Can't Let Go

Dirty Little Secret

Michael's POV:

"Come on, don't you guys feel a little bad?" It's 5 in the morning and we are back at Zach's. I feel terrible about scaring Jazz, Autumn, and Lyssa. Even if they did deserve it.

"Jazz has power back doesn't she? Always important in the middle of August."

"That's not the point, Zach. They played a harmless prank on us, we actually scared them." Cam is joining my side for once.

"They scared us! And got a picture!" Zach is getting really defensive.

"What happened to that picture?" I feel like my mom right now.

"They deleted it right away."

"And admit it, Zach, you, me, and Cam all ran out screaming partially from fear, and part to play their game. Make them feel like they really got us."

"Man, now I feel worse. I already felt bad when I saw Lyssa."

"As did we when we saw our girls scared." Cameron says.

"Well, I better get home. Mom will freak if I'm not home by 7."

"Oh, you have that family thing today." I always have family stuff on Sunday's.

"Yup. And I'd like an hour and a half of sleep."

"See ya." I start to head home when I see her in the shadows. My first love.

"Hi, Michael."

"Tara Holden." I am fighting back my feelings. I can't love her. She is my ex.

"Don't fight it, Mikey baby. We could go right back to where we left off."

"No. I'm with Jasmine and I love her." Tara kisses me and I kiss her back.

"Still love Jasmine?" She asks.

"Jasmine who?" I walk back with Tara to her house.

"Oh, Mikey. Do you know how much I've missed you being in my house."

"I've missed it, too, baby gurl." She's not my baby girl, Jasmine is.

"Don't fight your feelings, Mikey."

"I'm not." I tuck her hair behind her ears and kiss her. It feels so good to be back with Tara.

"Michael, I love you."

"I love you, too, Tara."

"Mikey, didn't you say something about having to be home soon?" I see it's 6:30.

"Crap. I gotta go. I'll see you later, Tara."

"What about Jasmine?"

"Who said she has to know?"

"There's the Mikey I know." She kisses me and I leave. Let's just say, a lot happened in that hour, hour and a half. However long it was. I walk in right before 7.

"Michael Allen Martinez?"

"It's 6:58 so I am on time. Sorry, I fell asleep at Zach's."

"Is that why you have lipstick on your face?" I wipe my cheek and see it.

"We scared the girls around 4, then headed back home and slept. They were doing makeovers, so Jazz had lipstick on." She would kill me if she found out. I just know it.

"I'm going to believe that. Mikey, go get an hour of sleep."

"Don't we have to leave at 8?"

"We leave at 9. You can get ready in an hour can't you?"

You bet." I run upstairs and almost run into my dad.

"Good night, son." He laughs and walks downstairs. An hour later mom comes in to get me.

"Come eat something, then get dressed." I run downstairs and shovel in pancakes and put on the dreaded suit. I can't stand family days, but it is required while I am living with my parents. I basically just have to spend all day with them. I want to tour really soon. We go out to eat.

"Isn't that your ex, Tara?" I look where dad is pointing. What is she doing here?

"Yeah it is. I have to go." I run to the bathrooms and make sure she sees me.

"Just can't go without seeing me?"

"What we did this morning was wrong."

"Was it really, Michael?" This is crazy, but she keeps pulling me back in.

"Yes, it was." She kisses me.

"Is it still?" That kiss paired with that look and I am hers again.

"Like I said this morning, who has to know."

"We can just be friends with benefits. Then when you tell Jasmine we're friends, it's not a total lie."

"That sounds amazing!" She has a hold of me and I can't get free.

"Then I'll see you tonight." She winks and walks away. What am I getting myself in? I walk back to the table.

"Feeling better, Mikey?"

"Yeah, mom."

"I saw Tara walk over right after. Did you two talk?"

"Yes, we did."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. We're really good friends now." If they only knew.

"Well that's good. It's important to not have enemies." I am doing the same thing to Jazz that Tara did to me. Cheating, but keeping it a secret. Maybe Tara and I won't last long. We couldn't.
