Can't Let Go

Jasmine meets Tara

Jasmine's POV:

"Hey, Mikey. How was family fun day?" Every Sunday he has to spend most of the day with his family, so right at 7 that evening, I call him.

"Huh, whu, yeah, it was great."

"Are you stuttering, Mikey."

"No! I'm not stuttering." He sounds scared.

"Geez it was just a joke. I know you'd never cheat on me." It is so much fun to mess with him sometimes. This time he took it way too serious.

"Yup, it was. Hey, come outside." I look out my window and he is standing there. I run outside and the smell of rain is fresh.

"Mikey! You never visit me on Sundays. In the whole year we've dated. Well, there was the time after our first date. Remember when You And Me came on and I told you I didn't wanna dance, but you made...." He kisses me.

"Just let me come inside before it rains again." He laughs and walks into my apartment.

"Hello, Mikey." What a greeting he gives.

"Hey." As he always does, he heads to the kitchen and sits on my couch. We watch movies all night and he falls asleep. He looks so peaceful. I put my head on his chest and fall asleep. At around 2, his mom calls and yells at him to get home.

"I love you, Jazz." He runs toward home. I go to my room and fall asleep. Around 7, the phone rings.

"Jasmine, please tell me you're with Mikey."

"No, he left at 2 this morning. When you called him and told him he had to get home."

"I never called him this morning, until just now." My heart sinks. Mikey lied to me.

"So you have no idea where he is?"

"No....wait a minute, Jasmine, someone just decided to grace us with his precense." I can tell he is really in for it.

"Tell him he needs to call me when you're done with him." She's not the only one who is going to yell at him today.

"If he even has phone rights after I'm done with him."

"Please, Mrs. Martinez. He owes me an explanation."

"Okay, Jazz." Around 10, he calls me.

"Where did you go after you left here?!" I don't even let him say hello.

"To buy you a gift."

"And you were gone for 5 hours?!" I don't believe him for a second.

"It was a long drive. I'm sorry."

"I think you're lying to me just like you did this morning."

"Come over. I'll prove it to you." I drive over.

"K. Show me." I am ready to be let down.

"Turn around." He puts a necklace on me.

"Oh, Mikey, it's beautiful. I'm sorry I didn't turst you."

"It was wrong of me to lie." I don't want to think of that anymore.

"It's over, Mikey. I love you so much. Hey, where else did you go this morning?" I have to know if he'd tell me the truth or not.

"I don't know. I just kinda drove around. Didn't wanna come home right away." He is lying. He went somewhere else that he doesn't want to tell me about.

"Okay, Mikey. Well, I have some cleaning to do."

"I'll come with you." He gets up to follow me.

"Autumn and Lyssa are coming over." I stop him in his tracks and walk out and go home. I call the girls and they run over.

"What happened?" They ask as soon as I open the door.

"Mikey's up to something. He got a call at 2 in the morning, said it was his mom, and left. His mom called me at 7 asking where he was."

"Did you ask him about it?" Lyssa wants to believe he's innocent, just like I do.

"He said he was buying me this necklace."

"Then I don't see a problem."

"Autumn! Let me finish. I asked where else he went and he said he just drove around."

"Oh, Jazz. Something's really wrong." Lyssa shuts the door and sits down.

"I know, Lys. I just don't know what it is."

"We'll figure it out. Maybe he did just drive around, I do that sometimes." Of course Autumn does.

"I know he wouldn't cheat on me."

"I hate being the one to say it, but that's what it sounds like."

"No, Lyssa! He's not! He can't! Can he?"

"I don't know." They both hug me and say they have to leave, but would get any information they could. They call around 3 with the words I knew I couldn't handle.

"Come to the park now, Jazz."

"Why, Autumn?"

"He's with another girl." I knew it, but it could be anyone. I run down there as fast as he can. He leans in to kiss her and I go all jealous girlfriend.

"Mikey, hey. How are you baby? Who is this?" I pretend that I didn't even see her until just now.

"This is a friend, Tara."

"Hi, Tara, I'm Jasmine. Mikey's girlfriend." I force my hand out and she shakes it. Neither one them will look at me.

"Hi, Jasmine. I've heard a lot about you." Of course she has. Mikey always talks about me.

"Well, I better go. It was really nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you, too, Jasmine." I overreacted. She is just a friend of his.
