Can't Let Go

A Night Of Pranks

Jasmine's POV:

"Lyssa, A, Mikey's mom bought hamburgers from the place Mikey and I had our first date at and he sang our song!"

"You are so lucky to have him." They are nearing their one years; Zach and Cameron were a little slow to ask. Mikey asked me out the night we met.

"Zach and Cameron are really sweet. I know you two will be in heaven."

"You really think so?" Autumn asks. I already know what the guys had planned for them.

"I know so."

"You better be right." Lyssa is staring at me.

"Geez, stop being so negative. Have trust in your guys."

"We do, it's you we don't trust." Autumn starts laughing.

"I swear I don't know why I'm friends with you."

"Cause ya love us." Lyssa teases. She is insane, but right.

"I hate when you're right."

"Course ya do." Autumn isn't as crazy, but she still is. To be my best friend you had to be slightly off your rocker. We are sitting in my apartment, getting ready for our monthly sleepover. We have to make sure we never drift, so once a month we would have a sleepover. This month it was my turn to host.

"I happen to know the guys are hanging at Zach's tonight. Prank call anyone?" Personally, I think Autumn is brilliant.

"I don't know. What if he gets mad?"

"Lys, don't worry. He laughed last time didn't he?"

"I guess so." She starts to agree.

"Cam spilled the details. They're watching a certain scary movie. In one hour, we'll call and say that they will die in 7 days."

"Autumn! We can't scare Zach like that!" And she's out again.

"Come on, Lys. You agree with me, right, Jazz?" Autumn turns to look at me, begging.

"Sorry, Lys. I agree with Autumn. It'd be funny. Then we can go knock on the door and hide. The third or fourth time, we'll let them know it was us." She finally starts laughing.

"Okay, let's do this." We gossip about the boys for an hour.

"Okay, they're at the part." We have this movie memorized and know when the guys started it. Lyssa did some thing to hide her number. I'm not a techy person.

"Hello?" Zach answers and we try not to laugh.

"You will die in 7 days." Lyssa sounds so creepy and I love it!

"Oh my God! We're gonna die!" He screams like a little girl and hangs up. I can picture him running around like a little girl. We roll on the floor laughing.

"Time to scare them for good." We drive over and knock on the door, then hide. The lights are on and Zach answeres the door.

"Hello? Is anyone out here." He goes inside and we do it again. "This isn't funny. Who are you?" We rustle the bushes and alll 3 guys run out of the house, screaming.

"Hi boys. Something wrong?" I ask, laughing.

"You." They are laughing now.

"You should have seen your faces. It was amazing." I tease them.

"Wait, I got their faces." Autumn pulls out her camera.

"What would the fans think of their brave knights?" Lyssa starts joining in. She always comes around in the end.

"You girls are too much sometimes."

"But you love us anyways."

"Of course." We run to their arms and go inside to finish the movie.

"If you want to have a guys night, we can leave. It's girls night for us."

"You can stay right here." Zach is so nice to always host all of us.

"I agree." Cam always takes his side.

"I love spending time with my baby gurl." Mikey put his arms tighter around me.

"I love spending time with you, too, Mikey."

"Shut up. We're trying to watch a movie here." Zach. Ya gotta love him, even when you hate him. We finish the movie, which was almost over anyway. After, the guys walk us to Autumn's car.

"This means war. When you least expect it." They say that the worst fear you can have is of the unknown. I think that's what Zach is trying to do.

"I don't believe you."

"Oh you should, baby gurl."

"Mikey. You wouldn't hurt me." I fake being shocked.

"No, I wouldn't." We hug and Autumn yells at me to get in the car. We head back prepared for the guys to get us back. We don't sleep for a second.

"Do you think they'll actually do something?"

"It's 4 in the morning. They'd have gotten us by now." We hear a noise and scream.

"It was just a branch outside." At least Lyssa is calm. Another noise hits and the lights flash.

"I know that was the air conditioner." It happens all the time. Then the power goes out. We keep screaming and someone is scratching on the door. It had to be the guys, but how'd they get the power. They probably payed the janitor or something.

"Zach, this isn't funny!" Lyssa yells out, but we get no answer.

"Mikey, I'm gonna kill you!" He won't care.

"Cam." That is all Autumn has to say. Cameron runs in.

"I'm sorry babe." He says. The others follow in and Mikey hugs me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, Mikey. I'm fine."

"Softies." Zach says, then looks at Lyssa.

"Lys? Am I forgiven?" She stands there for a second then runs into his arms.

"This time."
