

"Mikey, that is so werid! Now seiously, go to bed." I laugh and fall asleep in his arms. I wake up still in his arms.

"Good morning, Michael Martinez."

"Jasmine Fowler, you're up early."

"It's 10 in the morning."

"Like I said, early."

"Get up you lazy bum. What do we have for breakfast?" I am starving right now.

"Bread and milk. Make of it what you want."

"We need to go shopping." I sit at the table and make a list.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Mikey, we're hopefully going to be in this house for many years. We need food to eat."

"We can eat out."

"And get fat blowing all our money? No way. Just trust me." He just needs to learn to do what I say.

"As you wish my love."

"Do you wanna be super skinny when we get married? Our kids will look at those photos."

"Good point. I'm glad you can be reasonable, Jazz."

"That's my job now. Now make me some toast."

"Make your own toast." He laughs and throws the loaf of bread at me. I stand up.

"I think I heard you wrong." He grabs the loaf from my hands.

"I'd love to make my fiance toast."

"Nope, I heard right." If this was any indication of our life together, I am going to love it.
