Can't Let Go

Moving On

Jasmine's POV:

On my way to Chris's, I call the girls, dad, and Mikey's parents. None of them could believe he cheated. I called Mrs. Martinez first and she told me Tara was his ex. That made the others reactions even worse. Including mine. How could he go back to an ex?

"Jasmine, honey, what happened?" Chris was my best friend, then he asked me out and things just got weird. I had just started dating Mikey so I said no because some of us don't cheat.

"Mikey was cheating on me."


"I broke up with him."

"I'm so sorry." I see him try to hide a smile and I can't help but laugh.

"No you aren't."

"I'm really not. Jazz, I love you."

"I want to give you a chance, Chris."

"Thank you." He hugs me. He isn't Mikey, but maybe that's okay. I think that's what I need right now. People become an ex for a reason.

"You gotta meet my friends! We're hanging out tomorrow."

"So am I your boyfriend?"

"I bounce back fast." He kisses me and it feels so right. No, it feels like Mikey.

"Well, I better go."

"I will see you tomorrow, Jazz."

"Pick me up at 10 so we can get to the beach by 11."

"It doesn't take that long to get there."

"Does if you take a detour." I smile.

"I gotcha." He smiles and I leave. As I drive home, Last Kiss by Taylor Swift comes on the radio. It is so perfect for Mikey. I never thought we'd have a last kiss, until we did. When I get home I find his sweatshirt and put it on. I just sit on the floor crying and playing Last Kiss and Stuttering.

"Why, Mikey!!!!" I hate him so much, but I have Chris and he has Tara. That was it.

*Michael's POV*

I can't believe she caught me. I should have been honest with her or dropped Tara. Now we are both hurting.

"Did you get the pizza?"

"No. It was no one. Stupid young kids playing tricks."

"K." She seems like she's getting mad.

"Hey, Tara, I dumped Jasmine today for us. Come with me to the beach tomorrow and you can meet my friends. I'm sure she won't be there." Can I stop lying? Apparently not.

"I would love to."

"We'll leave here at 10."

"Don't you meet them at 11?"


"Mikey." For probably the first time in her life, Tara blushes.

"Come on. Zach, Cameron, Autumn, and Lyssa will love you."

"Okay. Just stay over tonight and we can leave from here instead of you coming back."

"Sounds good. They don't know what clothes I'm wearing." I call mom to tell her I am staying with Jasmine.

"Okay, Mikey. I'll see you after the beach tomorrow." She says and hangs up.

"I'm all yours, T."

"I've missed those words, Mikey."

"What about the pizza?"

"You're such a guy." She kisses me and the pizza is forgotten.

"I'm your guy."

"Yes you are, Michael." I normally can't stand being called Michael, but Tara made it sexy.

"I love you, Tara."

"I love you, Mikey. Are you thinking of Jasmine?" She is insane.

"Jasmine who?"

"That's what I wanted to hear." We fall asleep in each other's arms. Sure my friends would be shocked to see Tara, but they'd get over it. It's not like Jasmine would even be there. She is probably crying herself to sleep right now.
