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The Dead Can't Testify


Late October Jackson, Wyoming

It was cold and the rain didn’t make the autumn evening any warmer. The streetlights were reflecting off of the wet asphalt. A few leaves fell off the trees as the wind rustled through them. 

The sound of footsteps was heard down the sidewalk. It wasn’t that late, but the sun was already setting behind the trees of the nearby forest. A young woman walked down the sidewalk. Headphones in, she was humming along to the song that was now playing on her iPod. She hugged the coat tighter around her tall figure. Leaves were bustling around under foot. She checked her phone. The clock on the screen read 8:30pm. She continued walking.

Passing the path through the forest she stopped. Should she take the shortcut home through the forest or the long way around? She thought of her boyfriend at home, most likely he made something warm to eat for supper. Collecting all her courage she stepped onto the path.

The gravel was wet and clumpy from the rain. There were a few puddles here and there, but she managed to avoid them with ease. She heard the rushing of the river as she neared the small bridge. It was slippery but with ease she could cross it. Good thing she wasn’t wearing heels.

The rain was pouring down harder now. Tugging at her hood from the coat she stepped onto the wooden bridge. She grasped the wooden railing. Muttering she started to walk across. The rain suddenly stopped and and the wind picked up. It was colder than it originally was. In the middle of the bridge, stood a figure. A young girl, not more than 16 years old. Her hair was matted and wet. She had a rucksack flung over her shoulder. There were marks around her neck and wrists. She was only wearing a t-shirt and some jeans. She didn’t say anything nor did it look like she was intending to move. They young woman decided she was going to try to squeeze past the girl on the rickety bridge. As she walked by, she lost her footing and her converse started to slide on the wet structure. She cried out for help, but the young girl glared at her. Soon she lost control, and plummeted the 5 feet into the river’s rocky cradle.
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Hey guys! I decided to write a All Time Low/ Supernatural crossover. Let's call in Super Time Low :p haha So this is just an introduction. If you watch Supernatural, this chapter is meant to be like the beginning of the show that "foreshadows" the events. Seeing I can't put this into film, here it is in words.

Note: I've never been to the States other than Chicago and NYC. What I write here is fictional.

More Jack, Alex, Sam, and Dean in the chapters to come.
Hopefully you enjoy. Comments are greatly appreciated. :)