Status: Let me know if I should add to this. Opinions would be great.

Just a random short story.

Walk with me through darkness.

As Aleksandra watched the shadow move down the alley, her heart told her to be afraid. She couldn't bring herself to fear the vampire that stalked her dreams produced her nightmares and wanted her blood. She knew what needed to be done, she wanted to be with him forever and always. "Hello Aleksandra" he said while stepping out of the shadows, glowing faintly against the dark night. "Hello Kevin." she replied becoming very nervous about her pending fate. "So you have chosen your final destination." "I have. I want to be with you." she says while looking into his clear blue eyes she slid her arms around his neck, twisting her fingers into his brown hair. Sliding his hands around her waist he asked "Are you sure this is what you want?" "Yes, I'm sure." She replied before gently kissing his lips sealing her confidence in him. "Don't be afraid love. I'd never hurt you." He said tilting her head to the side before sinking his teeth into her tender throat. The lifelessness took control of her senses as she let go of this life and stepped into eternity.