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Down and Out of Luck

Chapter no.1

I sat on the dirty ground of an Alleyway that I wasn’t familiar with. I was about 1am, and I was a mess, my jeans were stained with some sort of unexplainable substance, my tank top was coated with dust and dirt, and my shirt was ripped in several places.

I had been kicked out of home. This didn’t surprise me; I had expected to be kicked out at least a few months ago. I had come home high again, for at least the tenth time this month; my parents had to be getting sick of it by now. I remembered what had happened just a few hours ago;


I walked through the door with a strange smile on my face; I had spent the last ten hours at the park with my drug dealer, Chris, also known as my best friend. We were getting high , which was quite tame for us, when I thought of the more hard-core drugs that we usually took together, acting like douchebags in the park for the whole day. That was my idea of a fun day!

My parents didn’t agree, they made their way over to me, a frown on both their faces. “where the hell have you been, Zoey? you’ve been gone all damn day!” my father said in a stern voice. I giggled, “no-wheere!” I laughed, making their frowns grow on their face “are you drunk?!” my mother asked, trying to control her voice. I shook my head, still giggling “oh my god Carol, she’s high again!” my father sighed, sounding angry and disappointed.

“That is disgusting, I can smell it on you!” my mother yelled “get the fuck out of my house! I don’t want you here! you’re 17, you should be able to act like an adult. I’ve put up with you for far too long, I want you out! now!” she shoved me out the door, slamming it behind me. I stood there, looking at the door, a dumb-founded expression on my face.

**end flashback**

I put my head in my hands, the high had worn out ages ago, leaving the stinging reality of being homeless. I didn’t have a job, not to mention that I wouldn’t get one looking like I do, dirty. I had gone way too far, I should have stopped while I could. I stood up and grabbed out my phone, I dialled Chris’s number and waited for him to pick up “c’mon, c’mon!” I groaned as the phone rang, he was my only chance to get a place to sleep tonight. “the person that you have dialled is not available at this ti-“ I hung up “fuck!” I yelled, throwing a punch into the nearest wall, “oof!” I huffed, cradling my hand to my chest “shit! I’m stupid!” I moaned. I tried wiping away the blood that was flowing from my knuckles.

There was a sound behind me and I whipped around, an incredibly tall man stood at the opening of the alley-way “hey! Are you okay?” he asked, making his way over to me. I figured that he had to be drunk, no one would be out here at 1.30 in the morning, sober. “stay away from me!” I snarled, stepping backwards, he chuckled “calm down! I’m not gonna hurt you or anything” he told me, I still looked at him, distrust on my face “you look tired, and dirty, are you okay out here?” he asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

I nodded but he didn’t look convinced “let me see your hand” he said, I shook my head but he grabbed it anyway “what’d you do?” he asked, frowning at me, I couldn’t really see his features, seeing as the dark alley shielded his face, I could only make out that he was tall, and male. “I punched the wall” I told him, making him let out a loud laugh “well that was stupid” he told me, I could hear a smile on his face.

“tell me something I don’t know” I said, rolling my eyes “are you okay out here all alone?” he asked. I nodded, and he frowned “that’s not what it looks like”, I pulled away from him “I’m fine, just leave me alone” I muttered, waking away quickly. I heard him sigh “I can’t just leave you out here, at least let me take you home?” he offered. I grimaced “I don’t have a home” I told him “I was kicked out for being a terrible daughter” he chuckled “I know the feeling” he chuckled. Making me grin for the first time all night “what, being a terrible daughter?” I asked, smiling cheekily.

“Not. what I meant” he chuckled, “the names Jimmy by the way” he said, holding his hand out for a handshake. I used my good arm to shake his hand “I’m Zoey” I replied, making him smile “that’s a nice name” I nodded and smiled, I had always liked my name.

“Please, I won’t kill you, just come stay at mine for a while, get yourself back on your feet?” I looked down, I didn’t know if I could trust Jimmy, though I didn’t have many options at this point, “I dunno”

“come on! please! I don’t wanna have to worry about you” he said, pouting at me, I groaned “fine!” he cheered and pulled me towards a fancy looking car, opening the door and showing me in. I got in and he got into the driver’s seat.

About 20 minutes later he pulled up to a mansion, I got out of the car, smiled and looked up it, it was huge! “woah! Nice place” I murmured. Making him grin and throw his arm around my shoulders “I know!” he laughed. I grinned and he pulled me inside, “where’s your bathroom? I think I need to have a shower” I laughed, he nodded, screwing up his nose “I agree” I laughed and hit him in the chest “shut up!” I laughed.

“here, come on, I’ll get you a towel and fix up a room for you!” he yelled pulling me up some stairs and into a bathroom, “towels are in the cabinet, have a good shower!” he grinned. I grabbed a towel and undressed, getting in the shower. I took extra time to clean myself thoroughly and wash my hair, it felt good to be clean again.

After I was clean, I got out of the shower and dried myself quickly, I walked out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped around me, I didn’t want to put on my dirty disgusting clothes again, so I wandered around, looking around the huge house for any sign of Jimmy.

“hello?” I asked “Jimmy?!” I called, walking into the living room “Zoey?!” I heard Jimmy running down the stairs “oh! I panicked, I couldn’t find yo-….i should get you some clothes” he said, looking at my tiny towel. I nodded and he grinned, “come on, there’s some in your new room” he said, running up the stairs again, I tried to keep up but it was almost impossible “Jimmy! Slow down!” he laughed and stopped, waiting for me to catch up with him. “sorry, you have tiny legs” he grinned, patting my on the head, he was at least a whole foot taller than me.

Jimmy led me into a beautiful little room “wow! This is so pretty !” I said, smiling “you can take anything from that closet over there, I have some old shirts and jumpers. get some rest kiddo” Jimmy told me, walking out and closing the door. I fell onto the bed and was asleep within seconds.
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first chapter! let me know what you think! :D