Can't Let Go

Jazz Finds Out

Michael's POV:

"That was too close, Tara. That's twice now we've almost been caught by her." I have to end things with Tara before they go any farther than they have.

"One of those wouldn't have happened if you didn't fall asleep over there. I had to call you, Mikey." I can't believe she blames me.

"You called me at 2 in the morning."

"I'm sorry, Mikey. I was just looking forward to seeing you. I wanted to make sure you were okay and still coming." She gives me the puppy dog face.

"I would never leave you, baby gurl." So much for this not lasting long.

"I know, Mikey. It just felt like it."

"I showed up, didn't I?" I have to keep Tara happy. She could run to Jasmine if I don't.

"Yes you did, my little pumpkinmuffin." She hasn't called me that in forever.

"Oh, sugarcakes." She falls into my arms and I kiss her.

"I have to go, Mikey. When will I see you again?"

"Soon." I assure her as she leaves. I have to spend time with Jasmine to make up for leaving. I drive to her apartment.

"Mikey, back so soon?" I can tell she is still sour over the past few hours.

"I just can't resist you, Jazz."

"Awww, Mikey. I can't be mad at you." She runs to me and I run to her.

"You have my undivided attention until 10. Mom's giving me a curfew." Another lie coming your way, Jazz. Don't buy it, I'm only hurting you. Of course I can't tell her this. I just want her to know without me saying it.

"5 hours? There's so much TV we can watch."

"I'll order the pizza." It is a normal night for us. Just before 10, I leave.

"Bye, Mikey. I'll see you soon."

"I love you, Jasmine, don't forget that."

"Why would I?"

"No reason." I kiss her and head toward Tara's house.

*Jasmine's POV*

Again at 7, Mikey's mom calls me. This better not become a routine.

"Jazz, I know you're answer, but is Mikey there?" Deja vu.

"No, mom. He left at 10. For his curfew. Was that another lie?" I know her answer.

"I'm afraid so. And just like yesterday, I hear him sneaking in his window."

"Mrs. Martinez, let him out tonight. I wanna follow him and see where he goes." She finally agrees. That night we do the same thing as last night, except he was only over from 7 until 10. He gets in his car and I get in my mine. I've known him for a year, so I know something is up. I park outside the house he pulls into. Is he at his friend's house? I see them in the window, clothes coming off, then the blinds are drawn. I knew he was cheating on me, but I can't believe it. And he said Tara was just a friend. Apparently she's a very good friend. I get out of my car and knock on the door.

"Mikey, that must be the pizza. Will you get it?" He mumbles something and comes downstairs. He answers the door in boxers with his hair messed up.

"How much is it?" He asks, reaching for his wallet.

"I don't know. My forgiveness is expensive." He looks up.


"Goodbye, Mikey. Don't bother following me."

"No, uh, Jazz, stop."

"Mikey, you're stuttering." I walk to my car and speed away. At least he has someone to fall back to. Fortunately, so do I.

"Hello? Jazz, is that really you?"

"Yes, Chris. It's me."
